Nets Give Trump Boycott 3 Times More Coverage Than Actual GOP Debate

January 29th, 2016 10:14 AM
After devoting nearly ten minutes of air time to Donald Trump’s boycott of the Republican debate on Thursday’s evening newscasts (rather than preview the debate itself), on Friday morning, the three broadcast networks offered over 21 minutes of political coverage continuing to hype Trump’s absence while only managing 7 minutes for the GOP contenders who participated in the event. 

ABC’s Nightline Spends Half of 2016 Report on Trump's Debate Boycott

January 29th, 2016 3:17 AM
By virtue of its late-night time slot, ABC’s Nightline received the first crack among the major broadcast networks at reacting to Thursday’s Republican presidential debate and, as per the liberal media’s pattern, made all candidates not named Donald Trump an afterthought as three minutes and 34 seconds out of the six-minute-and-58-second segment were devoted to Trump and his boycott of the debate…

CNN’s Gloria Borger Skewers Rubio as ‘Frozen,’ Too ‘Intense’ in Debate

January 29th, 2016 2:20 AM
CNN chief political analyst Gloria Borger was one of eight panelists on CNN’s post-Republican presidential debate coverage late Thursday and, at one point, expressed her distaste for Senator Marco Rubio’s debate performance as “quite intense,” “too tense for the format,” and “frozen.” Prior to that, Borger ruled just past the 11:35 p.m. Eastern mark that, with Donald Trump boycotting the debate…

Chuck Todd: Trump Event Was ‘Rock Concert’ vs. ‘Low Energy' Debate

January 29th, 2016 12:09 AM
While Thursday night’s GOP debate was still on-going, NBC’s Meet the Press moderator Chuck Todd appeared on MSNBC’s The Last Word and hyped that Donald Trump events like the one he held instead of attending the debate have a “sort of like this rock concert feel” while the latest Republican presidential debate felt like it was “low energy” instead.

CNN's Baldwin Nearly Begs GOP Rep Chaffetz to Dump on Ted Cruz

January 28th, 2016 11:46 PM
As Republican Representative Jason Chaffetz of Utah appeared as a guest on Thursday's CNN Newsroom, host Brooke Baldwin almost begged him to speak negatively of GOP presidential candidate Ted Cruz as Chaffetz explained why he chose to endorse Marco Rubio in the race. After asserting there was "negativity swirling around" Cruz, the CNN host pleaded for him to give her a negative reason for why he…

Nets Waste Nearly 10 Mins on Trump; Barely Preview Actual GOP Debate

January 28th, 2016 8:16 PM
In the latest sign that the liberal media loves the candidacy of Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump, the “big three” of ABC, CBS, and NBC devoted nearly 10 minutes of their Thursday evening newscasts to capitulating to the “master of stealing the show” in Trump but only one minute and 29 seconds for previewing the actual debate with the top seven candidates that don’t include Trump. …

Chuck Todd: Why Not Ask a Court to Say Cruz Eligible to Run?

January 28th, 2016 5:55 PM
Betraying his ignorance of the Constitution, MSNBC's Chuck Todd today essentially asked Cruz campaign senior communications advisor Alice Stewart why her boss doesn't just waltz up the marble staircase of a federal courthouse to get a federal judge, any federal judge, to rule from the bench that the Texas senator is a natural-born citizen and hence eligible to serve as president if elected.

Mika Rips O'Reilly's Failure to Defend Megyn Against Trump Attacks

January 28th, 2016 7:16 AM
On today's Morning Joe, a seething Mika Brzezinski ripped Bill O'Reilly for his failure, during his interview of Donald Trump on last night's Factor, to defend Megyn Kelly against Trump's attacks on her. Trump has called Kelly a "third-rate reporter," a "lightweight" and "not good at what she does." Rather than challenging Trump over his criticism of Kelly, O'Reilly spent the segment importuning…

Liberal Nets Heap Praise on ‘Shrewd’ Trump ‘Eviscerating' Megyn Kelly

January 27th, 2016 9:15 PM
On Wednesday night, the “big three” networks of ABC, CBS, and NBC devoted 10 minutes and 43 seconds over four segments on their evening newscasts to 2016 GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump’s decision to boycott Thursday’s Fox News Channel (FNC) debate and, in that coverage, ABC and NBC hailed Trump as a “renegade” making “a very shrewd move” by “eviscerating” moderator Megyn Kelly and FNC.

Trump to O'Reilly: I Should Forgive Fox—But an Eye for an Eye

January 27th, 2016 9:02 PM
Despite his ongoing feud with Fox News, Donald Trump honored a previous promise and appeared on The Factor tonight. Bill O'Reilly tried a variety of tactics to convince Trump to participate in Fox's GOP debate tomorrow night. Nothing was working, so O'Reilly played his trump card, citing Christianity: "the tenet of forgiveness . . . don't you think that's the right thing to do?" Shot back Trump…

Matthews Thanks Pro-Trump Coulter For Bashing Rival Fox: 'We Like It!'

January 27th, 2016 7:50 PM
"Politics makes strange bedfellows" goes the old saying. In that case, Chris Matthews and Ann Coulter snuggled up under the sheets on tonight's Hardball. After a six-minute roll in the hay – Chris, you stallion! – Matthews thanked Coulter for being on her "best behavior" and gushed that she should come back on air sometime soon.

Brent Bozell Blasts Trump: He's a 'Petulant Brat'

January 27th, 2016 12:31 PM
On Wednesday, Media Research Center president Brent Bozell hammered Donald Trump during an appearance on Fox Business Network's Varney & Co. Host Stuart Varney asked for his guest's reaction to Trump's decision to not appear at the next Republican presidential debate on sister network, Fox News Channel. Bozell replied, "I don't believe Trump is a conservative...he's also a petulant brat. This…

CNN Found Everything True at Its Dem Town Hall; Unlike Last GOP Debate

January 27th, 2016 11:52 AM
CNN’s kid-glove treatment of the Democratic presidential candidates at Monday night’s “town hall” didn’t stop when the event ended. The CNN “Reality Check” team went about doing a fact scrub, and proclaimed that every claim they investigated was true. Six were rated “True,” and two were “Mostly True.” This is not the way the CNN “Reality Check” team handled the last GOP presidential debate on…

Kelly Responds to Trump Skipping Debate; He Can't 'Control the Media'

January 26th, 2016 10:22 PM
Fox News Channel’s Kelly File host Megyn Kelly took time during the first segment of Tuesday’s show to respond to Donald Trump’s declaration from earlier in the evening that he would not be showing up at Thursday’s final Republican debate before the Iowa caucuses due to his dislike of Kelly as one of the debate moderators. Along with recapping the so-called feud between the pair dating back her…