Press Covers For Crist Excuses For Florida's Jobs Freefall In His Era

October 22nd, 2014 8:40 PM
At their debate Tuesday night, former Florida governor (2007-2010), former Republican (1974-2010), former independent (2010-2012) and current Democratic gubernatorial candidate Charlie Crist got out the crying towel over why the Sunshine State's economy was so bad on his watch. He also refused to acknowledge that incumbent Republican Governor Rick Scott deserves any credit for the state economy's…

AP Ignores Shaheen's Refusal to Answer Whether She Approves of Obama

October 21st, 2014 11:40 PM
The Associated Press, aka the Administration's Press, appears determined that there not be any more reported embarrassments of Democrats who refuse to directly that they support President Barack Obama. One such embarrassing moment occurred in tonight's debate in New Hampshire between Republican Scott Brown and incumbent Democrat Jean Shaheen, who has reportedly voted as Obama would prefer 99…

Arizona's Dem Candidate For Gov: Child Shouldn't Need Consent to Abort

October 19th, 2014 11:16 PM
To the relief of sex offenders throughout the state, Arizona Democratic gubernatorial candidate Fred DuVal, during a Tuesday forum at Redemption Church in Gilbert, said that, in the words of an unbylined Washington Free Beacon story, "he is opposed to mandating parental consent for a girl as young as 14 years old to get an abortion." This is a non-story in the establishment press, which made it…

Clinton Speechwriter: Bush 43 'Was Inarticulate Off the Cuff'

October 13th, 2014 10:58 PM
Apparently the folks at Vocativ, who took a look at over 600 presidential speeches going all the way back to George Washington, were a little reluctant to document what their "scientific" analysis of those speeches told them about this nation's two most recent chief executives. After finding that there is very little difference between the "sophistication" of speeches made by President Obama and…

At Politico, Walker's 126,000 Jobs Added Is 'A Little Over 100,000'

October 11th, 2014 2:26 PM
In covering the latest debate between incumbent Wisconsin Republican Governor Scott Walker and Democratic challenger Mary Burke, the Politico's James Hohmann significantly understated the number of jobs added in the Badger State during Walker's tenure. Hohmann wrote that "Burke attacked Walker for his 'broken promise' to create 250,000 private sector jobs during his first term. He’s now at a…

Exercise in Fantasy: AP's Ludicrous Story on Davis-Abbott Debate

September 23rd, 2014 9:18 PM
This morning (at NewsBusters; at BizzyBlog), I noted that Texas Democratic gubernatorial candidate Wendy Davis's awful performance in Friday's debate with Republican aspirant Greg Abbott was predictably ignored by the Politico, the New York Times, and the Associated Press's national site. The AP did have a story it apparently limited to distribution within Texas. As I also noted this morning,…

RNC Spokesman: It's Time for Conservative Journalists to Moderate Some

May 11th, 2014 5:33 PM
Someone in the GOP is starting to listen to our refrain of "Say No to Feisty Liberal Moderators."  On Friday, RNC spokesman Sean Spicer talked to Newsmax TV host Steve Malzberg after the RNC voted to change the rules to include more conservative moderators in the primaries. Spicer noted the obvious: “ For too long, it’s been the media that’s decided when we’re going to debate, who is going to…

David Gregory Frets About Whether ‘Democracy Is For Sale’ Followin

April 6th, 2014 7:22 PM
Last week, the Supreme Court eliminated limits on how much money individuals can donate to all campaigns in any two-year election cycle and NBC’s David Gregory lamented how “American democracy is for sale.” Appearing on “Meet the Press” on Sunday April 6, Gregory asked Shaun McCutcheon, the plaintiff in McCutcheon v. FEC: “How do you have candidates in the future now going to the wealthiest…

Heilemann: Obama's 'Disdain' for Romney's 'BS' to Blame for Bad 2012 D

November 4th, 2013 3:00 PM
Promoting his new book about the 2012 election, Double Down, with co-author Mark Halperin on Monday's NBC Today, New York Magazine national affairs editor John Heilemann offered Obama campaign spin to excuse the President's disastrous performance in the first debate against Mitt Romney: "...[Obama's] disdain for Romney, his contempt for Romney, he couldn't figure out how to deal with that. He…

NBC Barely Mentions RNC's Debate Boycott; CNN Drops the Story Over the

August 19th, 2013 4:18 PM
After the Republican National Committee voted to refuse CNN and NBC from hosting 2016 GOP primary debates, NBC took two days to even mention the news before again ignoring it. In fact, CBS spent more time covering the boycott of NBC than NBC itself did. The RNC threatened a boycott after CNN Films and NBC Entertainment both planned productions on Democrat Hillary Clinton as she is predicted…

Rush Limbaugh Says Debate Moderator Role Wouldn’t Work for Him

August 15th, 2013 10:27 PM
Radio talk show host Rush Limbaugh began his Thursday afternoon program by addressing the possibility that he and such other well-known conservatives as Sean Hannity and Mark Levin might moderate debates of Republican primary candidates during the 2016 election cycle as a departure from the previously biased questioning at such events by obviously liberal journalists. “I don’t see how I can…

NYT Columnist: Pro-Life Legislation Promotes Violence Against Women

August 13th, 2013 3:52 PM
While NewsBusters really doesn’t target op-eds, especially ones that are printed in the New York Times, egregiously absurd arguments merit exposure and ridicule. Enter Frank Bruni's August 14 column, wherein the Times scribe discussed how our culture facilitates the objectification of women.  Curiously, Bruni buried longtime Democratic politician Bob Filner, who saw women as objects he could…

WashPost Writer Writes Story About Brutal 2010 Murder, Omits Illegal A

August 11th, 2013 7:46 PM
The Washington Post’s August 9 front-page story about the brutal murder of Vanessa Pham is missing a critical detail.  The young woman's alleged murderer is an illegal immigrant; a fact that is omitted entirely from Justin Jouvenal's story, even as Jouvenal mentioned Julio Miguel Blanco Garcia has a prior criminal record. It's not like Jouvenal was unaware of Garcia's being in the country…

Andrea Mitchell: If Republicans Know What's Good for Them, They'll Acc

August 9th, 2013 10:35 AM
While MSNBC host Andrea Mitchell admitted that the planned NBC biopic of Hillary Clinton was a "bad idea," on her Thursday 1 p.m. ET hour show she and her guests scolded Republicans for refusing to allow the biased network to moderate GOP primary debates: "That's where you get debates where the audience is cheering because they were all hand picked by local or state parties, that's where you…