NBC Nightly News Showcases ‘Undecided Voter’ Trashing Romney Hours

October 18th, 2012 9:09 AM
A not so undecided “undecided voter.” At 10:12 AM EDT Wednesday on CNN, faux “undecided voter” Susan Katz, who had asked Mitt Romney at the debate the night before how he’s different from George W. Bush, told Carol Costello she voted for Barack Obama in 2008 and plans to do so again this year because “I saw in President Obama someone who has ripened with time who deserves another four years to…

Does CBS News Approve Obama Using and Deceptively Editing 60 Minutes P

October 18th, 2012 9:02 AM
Last Friday, the Obama campaign released a Mitt Romney attack ad that deceptively edited a September 23 broadcast of CBS's 60 Minutes. Take a look at the ad side by side with what Romney actually told Scott Pelley (video follows with transcript and commentary):

Fact Checking the Fact-Challenged Obama Auto Bailout Czar

October 18th, 2012 8:37 AM
Ex-Barack Obama Administration $82 Billion Auto Bailout Czar Steve Rattner has a bit of a problem telling the truth. What Rattner does not have is a problem with the Jurassic Press Media calling him on his serial flights of factual fancy.

CBS's Crawford Exposes Obama's Deception on Benghazi Attack

October 18th, 2012 1:43 AM
On Wednesday's CBS Evening News, correspondent Jan Crawford devoted a full story to President Obama's deceptive claim that he called the Benghazi attack an "act of terror" early on, as she recounted the administration's initial reluctance to call it a terrorist attack. The CBS correspondent also implicated debate moderator and CNN anchor Candy Crowley in bolstering Obama's distortion. After…

NPR Slants Towards Advocates of Obama's Medicare Plan; Omits Conservat

October 17th, 2012 6:20 PM
Julie Rovner, NPR's resident ObamaCare flack, failed to include any conservatives experts for her report on Medicare on Tuesday's All Things Considered . Rovner played two sound bites each from Drew Altman of the Kaiser Family Foundation and from MIT's Jonathan Gruber, whom the Washington Post named the Democratic Party's "most influential health-care expert." She didn't mention either…

NBC's Lauer: On Libya, Obama 'Pointedly Chastised' Romney for 'Politic

October 17th, 2012 5:10 PM
On Wednesday's NBC Today, co-host Matt Lauer played the part of Obama campaign stooge when he promoted the President deflecting Libya criticism by slamming Mitt Romney: "...[He] firmly and pointedly chastised Governor Romney for politicizing a tragedy like this, a national tragedy. The father of Ambassador Stevens said, quote, 'It would be really abhorrent to make this into a campaign issue…

Two NYT Reporters Boast of Obama Leading Romney 'Into a Trap' on Libya

October 17th, 2012 4:39 PM
Wednesday's banner New York Times headline on the second presidential debate was studiously neutral: "Obama and Romney Mount Biting Attacks in Debate Rematch." Jim Rutenberg and Jeff Zeleny's underlying report played it straight, as did Peter Baker in his front-page "news analysis," under the punchy headline "Punch, Punch, Punch." But while the Obama cheerleading was muted in print, Times…

Limbaugh: 'If There Were Any Journalistic Standards,' Crowley Blew Up

October 17th, 2012 4:31 PM
"She committed an act of journalistic terror or malpractice last night. If there were any journalistic standards, what she did last night would have been the equivalent of blowing up her career like a suicide bomber." So said conservative talk radio host Rush Limbaugh Wednesday regarding Candy Crowley's shameful behavior during the previous night's presidential debate (video follows courtesy…

CBS Puts Ryan on Defensive, Goes Soft on Libya for Biden

October 17th, 2012 2:43 PM
While CBS This Morning hosts served Vice President Joe Biden softball questions on mostly horserace issues and debate optics, they challenged Paul Ryan to defend his voting record. "Does Governor Romney believe the President was right to sign the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act into law? You voted against that act, didn't you?" pressed co-host Anthony Mason. In contrast, when Biden was asked…

NYTimes Videocast Hits Disrespectful, 'Peevish' Romney's 'Serious Gaff

October 17th, 2012 2:12 PM
The second 2012 presidential debate hosted by Candy Crowley got the full court press from the New York Times, with live fact-checking online and a 40-minute TimesCast wrap-up, that found Times reporters wrongly defending Obama and bashing Mitt Romney on a fiery exchange on Libya. Times journalists were highly supportive of Barack Obama's performance and critical of the "peevish" Mitt Romney,…

Candy Crowley: No Regret About Disgraceful Interruption

October 17th, 2012 1:21 PM
Just before 1 p.m. ET, Rush Limbaugh said the following about CNN's Candy Crowley and her performance as "moderator" last night in the second presidential debate: "In the real world, she would have committed career suicide last night." Well, Rush, don't discount her ability to self-immolate just yet. The Washington Post reports that Crowley is backtracking on her backtrack (HT PJ Tatler):

The Facts: Candy Crowley Aided Obama: 2-to-1 Liberal Agenda, Validatio

October 17th, 2012 1:09 PM
The liberal tilt of questions selected by CNN’s Candy Crowley was so obvious, even the gang on NBC’s Today — hardly a conservative bastion — thought it remarkable. Correspondent Chuck Todd observed Wednesday morning: “The President also benefitted from many questions posed by the so-called undecided voters, covering issues near and dear to his liberal base....” Going into Tuesday night’s…

NBC Asks Biden About Obama 'Disqualifying' Romney; Asks Ryan if Obama

October 17th, 2012 12:35 PM
Displaying a stunning double standard on Wednesday's NBC Today, co-host Savannah Guthrie gave Vice President Joe Biden plenty of room to applaud President Obama's debate performance, while fellow co-host Matt Lauer hammered Congressman Paul Ryan on issue after issue. In her first question to Biden, Guthrie wondered if the President had "repaired the damage from his lackluster performance in…

White House First Said Benghazi Was Terrorist Attack on September

October 17th, 2012 11:59 AM
White House Press Secretary Jay Carney first acknowledged on September 20 that the attack on our consulate in Benghazi, Libya, was a terrorist attack. Coming eight days after the President's Rose Garden remarks on the subject, this appears to be in stark contrast to what he and CNN's Candy Crowley claimed in Tuesday's presidential debate. The following is from Carney's September 20 press…