NB Chat: Second Presidential Debate

October 16th, 2012 7:16 PM
Will you be tuning in to the second presidential debate tonight? If so, please join fellow NewsBusters readers for a running commentary and discussion of the contest between Barack Obama and Mitt Romney. The debate starts at 9:00 PM Eastern time. We will also be featuring a livestream video of the debate inside this posting Note: You will need a browser that has Flash to participate in the…

CNN (Again) Hosts Lib Journalist Carole Simpson, Who Says 'People Pers

October 16th, 2012 6:23 PM
Former debate moderator (and liberal journalist) Carole Simpson has been making the media rounds before Tuesday's presidential debate, giving President Obama the edge and implying that the standards for debate moderators are sexist. She continued that on Tuesday's Starting Point. She gave Obama the town hall-style debate advantage as a  "people person" and "touchy-feely." In contrast, she…

Chris Matthews: If Obama's 'Getting Beaten Again' in Debate, People Wi

October 16th, 2012 5:53 PM
MSNBC's Chris Matthews on Tuesday made a rather startling prediction about viewers of the upcoming presidential debate. "If it looks like [Obama's] getting beaten again, they’re going back to the fourth inning" of the Yankees-Tigers American League Championship game (video follows with transcript and commentary):

Anderson Cooper Relies on 'Assumptions' to Debase Romney Tax Plan

October 16th, 2012 5:32 PM
CNN's Anderson Cooper cited the liberal Tax Policy Center debunking Mitt Romney's tax plan on Monday, without noting that one of the authors admitted the plan could still work with different assumptions. He waited until the end of his report to admit that the studies in question were "making assumptions." "[A] bipartisan panel of three authors for the Tax Policy Center examined the plan and…

NBC's Seacrest to Michelle Obama: Does President 'Look to you for Enco

October 16th, 2012 5:13 PM
In a fawning softball interview with First Lady Michelle Obama on Tuesday's NBC Today, special correspondent Ryan Seacrest was eager to know how she helps the President during debates: "What did you say to him when the two of you walked backstage after the first debate?...Have you spoken to him about the prep?...does he make eye contact with you? Does he look at you for encouragement?" The…

NBC's Lauer and Jennifer Granholm Demand Romney Explain His 'Move to t

October 16th, 2012 2:40 PM
On Tuesday's NBC Today, during a panel discussion previewing the second presidential debate, co-host Matt Lauer mandated that Mitt Romney answer charges that he's moderated his positions: "How does Mitt Romney answer that question tonight of, 'Why have you moved to the middle, have become more moderate in these closing weeks?'" Former McCain campaign advisor Steve Schmidt rejected Lauer's…

NYT Reports From Two Weeks Ago on Stephanie Cutter, the Brilliant Mind

October 16th, 2012 12:00 PM
The New York Times Sunday Styles profile by Amy Chozick of Obama campaign manager Stephanie Cutter, "A Messenger Who Does the Shooting," reads as a bit behind on current events (many Sunday profile-type pieces are written several days in advance). It comes off like a snapshot from before Cutter shamelessly politicized the Libya attack last Thursday by suggesting the only reason anyone cared…

Laura Ingraham: Obama Can Play Angry Birds on iPhone Tonight and Media

October 16th, 2012 10:16 AM
Conservative radio host Laura Ingraham doesn't think the liberal media's bar is very high for Barack Obama to get wildly favorable reviews after Tuesday's upcoming presidential debate with Mitt Romney. Appearing on Fox & Friends early Tuesday morning, Ingraham said, "He can sit there playing Angry Birds on his iPhone and I think they’ll go, 'Oh wow, masterful performance'" (video follows…

MRC Study: By 2-to-1 Margin, Journalists Favor Liberal Questions at To

October 16th, 2012 8:14 AM
Tonight’s town hall-style presidential debate will ostensibly feature questions from undecided voters, but the evening’s agenda will really be decided by the moderator, as CNN’s Candy Crowley will select which of the more than roughly 80 voters in the room will actually get a chance to talk to the candidates. Reviewing the five previous town hall debates, the journalist-moderators have tended…

Alan Colmes Fail: Record Shows CNN Candy Crowley Is No Republican

October 15th, 2012 5:45 PM
Of the four liberal-media moderators selected by both parties at the Commission for Presidential Debates, CNN's Candy Crowley is the fairest. She's a longtime political-news pro, but that doesn't mean that in her long tenure at CNN, she doesn't have a "paper trail" (video trail) of liberal bias. On Fox News this afternoon, James Pinkerton cited MRC’s research [see below] and said “I think…

CNN Hosts Liberal Journalist Carole Simpson, Who Gives Edge to Obama I

October 15th, 2012 5:40 PM
Liberal journalist Carole Simpson is at it again. The former debate moderator returned to CNN and cast doubt on Mitt Romney's expectations while building up President Obama's, on Monday. "I would have to say he [Obama] would have the edge in this debate," she mused. "One of Mitt Romney's problems throughout the campaign season has been does he relate to ordinary people?" she asked before…

After Claiming First Debate Had Little Impact, NBC's Todd Now Says Rac

October 15th, 2012 3:09 PM
On Monday's NBC Today, political director Chuck Todd analyzed the state of the presidential race following a series of new national polls showing a slight Romney lead: "Well, look, the first debate really did sort of shift things....the numbers I've seen, and in talking to both campaigns, something shifted fundamentally." However, only four days earlier, on Thursday's Today, Todd argued the…

Rudy Giuliani Asks Soledad O’Brien ‘Am I Debating With the Preside

October 15th, 2012 11:02 AM
CNN’s Soledad O’Brien just can’t stop herself from appearing like she works for the White House rather than the supposedly most trusted name in news. This was so apparent on Monday’s Starting Point that guest Rudy Giuliani, the former mayor of New York City, asked her, “Am I debating with the President's campaign?” (video follows with transcribed highlights and commentary):

Time: Candy Crowley's 'Moderator Role Under Scrutiny – Before the De

October 15th, 2012 12:50 AM
With less than 48 hours to go before Tuesday's presidential debate, the moderator's role is being questioned because of things Candy Crowley has said on CNN. Time's Mark Halperin reported late Sunday: