YouTube BoobTubery, CNN Spins Thompson's Confederate Flag Stance

November 29th, 2007 5:55 AM

CNN's YouTube Debate Hits GOP Candidates from Right

November 29th, 2007 2:29 AM

GOP Debate: 8:00 ET

November 28th, 2007 7:55 PM
The Republican presidential candidates are holding their latest debate tonight at 8:00pm ET on CNN (web video link) in conjunction with YouTube. Join the conversation on this open comment thread or stop by NB Chat for live discussion. Note: You must be registered and logged in to participate in chats.

'Campaign Operatives Are People Too': CNN's Cooper On Debate Questions

November 27th, 2007 1:02 PM
Mary Katharine Ham briefly chatted with CNN's Anderson Cooper and David Bohrman about tomorrow's CNN/YouTube debate and concerns about the agenda of questions that will be picked. For the whole thing, go here, but I just had to share this priceless gem (my emphasis in bold). First Ham's question, then Cooper's answer: Q: There’s been a bit of scandal about the screening that CNN did on its “…

CNN Highlights YouTube Debate Questions Posed from Left

November 26th, 2007 4:11 AM

Malveaux: Audience Won Debate for Booing Edwards and Obama

November 19th, 2007 10:30 AM
If you had any questions about how much Thursday's Democrat presidential debate, sponsored by the Clinton News Network, was staged so that Hillary, who had an abysmal two weeks heading into the event, could mount a comeback, they were answered on Sunday's "Late Edition." During this installment of the CNN program hosted by Wolf Blitzer, White House correspondent Suzanne Malveaux actually…

Howie Takes a Hike on Wolf's Weakness

November 18th, 2007 2:30 PM
"CNN's 'Reliable Sources' is one of television's only regular programs to examine how journalists do their jobs and how the media affect the stories they cover." -- from CNN's "Reliable Sources" website [emphasis added].When it comes to "how journalists do their job," the story of the week was Wolf Blitzer's spectacular failure to do his. Going into Thursday's debate, the big question was how…

The Belittling Control-Freak Dominatrix

November 18th, 2007 7:15 AM
Who'd you bet on in a Mixed Martial Arts match between Paul Krugman and Maureen Dowd? You might get the chance. Earlier this week, Krugman called Barack Obama a "sucker" and a "fool," while praising Hillary. Maureen Dowd has now gone after Paul's girl, calling Clinton every name in the headline and a few more.The theory of Dowd's column today is that while Hillary knows how to shake Barack Obama…

Daily Kos Slams Biased ‘Clinton News Network

November 17th, 2007 5:35 PM
It's certainly safe to say that conservatives rarely agree with anything written by liberal bloggers. However, on Saturday, not only was there a prominent posting at Daily Kos entitled "Clinton News Network = CNN," which received 631 comments in only seven hours, but the website's proprietor, the esteemed Markos Moulitsas, wrote an article of his own that was highly critical of Clintonista James…

CNN Stocked Audience and Controlled Thursday's Debate Questions

November 17th, 2007 1:20 PM
There's a great deal of controversy brewing concerning implications that CNN not only stocked the audience at Thursday's Democrat Presidential debate, but also controlled the questions attendees asked. So much for Wolf Blitzer not caving into pressure from the Clinton campaign.*****Update: It looks like all six "undecided voters" set up to ask questions at the debate were plants. More at end of…

Media Go Cuckoo For Kerry Accepting Pickens Swift Boat Challenge

November 17th, 2007 11:13 AM
Did you hear about that challenge famed oilman T. Boone Pickens made on November 6 when he offered $1 million to anyone that could disprove even one charge made against Sen. John Kerry (D-Mass.) by the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth? Like most people that weren't at the American Spectator dinner the evening Pickens made the offer, you probably didn't learn about this until Kerry accepted the…

CBS ‘Early Show’: Hillary Returns as ‘Sure-Footed Front-Runner

November 16th, 2007 1:25 PM
The lead story on Friday’s CBS "Early Show" focused on the Democratic debate and celebrated Hillary Clinton’s comeback as co-host Harry Smith exclaimed: "This morning, Hillary's camp declares a landslide as the Dems sling mud, exchange barbs, in the feistiest debate yet." The segment began with a report by CBS White House Correspondent, Jim Axelrod, who described how, "Hillary Clinton's two top…

Did Democrats Shoot Themselves in Foot by Boycotting Fox News

November 16th, 2007 1:21 PM
Would the Democrats have been better off if Fox News had run their debate? The candidates are boycotting Fox as a way to please their far-left base, but Fox News Sunday host Chris Wallace on this morning’s Fox & Friends criticized how CNN’s Wolf Blitzer repeatedly interrupted exchanges among the candidates last night (“It reminded me of Joe Pesci in Lethal Weapon 2.”) and forced candidates…

CNN’s Malveaux Modifies Voter Question to Make It About Abortion

November 16th, 2007 1:05 PM
CNN’s Suzanne Malveaux, while moderating the second half of the Democratic presidential debate in Las Vegas on Thursday night, added her own "two cents" to a question she fielded from an "undecided voter." After the voter asked the nominees what qualifications a Supreme Court nominee should possess, Malveaux directed the question to Senator Christopher Dodd, and added whether or not he would "…