MSNBC's Roberts Teams Up with Gay Activist in Segment About Defense of

March 10th, 2011 1:01 PM
So MSNBC's Thomas Roberts actually gave air time this morning to a conservative to defend the Defense of Marriage Act and congressional Republican efforts to defend it in court. But alas, the openly gay anchor tag-teamed with gay activist Evan Wolfson, putting Family Research Council's Peter Sprigg on the defensive during the entire segment. With the screen behind him labeled "The Case for…

NYT's Steinhauer Overdoses on 'Conservatives' in DOMA Debate, Finds No

March 8th, 2011 9:49 AM
New York Times reporter Jennifer Steinhauer reported Saturday on the decision by House Republicans to defend the Defense of Marriage Act after the Obama White House’s took the almost-unprecedented step to stop defending it before the Supreme Court: “House Republicans Step In to Defend Marriage Act and Dodge a Party Debate.” Steinhauer, a fan of tax hikes in California (of voters, not so much,…

MSNBC Features Two Openly-Gay Journalists Looking at Maryland's Same-S

March 7th, 2011 12:31 PM
Presenting the same-sex marriage debate in Maryland's state legislature as one about "marriage equality," openly gay MSNBC host Thomas Roberts discussed the matter with Washington Post editorial writer Jonathan Capehart, who is also openly gay. The segment, entitled "Cold Feet In Maryland?" aired today at 11:17 a.m. EST. "Supporters of Marriage Equality Wavering on Bill" the lower-thirds…

Obama Thumbs His Nose at Congress, His Constitutional Duty with Stand

March 2nd, 2011 9:56 AM
President Obama has said his view of same-sex "marriage" is "evolving." Apparently he thinks that the law should be based on a kind of Darwinian jurisprudence which allows it to "evolve" and become whatever the ruling politicians at a given moment say it is (or isn't). How else to explain the decision by the president and his attorney general, Eric Holder, not to defend the Defense of…

With DOMA Announcement, Obama Not Just Above the Law, He Is the Law

February 28th, 2011 10:28 AM
President Obama's brazenly calculated move to unilaterally abandon the federal Defense of Marriage Act showcases his attitude that he is above the law. DOMA defines marriage as "only a legal union between one man and one woman as husband and wife" for purposes of all federal laws, rules and regulations (Section 3). It specifies that no state shall be required to honor laws of other states…

WaPo-Published Express Tabloid Trumpets Obama Shift on 'Indefensible M

February 24th, 2011 4:49 PM
"Indefensible Marriage Act" blares the cover page headline for the Feb. 24 Express tabloid, a free publication of the Washington Post available around the D.C. metro area. "In a major victory for gay rights, President Obama says the U.S. will no longer defend the federal law banning same-sex marriages," notes the caption for the photo depicting a hand holding both a miniature American flag…