AP Updates White House/Egypt Situation With No Mention of 'Muslim Brot

July 6th, 2013 9:50 PM
You've got to hand it to the folks at the Associated Press, aka the Administration's Press. No news organization on earth is as consistently effective at burying the substance of a story while appearing to cover it. Take this evening's unbylined coverage of the Obama administration's noncommittal, substance-free positioning on the situation in Egypt. It takes a special talent to get through a…

Egyptian Military Takes Away CNN Camera During Live Broadcast

July 6th, 2013 10:51 AM
CNN senior international correspondent Ben Wedeman had a rather shocking thing happen to him while logging a live report from near Cairo's Tahrir Square Friday. Members of the Egyptian military interrupted his report and took away CNN's camera (video follows with commentary):

GOP Governors 'Salivating' Over Rapes in Cairo: Daily Kos Screed

July 5th, 2013 5:40 PM
Hard to believe, but there's actually a left-wing media outlet that makes MSNBC appear sane by comparison. If you've never visited Daily Kos, I wish I could say you're in for a treat. Alas, that's unlikely to be true. Instead, you'll probably want to shower after dropping by, lest any of its peculiar odor linger.

What a Joke: Politico Tries to Run Interference For Obama's Last-Minut

July 3rd, 2013 4:57 PM
Apparently, one pathetic last-minute speech by Eqypt's Mohammed Morsi was sufficient to convince President Barack Obama, who has spent several days and untold amounts of worldwide capital defending the Muslim Brotherhood leader's staying on the job in the face of what may have been the largest pro-democracy demonstrations in human history. The Politico frantically tried to run interference…

Seriously, AP? Nothing Currently Happening in Egypt Is a Front-Page 'B

July 1st, 2013 11:07 AM
At the Associated Press's Big Story page as of 10:25 a.m. ET (saved here for future reference), conditions relative to stories on Egypt are the same as I observed in the wee hours this morning: "That story (about Sunday's mass protest involving "millions" per several other news outlets) is no longer even present at all at the AP’s 'Big Story' home page." You have to click on "View More" at…

Several News Outlets Report 'Millions' at Egypt Protests; AP Almost Bu

July 1st, 2013 12:23 AM
The BBC is reporting from Egypt that "Millions of protesters across the country accuse the country's first Islamist president of failing to tackle economic and security problems since taking power a year ago." Reuters is also reporting "millions" of participants. At the Associated Press as of 11:15 p.m., its "Big Story" home page (saved here for future reference) had three stories on Egypt.…

Protective Priorities: Politico Has Nothing About Egypt on Its Home Pa

June 30th, 2013 9:56 PM
As of 9:15 p.m. (saved here for future reference), the home page at Politico had no story on developments in Egypt, even though story teases on unrelated matters from Thursday and Friday were still present. A browser search on "Egypt" within the home page came back empty. As millions protest in Egypt, some claiming in banners that "Obama Supports Terrorism, the most important story this evening…

U.S. Press Virtually Ignoring Strong Anti-Obama and Anti-American Sent

June 30th, 2013 2:54 PM
As I noted on Friday, the final sentence in an AP report earlier that day (saved here at host for future reference, fair use and discussion purposes) on protests in Egypt read: "One banner depicted President Barack Obama and said, 'Obama supports terrorism.'" I predicted with little risk of being wrong that the existence of this banner would not "survive future AP reports" -- and it hasn't,…

Imagine That: 'U.S. Warns on Egypt Travel, Moves to Reduce Presence

June 28th, 2013 8:10 PM
(UPDATE: "Obama Supports Terrorism" sign obtained at Twitchy.com) This "Arab Spring" update comes from the Associated Press: "The Obama administration on Friday warned Americans against all but essential travel to Egypt and moved to reduce the official U.S. presence in the country amid fears of widespread unrest." No one could possibly have predicted this type of crisis would be a likely…

Larry King Joins Russian TV Network to Host 'Mold-Breaking' Political

May 30th, 2013 2:32 AM
After 56 years in broadcasting and more than 50,000 interviews across the U.S., anyone else would be considered a prime candidate for retirement, but that doesn't apply to Larry King, who will launch a “mold-breaking political talk show” in June for the Russia Today online TV network. Perhaps failed CNN-FOX-MSNBC-Current anchor Keith Olbermann should pay attention. If no one in America will…

Romney: ‘I’m Not a Fan of the President

May 18th, 2013 11:53 AM
Former Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney was Jay Leno’s guest on the Tonight Show Friday, and he didn’t have kind things to say about the current White House resident or former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. At one point in their discussion, Romney said, "I'm not a fan of the president - in case you didn't know that."

Politico's Roger Simon: 'How Good a Job Did Hillary Clinton Really Do

April 7th, 2013 5:17 PM
As the media predictably gush and fawn over the thought of Hillary Clinton as president, there's something extremely obvious they've been missing. Rather surprisingly, Roger Simon, the perilously liberal chief political columnist at Politico, asked the $64 million question on CNN's Reliable Sources Sunday, "How good a job did she really do as Secretary of State?" (video follows with…

Sharpton's Strange Theory: Blames Beck-Bachmann For Egyptians Pelting

March 27th, 2013 9:52 PM
According to contemporary reports, as here and here, Egyptian protesters who pelted the motorcade of then Secretary of State Hillary Clinton with tomatoes during her visit to Egypt last July were chanting "Monica! Monica!"   So who did Al Sharpton, on his MSNBC show this evening, blame for the tomato pelting? Why, Glenn Beck and Michele Bachmann, of course!  According to the Reverend Al, it…

Erin Burnett to Laura Bush: Should America Accept Anti-Semitism To Eff

March 12th, 2013 12:50 AM
CNN's Erin Burnett on Monday asked former first lady Laura Bush a truly disgusting question. In a segment about the George W. Bush Institute's Women's Initiative Fellowship Program and its involvement with a group of Egyptian women, Burnett asked Mrs. Bush if the United States needs to "accept" anti-Semitism and anti-Americanism "when we want to make change" (video follows with transcript and…