Piers Morgan Bullies GOP Guest With Obama Foreign Policy Spin

October 9th, 2012 3:31 PM
CNN's Piers Morgan just couldn't let his Republican guest denounce President Obama's foreign policy. He spouted the White House spin on all the President's accomplishments while not holding him accountable for the Libya fiasco, on his Monday night show. "I would say one of the things that Barack Obama has done incredibly successfully is restore a lot of America's very damaged reputation…

Cal Thomas Column: Who Needs Reform More? Egypt or America

September 28th, 2012 2:39 PM
NEW YORK -- Prior to leaving Egypt for the United Nations General Assembly, Egypt's Islamist President Mohamed Morsi told The New York Times the United States needs to "fundamentally change" its approach to the Arab world. That includes, he said, showing greater respect for Arab values, as well as helping to build a Palestinian state. Is there an Arab equivalent for the Yiddish word "Chutzpah…

On 'Morning Joe,' TIME's Richard Stengel Compares Radical Islamists to

September 27th, 2012 12:57 PM
Corrected from earlier | Time magazine managing editor Richard Stengel appeared on the September 27 Morning Joe to give viewers a preview of the latest issue of the magazine, the cover story of which is devoted to Mitt Romney's Mormon faith. At the tail end of the segment, teasing other articles in the issue, Stengel plugged Bobby Ghosh's interview with Mohammed Abdel Rahman, the son of Omar…

Coulter Column: It's the Elitist Media Who Are Out of Touch, Not Romne

September 20th, 2012 4:26 PM
Only our totally unbiased watchdog media could turn the burning of U.S. embassies in countries where Barack Obama had recently supported mob revolts into Mitt Romney's blunder. Journalists couldn't risk having Obama's campaign slogan "Osama is dead" being amended with "and so is our ambassador." After our ambassador to Libya was murdered in a preplanned, coordinated attack on our embassy last…

Open Thread: Will Anti-American Uprisings Impact the Election

September 20th, 2012 10:46 AM
Anti-American uprisings are suddenly sweeping the planet. Irrespective of the Obama administration's claim they're all about a video no one's seen, how big of an impact if any do you think this will have on the upcoming elections?

Dear Media, Accurately Portraying Muslim Rage as Muslim Rage is Not Is

September 18th, 2012 9:39 PM
This week we learned what really gets the liberal media in a ... well ... rage.  It isn't the act of perpetrating violence upon the innocent.  No, it's calling out that rage for everyone to see.  In Liberal Land, words speak louder than actions. The media on the left side of the aisle took more umbrage with a Newsweek article titled, Muslim Rage, than they did with the incidents that…

MSNBC's Toure Denounces Twitter 'Mob' For Criticizing UPenn Prof Who W

September 18th, 2012 5:09 PM
The liberal panelists of MSNBC's The Cycle did their level best to help University of Pennsylvania religion professor Anthea Butler defend her now infamous tweet that the filmmaker behind the "Innocence of Muslims" video trailer on YouTube should be throw in jail. Co-host Toure Neblett went so far as to denounce the Twitter "mob" that deluged Butler's Twitter account with critical tweets. Only…

NYT Cairo Reporter Apologizes for Free Speech: U.S 'Feels Limited...Fr

September 18th, 2012 3:37 PM
Is the First Amendment up for debate? On Monday's front page New York Times Cairo bureau chief David Kirkpatrick soft-pedaled the extremism that caused Muslims in several countries to violently protest America on the pretext of an amateurish film uploaded onto Youtube:  "Cultural Clash Fuels Muslims Raging at Film – Devout Values Conflict With Free Speech." One would hope that "free speech"…

In Covering Reax to Dowd's 'Neocon' Rant, Politico's Byers Buries Obam

September 18th, 2012 10:24 AM
Call it "Politico Protection." Clay Waters at NewsBusters has already exposed the passive-aggressive anti-Semitism in Maureen Dowd's Sunday rant ("Neocons Slither Back") at the New York Times. So did Politico's Dylan Byers, who nonetheless thought that the Obama campaign's tweet supporting Dowd's column via its "Truth Team" (and, by inference,their  endorsement of her "neocon puppet master"…

Obama Admin Requested YouTube Yank Anti-Islam Video; Network Newscasts

September 17th, 2012 5:55 PM
Early Friday afternoon, the Washington Post's David Nakamura confirmed that on Tuesday, September 11 -- before the attack in Benghazi that killed Amb. Chris Stevens -- the Obama National Security Council asked YouTube to pull down a video "trailer" for "The Innocence of Muslims," saying it may violate the video-sharing service's "terms of service." Such a move would have removed the film from…

Congressman King Schools Soledad O'Brien on Obama's 'Apology Tour

September 17th, 2012 11:23 AM
CNN's Soledad O'Brien on Monday felt the need to defend Barack Obama from criticism that his policies are at least partially responsible for the recent anti-American hostilities transpiring in the Middle East and other parts of the globe. During a heated debate with Congressman Peter King (R-N.Y.) on Starting Point, O'Brien got a much-needed education on the President's "apology tour" (video…

AP on Sept. 10: 'It Will Be a Rare Day' When National Security or Terr

September 16th, 2012 9:43 PM
On September 10, in a writeup which should qualify them for immediate entry into the Journalistm Hall of Shame, the Associated Press's Julie Pace and three other assisting reporters, acting as virtual stenographers for the Obama administration and water-carriers for his reelection campaign, declared that "It will be a rare day on the campaign when terrorism, or national security for that matter…

TIME Magazine: Anti-Islam Filmmakers Are 'Islamophobic' But Deadly Rio

September 14th, 2012 6:38 PM
The caption accompanying a September 13 TIME magazine photo slide tags the filmmakers behind "The Innocence of Muslims" as "Islamophobes" while those rioting in the Arab street supposedly in reaction against said film are merely "orthodox Muslims.":

MSNBC Contributor Dyson: 'All Hate Ain't Equal'; 'Horrible' Americans

September 14th, 2012 4:02 PM
Discussing the violent anti-American demonstrations erupting across the Middle East outside U.S. embassies in Arab capitals, MSNBC contributor Michael Eric Dyson put a share of the blame on, well, "horrible" Americans. It was the "demonization of a predictable minority," in this case Muslims, that was the spark that light the conflagration, Dyson argued on the September 14 edition of the noon…