
On PBS, Amanpour's Kooky on Hillary and Handmaid’s Tale 'Manosphere'

March 3rd, 2025 4:18 PM

Christiane Amanpour is an international affairs correspondent, but for Friday’s PBS edition of Amanpour, she interviewed playwright Joe Murphy and actor Stephen Kunken at the Soho Place theatre in London, where the climate change message play Kyoto, cowritten by Murphy and starring Kunken, is being performed. Amanpour, who surely considers herself an intellectual, sounded like any…


CBS Actually Runs Decent Profile on Why Trump Dominated the Male Vote

January 19th, 2025 4:30 PM

Thursday’s CBS Mornings featured a welcome profile by co-host Tony Dokoupil on why President-Elect Trump dominated the male vote in the 2024 presidential campaign. Dokoupil did nothing to lampoon or even mock men of all stripes who flocked to Trump for a variety of reasons, including feelings of abandonment by the left and the 21st century economy.…

NY Times Cries Sexism: ‘Will US Ever Be Ready for a Female President?'

December 28th, 2024 6:27 AM

Thursday’s New York Times story by Lisa Lerer and Jess Bidgood was a 1,500-word excuse-making lament over Kamala Harris’s embarrassing loss to Donald Trump, “Will the U.S. Ever Be Ready for a Female President?” Trump's win "has only deepened anxieties over gender bias and prompted a fresh round of debate over the electability of women to the nation’s highest office."

Elise Jordan MSNBC Morning Joe 12-16-24

Morning Joe: 'Retrograde' Hegseth Would Take Military Back to Crusades

December 16th, 2024 12:05 PM

On Morning Joe, Joe Scarborough says that Pete Hegseth's views on women in the military would take us back to the 11th century. Calling him a "retrograde throwback," MSNBC Republican Elise Jordan says his views would take us back to "the Crusades."


PBS Warns of Rising Misogyny Under Trump Based on 24-Hour Lefty Study

December 12th, 2024 10:26 PM

After Trump’s convincing election victory last month, the PBS News Hour is finding its far-left feet again. On Tuesday night it treated a silly left-wing study from a discredited lefty scaremongering outfit as a disturbing revelation about Trump-fueled misogyny, based on some tasteless playground humor being spread around the internet for shock value.


PBS: What of #MeToo in Wake of Trump Cabinet's Misconduct Allegations?

November 28th, 2024 9:31 PM

Sunday’s PBS News Weekend program, guest hosted by White House correspondent Laura Barron-Lopez, resurfaced the feminist, sexual-abuse awareness #MeToo slogan to smear Donald Trump’s emerging picks to serve in his presidential Cabinet: "What signal does it send that these people may be filling some of the highest positions in government and leading the military or determining health…

NY Times Shepherds Radical Anti-Male Feminists Broken by Trump Victory

November 14th, 2024 10:09 AM

The New York Times is chaperoning the post-election mental breakdown of the young feminist left, after a Trump win which that bitter cohort sees as an emerging real-life Handmaid’s Tale. Gina Cherelus, who covers “dating, relationships and sex” for the Times, wrote “4B Movement Surges in U.S. Interest After Trump Wins Election” for the Style section on Friday. And…

PBS Smears White Women, Sees Role ‘Racism and Sexism' Played for Trump

November 12th, 2024 12:46 PM

Friday’s PBS News Hour didn’t take Donald Trump’s re-election well, continuing to blame sexism for the failure of Americans to elect those incredibly impressive candidates Hillary Clinton and Kamala Harris, picking instead the sexist ogre Donald Trump (who just appointed the first female chief of staff in presidential history). Even with two guests instead of the usual monotone…

NPR Closed Out Campaign by Hyping Wives Secretly Voting for Kamala

November 7th, 2024 7:14 AM

Taxpayer-funded NPR underlined how firmly it's on Team Kamala by airing a story on Monday's Morning Edition hyping the notion that women were secretly voting for Kamala despite their pig-headed Trump-backing husbands. The headline was "Meet the conservative women who are keeping their votes for Kamala Harris a secret." Never mind that if they're voting for her, they're not…


Here Were the WORST Moments of CBS’s Election Overnight From Hell

November 6th, 2024 2:47 PM

During the overnight hours of Tuesday into Wednesday, CBS was in the midst of an epic, hours-long meltdown over what was then the impending reelection of Donald Trump to the presidency. Over the course of eight hours, CBS journalists heaped scorn on Americans for refusing to accept “the facts” about the Biden-Harris economy, unfairly blamed Biden for “the cost of your rent,” claimed voters…


Pompous CBS: Kamala Will Beat ‘Darker’ Trump With ‘Silent’ Harris Vote

November 4th, 2024 5:29 PM

With ABC’s Good Morning America continuing to run through the tape Monday with more venom toward former President Trump and cooing over Vice President Harris, CBS Mornings predictably had the same idea by emphasizing Harris pledging “unity, collaboration, and freedom” with Trump mired in “grievances,” “personal grudges,” and “violent rhetoric.”

On PBS, Barron-Lopez Gets the Vote Out for Democrats in North Carolina

October 27th, 2024 6:55 PM

PBS News Hour reporter Laura Barron-Lopez helped get out the vote for Democrats in North Carolina in a report about the gender divide from the campaign trail Friday evening. Barron-Lopez, the News Hour’s most partisan reporter, began with the young chairman of the state’s Democratic Party. The closer: "If Clayton is right, it would be only the second time since the 1970s that…

SAD: NY Times Blames Sexism for Kamala's Campaign Woes on Page One

October 26th, 2024 7:06 PM

Desperation time? The front page of Thursday’s New York Times bluntly blamed sexism for Kamala Harris’s campaign woes. Reporters Lisa Lerer and Katie Glueck bitterly lamented “The Quiet, Stubborn Aversion To Putting a Woman in Power.”

How We Cope Shows Men and Women Are Different

October 3rd, 2024 3:24 PM

I reported last week about the decided move of young women to the political left and away from the religious affiliation of their childhood. But these measures, at least in the short run, do not appear to be relevant to the success young women are having in day-to-day living in America. By measures such as work and academic achievement, young women are doing much better than young men.