Media Virtually Ignoring Women's March's Unhinged Position on Backpage

April 10th, 2018 11:50 PM
Saturday was, as Katie Yoder at NewsBusters noted Tuesday afternoon, a "sad day." That's when the Women's March sprang to the defense of, tweeting that its Friday seizure by the Justice Department "is an absolute crisis for sex workers." In that same tweet, the group declared that "Sex workers rights are women’s rights." Backpage and seven associated individuals were indicted Monday…

Vox Writer: 'No One in Power Wants to Restrict Fossil Fuels'

April 6th, 2018 10:53 PM
On Tuesday, David Roberts at the hopelessly left-biased promoted a decidedly negative form of supply-side economics, namely "policies that choke off fossil fuels at their origin." He, and the authors of a paper he referenced which advocates "restrictive supply-side climate policies," act as if this is something new, when governments and sometimes violent envirozealots have long engaged in…

Media Virtually Ignore Sheriffs Demanding Tightened Border Security

March 31st, 2018 11:57 PM
On March 21, The National Sheriffs Association released a letter signed by 380 of its members demanding that Congress pass legislation "tightening border security" and "support(ing) the replacement and upgrades to current barriers and fencing and construction of barriers along the U.S. and Mexico international boundary." The press has virtually ignored this effort.

Time Gives Jeff Sessions the OJ Simpson Photo Treatment

March 29th, 2018 7:23 PM
In June 1994, a Time Magazine cover photo of O.J. Simpson after his arrest generated heated controversy because his photo had been significantly darkened. The magazine's latest issue treats Jeff Sessions similarly, even though the Trump administration's Attorney General hasn't been accused of murdering anybody or credibly accused of any crime.

Nets Target Trump’s VA Pick, Fear He’s Not ‘Up to the Job’

March 29th, 2018 1:15 PM
After news broke Wednesday afternoon that President Trump would be replacing Veteran Affairs Secretary David Shulkin with White House Physician Ronny Jackson, Tuesday’s network morning shows proceeded to dismiss the Navy Rear Admiral as unqualified for the job. The coverage even seemed to criticize Jackson for accurately describing the President’s health during a press conference in January.

CNN Smears Dr. Jackson as Just an Unqualified Trump Loyalist

March 29th, 2018 12:51 AM
On Wednesday night, CNN continued its unholy and fact-devoid crusade to tar and feather every one of President Trump’s new high-profile government hires as nothing more than a clueless Trump stooge off the street or a Fox News personality. This time, their unfortunate target was Navy Rear Admiral Dr. Ronny Jackson hours after the President nominated him to be the new Secretary of the Department…

Nets Ignore DOJ Watchdog Investigating Trump-Russia Probe Bias

March 28th, 2018 9:05 PM

The saga of the Trump-Russia collusion probe took an interesting turn Wednesday when it was announced the Justice Department’s Inspector General had opened up an investigation into accusations the probe was politically biased. The liberal media gobbled up almost any development in the Russia story but when it came to this investigation, none of major network news outlets (ABC, CBS, and NBC) or…


MSNBC Bemoans Trump’s VA Change as ‘Distraction’ from Porn, Russia

March 28th, 2018 7:13 PM
On Wednesday night’s MTP Daily, part-time host Katy Tur and her panel were largely beside themselves over President Trump’s latest “distraction” from the scandals like porn star Stormy Daniels and Russia by announcing on Twitter that White House physician Dr. Ronny Jackson would replace David Shulkin as Secretary of Veterans Affairs.

ABC/NBC Fret Citizenship Question on Census Could Hurt Dem House Seats

March 27th, 2018 9:18 PM
On Tuesday, the Trump administration announced that it would be reapplying a question about citizenship to the 2020 census form, a question that was removed by the Obama administration for 2010’s. While the CBS Evening News didn’t find it newsworthy, both ABC’s World News Tonight and NBC Nightly News dedicated time to stoking fear about the question being asked. They worried it could drive…

Matthews: 'Confounding' That GOP and Dems Believe 'Deep State' Exists

March 21st, 2018 11:49 PM
Establishment press journalists are getting hot under the collar over the growing use of the term "Deep State." They imagine that only nutty conservatives and Republicans believe that the Deep State even exists. Thanks to poor show prep, MSNBC's Chris Matthews found out otherwise in embarrassing fashion on Tuesday evening's Hardball, while one of his show's presentation graphics effectively told…

Andrea Mitchell: Get McCabe a Brief Federal Job to Save His Pension

March 18th, 2018 8:37 PM
UPDATE, March 21: Confirming Scott Whitlock's March 20 post, Elizabeth Bauer at Forbes has noted that McCabe's firing has caused him not to "lose his pension," but to lose out on "the ability to take his benefits at age 50, rather than somewhere between age 57 and age 62, and he lost his eligibility to a special top-up in benefit formula." Additionally, Bauer contends that "being terminated 'for…

Former Obama Flack Marie Harf Denies Left's Hostility to Christianity

March 18th, 2018 5:36 PM

On Friday's Outnumbered, former Obama State Department spokesman Marie Harfwas "sort of ... offended" when asked why there is "such an open animosity to Christianity from those on the left." Harf rejected the idea "that there is something inherent among the left that means we don’t like Christianity." Gosh, what would make anyone believe that?


ABC and NBC Spread Misinformation Following the Firing of McCabe

March 18th, 2018 10:38 AM
In the wake of the former Deputy Director Andrew McCabe’s firing from the FBI for misleading Inspector General investigators, the liberal media were rife with misinformation of their own. During the Sunday morning news programs, NBC’s Chuck Todd mislead viewers on why McCabe was fired and ABC’s George Stephanopoulos lied about the messages sent by pro-Hillary Clinton FBI agents investigating her…

AP, NBC Won't Admit That Fired McCabe Was Found to Have Lied

March 17th, 2018 9:58 PM
In the wake of Attorney General Jeff Sessions' Friday firing of Deputy FBI Director Andrew McCabe, two Associated Press dispatches and an NBC news story wouldn't directly admit that his dismissal was largely based on a finding that he lied to internal investigators. Meanwhile, a pre-firing Wall Street Journal editorial had no problem using the word.