Government Agencies
Networks Ignore Gitmo Detainee Who Went Missing in Uruguay
AG Lynch Admits: 'I Do Not Know' Where Omar Mateen's Wife Is
Hillary 'Wall Street $peeches' Clinton Promises Non-Rigged Economy
The Media as One Cheerlead Another Government Power Grab
Lynch's Release of Partial Mateen Transcripts Will Censor ISIS Pledge
CNN's Banfield Aghast By Lack of Gun Control For Those On Terror List
More High-Paying Jobs Leave California; State's Press Is Unconcerned
Media Yawn At AP's Scoop On Possible Clinton E-Mail Leak of CIA Names
AP Reporters Pretend to Struggle With 'Unexplained' Violent Crime Rise
Tapper Blasts State Dept. Stonewalling FOIA Request on Hillary, Trade
NYT Editorial Notes 'Millions Just Getting By'; No Mention of Obama
WashPost 'Fact-Checks' Trump's Obama Economy Charts: Facts Win, 9-0
CBS, NBC Maintain Blackout on Deleted State Dept. Vid; ABC, CNN Cover
CBS This Morning and NBC's Today on Thursday followed in the footsteps of their networks' newscasts the previous evening in failing to cover the State Department's Wednesday admission about an intentional edit of an online video posting of a 2013 briefing. To their credit, ABC's GMA aired a news brief on the controversy on Thursday. CNN's AC360 devoted a full report to the revelation on…