
Networks Ignore Gitmo Detainee Who Went Missing in Uruguay

June 29th, 2016 10:20 PM
All of the “big three” news networks ignored new details Wednesday evening of a Guantanamo Bay detainee who went missing in Uruguay. “The detainee was transferred to Uruguay by the Obama administration in 2014,” stated anchor Bret Baier on Special Report, “But has since vanished and officials say he could be in Brazil.” The development provides Congressional Republicans with even more ammo to…

AG Lynch Admits: 'I Do Not Know' Where Omar Mateen's Wife Is

June 22nd, 2016 11:46 PM
Here's a new item for the sarcasm-laden "Our country is in the very best of hands" stack of embarrassments Instapundit's Glenn Reynolds has been accumulating during the past several years. The headline at media aggregator is: "AG LYNCH ADMITS THE FBI HAS LOST TRACK OF OMAR MATEEN’S WIFE." If this admission had occurred during any non-leftist presidential administration, the…

Hillary 'Wall Street $peeches' Clinton Promises Non-Rigged Economy

June 22nd, 2016 8:08 AM
The establishment press must not think that anyone should care about the millions of dollars Bill Clinton and his wife Hillary have "earned" making speeches, particularly to powerful banks and Wall Street firms, since he left the presidency in 2001 and after her time as Secretary of State ended in 2013. That's the only explanation as to why Mrs. Clinton could promise, as she did on Tuesday, that…

The Media as One Cheerlead Another Government Power Grab

June 20th, 2016 11:44 AM
The American media cabal is…ridiculous.  They are the Borg of politics - many entities, but of but one Leftist mind. Led around by their noses by whatever hack government-growing politician is before them at that moment. Just as they calmly repeated the "ventriloquized" Obama line on the Iran deal, so they're doing with the latest ruling on "Net neutrality."

Lynch's Release of Partial Mateen Transcripts Will Censor ISIS Pledge

June 19th, 2016 10:45 PM
U.S. Attorney General Loretta Lynch announced on NBC's Meet the Press and the other Sunday morning TV talk shows that on Monday, the Department of Justice will release "partial" transcripts of phone conversations between law enforcement and Omar Mateen on June 12 during his terrorist massacre in Orlando, Florida. Asked why the transcripts would only be partial, Lynch told MTP host Chuck Todd…

CNN's Banfield Aghast By Lack of Gun Control For Those On Terror List

June 16th, 2016 5:12 PM
On Thursday's Legal View, CNN's Ashleigh Banfield bemoaned how "nine out of ten people on terror watch lists, who want to buy a gun, get to buy a gun after passing a federal background check — nine out of ten!" Banfield questioned former Rep. Mike Rogers about this statistic: "I can't believe I actually have to state that being on a terror watch list does not put you in the category of the other…

More High-Paying Jobs Leave California; State's Press Is Unconcerned

June 9th, 2016 11:54 PM
Another major employer has decided to join the long list of companies moving jobs from California to more business-friendly states. This time, it's $12 billion titan Jacobs Engineering, which is moving its "corporate operations," almost definitely meaning its headquarters, from Pasadena to Dallas, Texas. Press reaction, especially outside of business-oriented outlets, has ranged from nonexistent…

Media Yawn At AP's Scoop On Possible Clinton E-Mail Leak of CIA Names

June 9th, 2016 5:31 PM
As of Thursday afternoon, the Big Three networks, along with CNN, MSNBC, and Fox News, have yet to air one segment or news brief on the Associated Press's Wednesday report that spotlighted that "the names of CIA personnel could have been hackers who may have penetrated Hillary Clinton's private computer server or the State Department system." There were only passing mentions of…

AP Reporters Pretend to Struggle With 'Unexplained' Violent Crime Rise

June 8th, 2016 12:12 PM
If we're to believe the pose struck by five Associated Press reporters who contributed to a Sunday afternoon story on the topic, the spike in violent crime in the U.S. during the past nearly two years apparently needs its own episode of the old Unsolved Mysteries TV series. "Experts can't point to a single reason" for the rise. The increase "is stumping law enforcement officials." FBI Director…

Tapper Blasts State Dept. Stonewalling FOIA Request on Hillary, Trade

June 6th, 2016 6:36 PM
CNN’s The Lead host Jake Tapper devoted a segment for the second time in a week to blasting the State Department’s persistent issues with transparency on Monday as this one dealt with a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request concerning Hillary Clinton that won’t be fulfilled until after the November presidential election. 

NYT Editorial Notes 'Millions Just Getting By'; No Mention of Obama

June 6th, 2016 12:04 AM
In a remarkable "Who do they think they're kidding?" exercise seen on Thursday, a New York Times editorial cited the findings of a Federal Reserve study released in late May showing that 76 millions are, in the Fed's words, "struggling to get by" or "just getting by." Gosh, I wonder why? The Times apparently wants readers to believe that these conditions couldn't possibly have anything to do…

WashPost 'Fact-Checks' Trump's Obama Economy Charts: Facts Win, 9-0

June 4th, 2016 9:03 PM
Philip Bump and the Washington Post have apparently had a couple of pretty bad days. The Post had to endure having to cover, and cover for, an absolutely awful jobs report released Friday morning. That news made their beloved Dear Leader, who had just celebrated the allegedly wonderful economic accomplishments seen during his presidency on Wednesday, look quite foolish. Never fear: By Paragraph 4…

CBS, NBC Maintain Blackout on Deleted State Dept. Vid; ABC, CNN Cover

June 2nd, 2016 1:39 PM

CBS This Morning and NBC's Today on Thursday followed in the footsteps of their networks' newscasts the previous evening in failing to cover the State Department's Wednesday admission about an intentional edit of an online video posting of a 2013 briefing. To their credit, ABC's GMA aired a news brief on the controversy on Thursday. CNN's AC360 devoted a full report to the revelation on…

WashPost's Gearan Boosts Hillary's 'National Security' Speech

June 2nd, 2016 9:13 AM
Demonstrating a remarkable ability to ignore the obvious, Anne Gearan at the Washington Post, covering plans by Democratic presidential frontrunner Hillary Clinton to deliver "a major foreign policy address" on Thursday, wrote that "National-security issues offer Clinton a way to play up her experience in contrast to (Donald) Trump." To make that laugh-out-loud clause appear credible, Gearan,…