Government Agencies
Reuters: 2 Percent Growth Is Economy's 'Long-Run Potential'
November 24th, 2015 6:32 PM
Call it the triumph of the "new normal."
At Reuters today, after today's first revision of third-quarter gross domestic product showed that the economy grew by an annualized 2.1 percent, up from the late-October estimate of 1.5 percent, reporter Lucia Mutikani and Editor Paul Simao demonstrated that they have completely given in to the artificially lowered expectations of past seven miserable…
NY Daily News Tags NRA As De Facto Jihad Enablers Twice in Six Days
November 23rd, 2015 3:50 PM
New York Daily News covers on November 18 ("NRA'S SICK JIHAD" — noted at the time by NB's Kristine Marsh) and today ("NOWHERE TO HIDE, JIHADI WAYNE") have accused the NRA of placing the right to purchase guns ahead of public safety from terrorist attacks.
The paper's bogus claim is based on the NRA's opposition to legislation prohibiting anyone on the government's "terror watch list" from…
Time Warner's 'News' Spins Gun Turn-in Which Got One 'Gun' As Positive
November 23rd, 2015 9:46 AM
Time Warner Cable is trying to be in the news business, and is currently engaging in such efforts in 22 locations in five states.
Unless it wants to be yet another unreliable, hopelessly biased news source, it needs to try harder. Take this November 14 report from north-central North Carolina's Triad area on the city of Greensboro's effort to get residents to turn in unwanted guns. Keep in mind…
Really? Media Meme: U.S. Does Not Face Same Terrorism Risks As Europe
November 22nd, 2015 10:38 AM
In the wake of the Paris terrorist murder sprees, a media narrative that the U.S. is somehow less vulnerable to terrorist attacks than countries in Europe has arisen.
The reasons given for this contention would be uproariously funny if the stakes weren't so serious: "Geography and strict travel restrictions." Additionally, according to the report where the meme appears to have originated, there…
IBD: Islamist Organization Involved in 'Screening' U.S.-Bound Refugees
November 19th, 2015 5:38 PM
Add what follows to the long list of items we should be reading about in wire service reports but instead must find in the editorial sections of the nation's two leading business newspapers.
An Islamist organization tied to the Muslim Brotherhood is involved in the screening potential Syrian refugees allegedly receive before being allowed to come to the United States. Investor's Business Daily…
Attkisson: Obama Won't Read Intelligence on U.S.-Recognized Terrorists
November 19th, 2015 10:48 AM
Several times in the past, we've heard President Barack Obama, and occasionally his press secretary, tell America that the nation's commander-in-chief learned about certain events the same way many of the rest of us did: by seeing them on TV or reading newspaper accounts. A Republican or conservative president hauling out this excuse even once would face endless outrage and ridicule, respectively…
Media Pushback Against Invoking 'No-Go Zones' Ensues
November 17th, 2015 11:10 AM
The Washington Post's Erik Wemple and certain "I walked through Bedford Stuy alone" reporters are contending that, in Wemple's words, "the term 'no-go zone' is best left in retirement." No sir, it needs to be defined appropriately, then used when appropriate.
Avoiding use of the term enables a dangerous detachment from reality. There is already quite a surplus of that. Patrick J. McDonnell at…
Two Paris Terrorists Lived in Supposedly Mythical Belgian 'No-Go Zone'
November 15th, 2015 10:03 PM
Shortly after the Charlie Hebdo Islamic terrorist murders in Paris in January, the establishment press attacked those who dared to state something quite obvious about "no-go zones" in parts of Europe, i.e., that they exist. The media summarily and unilaterally declared that "no-go zones" were a myth propagated by the likes of Fox News, Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal, longtime terror expert…
AP Makes Report on October Deficit Almost All About Other Things
November 13th, 2015 6:02 PM
The federal government kicked off fiscal 2016 yesterday by reporting that its October deficit was $136.5 billion, 12 percent higher than the $121.7 billion shortfall seen in October 2014.
Single-month comparisons can be tricky because of timing differences, but the Associated Press's Martin Crutsinger noted that analyzing the results from this October and last October is an apples-to-apples…
AP Pair 'Fact Checks' an Achieved Goal and a Completely True Statement
November 12th, 2015 11:55 PM
The "fact-checking" press has become a parody of itself during the past several years.
It's not only because of their irritating penchant for putting statements by Republicans and conservatives under a twisted microscope while ignoring drop-dead obvious falsehoods delivered by Democrats and leftists. It's because, among other things, the fact-checkers often admit that a statement is true, but…
AP Treats Increase in Already-Bloated Inventories As Positive
November 10th, 2015 7:54 PM
Today's "I'm just making stuff up on the fly" award nominee is Martin Crutsinger at the Associated Press.
The AP reporter, named by National Review's Kevin Williamson as America's "Worst Economics Writer" in 2013, lived down to his designation in a Tuesday report on the Census Bureau's September Monthly Trade Inventories and Sales release. He described a sales increase which didn't come close to…
MSNBC: 2.7-Degree Celsius Temps Change Same As 37 Degrees Fahrenheit
November 9th, 2015 3:32 PM
At the math-challenged mess known as MSNBC, the network's "all new video experience" known as "Shift by MSNBC" tweeted a dire warning: "Latest UN report says humanity will warm the planet by 2.7˚C or roughly 37˚F." Though not revealed in the tweet, this warming will allegedly occur by 2100.
If MSNBC's conversion were true, it would of course mean that the earth as we know it is in dire straits.…
Hey WSJ: Amnesty is the Hugest Cronyism of All
November 9th, 2015 1:04 PM
The political definition of Cronyism is: government policy that favors one or more specific beneficiaries - at the expense of everyone else. To wit: $80 billion of the 2009 “Stimulus” was wasted on “green energy” companies - 80% of whom were Barack Obama donors. Amongst the parade of horribles contained therein: the government took money from energy companies - to fund competitors to their…
CBS: Manning Part of 'Widespread Failure' in Security Clearances
November 7th, 2015 11:11 AM
Friday's CBS Evening News previewed an upcoming 60 Minutes exposé on the "widespread failures in the system that grants top-secret security clearance to federal employees and contractors." Scott Pelley pointed at Bradley Manning as a prime example of "how top-secret clearances fall into dangerous hands." Pelley featured several clips from his interview of Manning's former supervisor in Iraq, who…