AP Ignores Bad Economic Data, Treats 2nd Quarter 'Rebound' As Certain

June 25th, 2015 1:32 PM
Yesterday, the government revised the economy's first-quarter contraction from the annualized 0.7 percent it reported in May to 0.2 percent. In covering that news, the Associated Press's Christopher Rugaber spent most of his report speculating about the second quarter's impending "rebound" as if its existence is absolutely certain, citing only the items which would cause readers to believe that'…

Politico Columnist: Putting a Woman on the $10 Bill 'Isn't Worthy'

June 25th, 2015 12:49 AM
One of the latest in a seemingly endless stream of missives from the perpetually aggrieved comes from Ruth Graham at the Politico, which seems to have become an especially fertile repository for such ridiculous items. Mr. Graham is completely unimpressed that Obama administration Treasury Secretary Jack Lew has announced that the image of a famous woman to be named later will soon grace the $10…

Jonathan Who? AP, NY Times Set the Stage For Gruber News Blackout

June 23rd, 2015 10:55 PM
Two recent NewsBusters posts have demonstrated that the major broadcast networks other than Fox News have failed to cover new information reported Sunday evening at the Wall Street Journal. Newly available emails reveal that MIT's Jonathan Gruber "worked more closely than previously known with the White House and top federal officials to shape" the Affordable Care Act, aka Obamacare. Monday…

Fox News Alone Covers Hillary's High-Level Private-Server Libya Emails

June 18th, 2015 3:24 PM
2016 Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, as seen in this March 10 Associated Press report, has claimed for several months that "No Classified Material (was) Sent via Her Personal Emails" from a home-based server she said "would remain private." That claim, like so many other representations Mrs. Clinton has made, fell apart earlier this week, when, as Fox News reported, it was…

Williams: Black Support For Voter ID 'Amazing'; Voter Fraud Is 'Rare'

June 17th, 2015 3:12 PM
Poor Juan Williams. So occasionally correct, as when he wrote forcefully on the damage done by an urban culture which has made so many black children "believe that excelling in math and science is 'acting white.'" But he's also so often egregiously wrong, perhaps never moreso than in his Monday column at the Hill. Williams is astonished that a recent poll, consistent with others, shows that over…

Gap Inc., Praised by Obama For Its $10 Minimum Wage, Is Closing Stores

June 16th, 2015 12:10 PM
In February of last year, Gap Inc., which operates Gap, Old Navy, Banana Republic and Athleta stores, announced that it would raise its minimum hourly rate of pay for all U.S. employees to $9 in June 2014 and $10 in June 2015. As a result, it won "praise from President Obama who is pushing to raise the nation's minimum wage by a similar amount." The company said that the move would affect 65,000…

Net Neutrality Hits the Web, The Media Misses -- Badly

June 15th, 2015 10:29 AM
As we’ve often discussed, the Tech Media is just as hopelessly Leftist and lost as the broader Jurassic Press.  They are both echo chambers - talking points and terrible ideas bounce with great rapidity around their tiny little worlds.  They are the Bubble Boys (and Girls) of news. When a Tech Media story crosses over to the broader Jurassic Press - their ridiculous Leftist repetitiveness is…

WashPost's 'Synthetic' Claim: 1994 Connecticut Gun Law Saved Lives

June 14th, 2015 9:56 PM
On Friday, the Washington Post's Jeff Guo hyped a study published in the American Journal of Public Health by four people with the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health. The study contends that "Connecticut’s handgun permit-to-purchase law (passed in 1994) was associated with a subsequent reduction in homicide rates" involving firearms. Readers wondering if there is a connection to…

AP Treats Dem Former Governor Patrick's Slush Funds As a Local Story

June 14th, 2015 12:00 AM
The results of a search on the name of former Massachusetts Governor Deval Patrick at the Associated Press's main national site are revealing — both for what is there and what isn't. It's an understatment to say that the wire service's priorities are warped. What isn't there is any news about the results of a Boston Herald investigation which found that "Patrick’s administration secretly…

Preelection FBI Study Team Admits Media Distorted It — 6 Months Later

June 13th, 2015 1:18 PM

In late September 2014, the Federal Bureau of Investigation released "A Study of Active Shooter Incidents in the United States, 2000-2013." To say the least, the report's issuance, timed six weeks before the midterm elections, and its topic ("a specific type of shooting situation law enforcement and the public may face") were curious. Given the press's inclination to sensationalize and…

AP Coverage of May Deficit Omits Debt Ceiling, Copies Previous Content

June 11th, 2015 4:31 PM
In addition to his usual tired historical revisionism, the Associated Press's Martin Crutsinger, in his report on May's budget deficit of $82 billion, failed to mention that the nation is once again operating at the legal limit of its authorized debt. Additionally, he mailed in his final five paragraphs, virtually copying what he wrote on May 12 in covering April's surplus. The nation's debt…

AP Keeps Mosby's Name Out of Headline in Story Entirely About Her

June 10th, 2015 12:26 PM
Readers can be excused if they believe that the Associated Press might be more interested in protecting what little is left of Baltimore prosecutor Marilyn Mosby's credibility and reputation than they are in reporting the news. Look at the vague headline about enhanced police presence in the area where Freddie Gray was arrested that Mosby herself requested at the AP story by Juliet Linderman:

Straw-Man Argument at Houston Chron: Frackers Want 'No Regulations'

June 7th, 2015 10:12 PM
After the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency issued a draft report on Thursday declaring that, in his own words, "The government has no public safety justification to ban" hyrdraulic fracturing, or fracking, Houston Chronicle business writer Chris Tomlinson falsely claimed that the industry believes it "needs no regulation." Tomlinson formerly toiled at the Associated Press, and it shows. One…

Lanny Davis Whines About 'Media Frenzy' Over Hillary Clinton

June 7th, 2015 10:40 AM
When they can't go directly after something a Republican or conservative candidate says, the establishment press attempts to make a big deal out of dumb things their aides utter or publish. Leftist apparatchiks usually have no such worries. The latest example of an item which would be prominently in the news if a Republican or conservative had written something equally dense comes from Lanny…