Government Agencies
AP Celebrates April Budget Surplus, Ignores Its Cause: Tax Increases
WashPost: 'How Many Votes' Has Higher Black Mortality Cost Dems?
Cummings: Baltimore Schools Are Awful; Others Have to Pay to Fix Them
NBC, ABC Ignore IRS Employees Evading Taxes and Getting Promoted
Dorian Johnson Is Arrested; AP's Coverage Is Only at the New York Post
Press Ignores Admin's Invocation of Privilege in Immigration Lawsuit
Remember the cries of "Bush Lied" during the previous administration — even though he didn't? Or the obsession over the 16 words relating to Saddam Hussein's attempt to obtain nuclear materials from Niger, which George W. Bush's opponents tried to pretend were false but were really true? Good times. In federal court in February, the Obama administration seriously "misrepresented" the degree of…