Politico Still Perpetuating Myth About Netanyahu's Speech to Congress

March 18th, 2015 11:22 PM
Many media myths won't die because those who should know better — and I believe in many cases do know better, and don't care — perpetuate them. One can't divine his mindset, but Politico's Michael Crowley, in his coverage of Benjamin Netanyahu's resounding Tuesday electoral victory, did his part to continue the myth that the Israeli Prime Minister's "March 3 speech to Congress (was) arranged by…

Carville 'Suspects' Hillary's Private Server Set Up to Dodge Oversight

March 16th, 2015 10:06 AM
After his appearance yesterday on ABC's "This Week," Hillary Clinton may be wondering whose side James Carville is on. Never mind Carville's frequent and rude interruptions of other guests, his seemingly calculated incoherence, and his false claims about the Clintons' past record of corruption. Even though that behavior doesn't represent the Clintons well, they have to know that's part of the…

NY Times Mangles Obama's Net Neutrality Power Grab

March 16th, 2015 9:26 AM
As we know - America’s media is for the most part decidedly Leftist, often befuddled and rarely right.  So when they wade into an intricate issue like President Barack Obama’s Net Neutrality Internet power grab - we can only expect even more Leftism, befuddlement and wrongness. On February 26, the Obama Administration’s Federal Communications Commission (FCC) pretended to be Congress and rewrote…

AP Fails to Admit Race of Man Arrested in Shooting of Ferguson Cops

March 15th, 2015 11:09 PM
Here is a clear case of media reluctance to acknowledge a drop-dead obvious fact — one even the often fact-averse New York Times has admitted. In an 8:40 p.m. report tonight, Jim Salter at the Associated Press spent eight paragraphs avoiding any mention of the race of Jeffrey Williams, the 20 year-old man arrested today and charged in connection with the shooting of two Ferguson, Missouri police…

Imagine That: U.S. Leads World in 'Unexpectedly' Bad Economic News

March 14th, 2015 10:26 AM
The only surprise should be that anyone is surprised. Those who are used to how frequently the word "unexpectedly" appears in reports about disappointing economic data certainly won't be at all shocked at a Friday Bloomberg News report by Steve Matthews and A. Catarina Saraiva telling readers that "U.S. economic data have been falling short of prognosticators' expectations by the most in six…

'Unexpected' and Buried News at Bloomberg: Feb. Retail Sales Plunge

March 12th, 2015 2:30 PM
Less than five hours after its release, the government's news that retail sales fell by 0.6 percent in February — compared to a 0.3 percent increase expected by economists and analysts — is buried way down (about 6-8 screens, depending on your computer) on the home page of Bloomberg News, where the focus is supposed to be on developments in business and the economy. Instead, the web site's main…

AP Poorly Covers Notre Dame's 'Touchdown' Over Contraception Mandate

March 11th, 2015 11:11 AM
The University of Notre Dame won an important victory at the Supreme Court Monday morning when the Court acted in its case involving Obamacare's contraception mandate. Its "GVR" order (grant, vacate, remand) granted Notre Dame a "writ of certorari," vacated a lower court ruling against the school which would have forced it comply or face severe penalties, and remanded the case back to that lower…

AP Only IDs 4 of 5 Reasons Not to Worry About Downward GDP Revision

February 28th, 2015 6:26 PM
After yesterday's government report on economic growth reduced the fourth quarter's originally estimated increase in gross domestic product from an annualized 2.6 percent to 2.2 percent, you just knew that the Associated Press, aka the Administration's Press, would try to ride to the rescue. Late Friday afternoon, the AP's Martin Crutsinger gamely tried to concoct five reasons why we shouldn't…

Jezebel Smear: Walker Wants to Stop Campus Sexual Assault Reporting

February 28th, 2015 9:45 AM
On Friday morning at Jezebel, a Gawker-affiliated web site, Natasha Vargas-Cooper thought she had Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker by the — well, you know. In a post tellingly tagged "Conservative Werewolves," Vargas-Cooper was absolutely sure — so certain that she apparently felt no need to check any further — that Walker's proposed budget would allow its colleges to "to stop reporting sexual…

AP Report on Wisconsin Right to Work Move Presents Union Side Only

February 27th, 2015 11:28 PM
A couple of thousand protesters have showed up to rail against the Wisconsin Legislature's move to pass right to work legislation this week. That number is far smaller than what was seen four years ago, when Badger State Governor Scott Walker championed Act 10, a budget repair bill which limited — but please note, contrary to frequent press assertions, did not eliminate — most public-sector…

Fiscal Times Falsely Claims Food Stamp Caseload Is Down 11 Percent

February 27th, 2015 9:01 PM
The Fiscal Times is a generally strong and informative online publication. That said, it has occasionally exhibits symptoms of what could be seen as either serious leftist bias, quite disappointing ignorance, or both. One such example arrived in my email box early this morning. It contained the following headline and opening tease for a story about the food stamp program:

AP's Dilanian Fails to Report Clapper's 'Worst in 45 Years' Statement

February 26th, 2015 11:12 PM
At the Associated Press late Thursday morning, Ken Dilanian, the wire service's intelligence writer, did a marvelous job of covering up the essence of Director of National Intelligence James Clapper's Worldwide Threat Assessment testimony before the Senate Armed Services Committee. The trouble is that if he were doing his job as our Founders anticipated he would when they gave the nation's press…

AP Weakly Headlines, Poorly Covers Halbig Contingency Plan Controversy

February 26th, 2015 6:10 PM
The Associated Press's headline at Alan Fram's coverage of the controversy over the existence of an Obama administration contingency plan if it loses the Halbig v. Burwell case pending at the Supreme Court may be among the most inchoherent ever: "GOP CLAIMS PAPER SHOWS FED AIDES' PREPS FOR HEALTH LAW LOSS." "Paper"? What is in question is an alleged 100-page contingency plan should the Court…

Van Susteren Roasts Rice Over GOP-Netanyahu 'Destructive' Comment

February 26th, 2015 11:20 AM
Wednesday night, Fox News's Greta Van Susteren sharply criticized Susan Rice for her Tuesday comment about Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu's impending March 3 speech to Congress, namely that "On both sides, there has now been injected a degree of partisanship, which is not only unfortunate, but I think it's destructive of the fabric of the relationship." To be clear, Rice is not freelancing.…