Government Agencies
FBN's Asman Blasts 'Atrocious Anti-Cop NYT Editorial' — and Its Timing
January 3rd, 2015 12:13 AM
In the midst of properly blasting the New York Times for its disgraceful editorial attacking the NYPD, Fox Business News's Davd Asman has raised an important question which goes to the paper's fundamental integrity. Specifically, did the Times acquiesce to active efforts by Mayor Bill de Blasio's office encouraging them to go on the attack, effectively serving as his mouthpiece?
The question…
NY Times Attacks Cops and Indulges Protesters — Just Like de Blasio
December 30th, 2014 10:59 PM
Earlier this evening, Clay Waters at NewsBusters noted the New York Times Editorial Board's blistering attack on Gotham's finest.
The Times editorial insisted that the NYPD has "squandered" its presumptive respect in its treatment of Mayor Bill de Blasio since a bi-racial grand jury's December 3 decision not to indict officers on the scene in July when Eric Garner died on Staten Island. This is…
Sea Ice Hits Record, Warming 'Pause' Continues; Alarmists Hardest Hit
December 30th, 2014 5:36 PM
The Associated Press is obsessed with global warming. It currently has seven items at its national site containing that term.
Two of them relate to how the U.S. is allegedly exporting more pollution, and therefore more global warming, to other countries even as it supposedly is cleaning up its act. These are the kinds of stories which the rest of the press would eagerly jump on if a Republican…
Press Barely Notices Obama Team's Computerized Health Records Fiasco
December 30th, 2014 11:52 AM
The old saying — "To err is human, but to really screw things up, you need a computer" — needs an update. In this case, it's "To err is human, but to wreck an entire industry, you need to have the federal government try to force it to computerize."
I'm referring to the government's attempt to coerce doctors into using its mandated, "clunky, time-sucking" electronic health records system. Somehow…
Media Embarrassment: Lionized Ferguson Protester Confesses to Crimes
December 28th, 2014 9:52 AM
In St. Louis County, police have arrested 19 year-old Joshua Williams and charged him (HT Gateway Pundit) with committing "1st degree arson, 2nd degree burglary and misdemeanor theft" at the QuikTrip convenience store in Berkeley, Missouri on Christmas Eve. Williams "has confessed to the crimes."
The St. Louis Post-Dispatch gets today's prize for most absurd headline, as seen after the jump (…
Gruber Before Vermont Failed: Single-Payer Must Succeed in States
December 26th, 2014 10:28 AM
Earlier this morning, I posted on Vermont's abandonment of its attempt to impose and implement a "single-payer" (i.e., government-controlled) healthcare system, and on how muted the press coverage has been.
It's difficult to overstate how devastating the Green Mountain State's blowup is to the left's oft-stated long-term goal of imposing single-payer, occasionally referred to a "Medicare for all…
Vermont Abandons Single-Payer Health Care; Press Coverage Muted
December 26th, 2014 7:23 AM
President Barack Obama, soon to be former Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, former Congressman Barney Frank, and many other prominent Democrats and leftists have over the past several years declared that their ultimate goal is turn the U.S. healthcare system into a "single-payer," i.e., completely government-controlled, enterprise.
That likely explains why the reaction to Vermont's abandonment…
Anti-Gun ‘PSA’ Tells Kids to Turn in Their Parents’ Guns
December 24th, 2014 10:42 AM
When I first read about this, I thought that it had to be some kind of weird spoof. But it's not.
Over the course of almost two excruciatingly tedious minutes complete with ominous piano-dominated background music, a recently created video intended to become a public service announcement (PSA) shows a teenage boy taking a gun out of a drawer in his parents' bedroom and bringing it to school. At…
AP's David Crary Perpetuates Michael Brown 'Hands Up' Myth
December 23rd, 2014 10:43 AM
Establishment press reporting has all too often been about perpetuating a narrative, even long after it has been proven false, than conveying facts and truth. Anyone arguing that 2014 has been one of the worst years ever for this growing trend won't get an argument here.
An Associated Press poll about the top stories of the year got responses from 85 editors at subscribing AP outlets. Although…
Daily Beast: Some in Brooklyn Are Cheering NYPD Officers' Murders
December 21st, 2014 12:15 AM
In New York City, police officers Wenjian Liu and Rafael Ramos were killed Saturday afternoon by a man who indicated online that his motivation was to seek revenge for the deaths of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri and Eric Garner on Staten Island.
At the Daily Beast, M.L. Nestel didn't find it particularly difficult to find people who thought that the officers deserved to die, and almost…
NY Official Bans Fracking to Protect 'Child,' 'Family' He Doesn't Have
December 20th, 2014 9:59 AM
In discussing a statewide ban on hydraulic fracturing announced Wednesday, the New York Daily News carried comments made by Howard Zucker, the state's Health Commissioner, about fracking's impact on public health.
Zucker asked two rhetorical questions: "Would I live in a community with (fracking) based on the facts I have now?" and “Would I let my child play in a school field nearby or my family…
Reporting on New York's Fracking Ban Ignores Awful Upstate Economy
December 20th, 2014 7:49 AM
The establishment press is virtually giddy over New York Governor Andrew Cuomo's cowardly, self-serving decision to ban fracking in New York. It's cowardly because Cuomo is publicly pretending that he's only deferring to his environmental and health commissioners, when everyone with an ounce of sense knows that he's getting the recommendations he wanted. It's self-serving because it enhances his…
Blogger: Cheney, Other ‘Elites’ Help Make GOP the ‘Torture Party’
December 17th, 2014 11:57 AM
“What the average person is seeing right now,” declares the American Prospect’s Paul Waldman, “is an entire party mobilizing to defend the use of torture, whether they will call it by that name or not. And that looks to be having an effect on public opinion.”
AP's Story on Federal Judge's Immigration Opinion Woefully Incomplete
December 16th, 2014 11:55 PM
Earlier tonight, Curtis Houck at NewsBusters observed that the Tuesday evening network news shows failed to report on an opinion issued today by a federal judge in Western Pennsylvania in connection with President Obama's illegal immigration-related executive actions last month.
Several blogs and center-right outlets noted Judge Arthur Schwab's 38-page "Memorandum Opinion" this afternoon. Not…