AP More Worried About 'Impact' of U.Va. Rape Story Fail Than the Truth
December 7th, 2014 12:12 AM
The headline at Saturday's Assocated Press story at Yahoo News dealing with the implosion of Rolling Stone's November 19 story about an alleged — and, for all appearances, completely fictional — fraternity gang rape at the University of Virginia focuses, as so many other establishment press stories have, on the supposedly "chilling effect" ... (it) could have on sexual-assault victims reporting…
Sorry, AP: Non-Timely Gun Background Checks Don't 'Beat the System'
December 6th, 2014 10:39 AM
In the runup to the Black Friday shopping weekend, the Associated Press's Matt Stroud hysterically claimed that "more gun sales are effectively beating the system" of background checks. Tim Graham at NewsBusters caught how Stroud described the situation as "a 'perfect storm,' like the disastrous ship-sinking movie."
Stroud's report gave readers the clear impression that there are no potential…
Chuck Todd: Obama Hopes New Def. Sec. Will Be 'Bull In A China Shop'
December 5th, 2014 4:05 PM
During an NBC News special report on President Obama nominating Pentagon official Ashton Carter be the next secretary of defense, Meet the Press moderator Chuck Todd advanced White House talking points that the President really wanted someone who would challenge the administration on foreign policy: "...they claim they want him to be more confrontational with the White House national security…
NYPost's McCaughey Breaks News About ObamaCare Regs Press Ignored
December 3rd, 2014 1:36 PM
New York Post columnist, legitimate constitutional scholar and health policy expert Betsy McCaughey broke news about the Affordable Care Act, aka ObamaCare, in her Tuesday evening column. The Post should send the Associated Press, the New York Times and other establishment press outlets which have yet to report what she found the bill for her work.
In the midst of the Obama administration's pre-…
Earnest: Obama Spoke 'Colloquially' in Immigration Remark
December 2nd, 2014 5:27 PM
Earlier today, according to several center-right and zero establishment press outlets thus far (based on an appropriate Google News search done just before 5 PM ET), White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest said that President Obama was only speaking "colloquially" when he told hecklers in an audience in Chicago last week that "I took action to change the law" in his November 20 announcement on…
The Media Messes Up the Lede
December 1st, 2014 10:36 AM
As we’ve often discussed, the Tech World Media is just as hopelessly Leftist and lost as the broader Jurassic Press. They so often get it so very wrong - often because their absurd political perspective warps their alleged “reporting.”
Saturday gave us two additional exquisite examples - one each in Politico (henceforth Pathetico) and The Hill.
OUR Walmart Demands Chain Pay $15/Hr.; UFCW-Unionized Kroger Pays Less
November 28th, 2014 1:55 PM
In a Tuesday column originally appearing at RealClearMarkets.com (found in more readable form at Economics21.org), the Manhattan Institute's Diana Furchtgott-Roth tore into the hypocrites at OUR Walmart, the union-backed effort to intimidate the nation's largest retailer into paying all employees at least $15 per hour.
In the process, Furchtgott-Roth noted a particularly important fact which I…
LAT Guest Blogger: Use Thanksgiving to Debate ‘Crazy Right-Wing Uncle'
November 28th, 2014 10:51 AM
Sometimes, one has to remember that op-ed writers don't always get to pick their headlines, though I would hope that they're allowed to register their objections. So it's not clear that Los Angeles Times guest blogger Joel Silberman is responsible for the headline at his Monday blog post about how, or even whether, to deal with relatives who disagree with you politically on Thanksgiving.
Schumer: Election Results Show That Dems Need to Go Further Left
November 25th, 2014 11:33 PM
An Associated Press story late this afternoon has New York Senator Chuck Schumer saying the darnedest things, with only a tiny bit of pushback from reporter Charles Babington.
In the wake of a midterm election rout which saw Republicans win at least eight Senate seats, increase their House majority, and take gubernatorial races in at least three deep blue states (MD, MA, and IL), Schumer now…
AP Is Stunned at Japan's Recession Despite 'Unprecedented Stimulus'
November 25th, 2014 7:10 PM
After reading Elaine Kurtenbach's coverage of how Japan's latest dive into yet another recession is affecting young people there, I can only say, "The Keynesian koolaid is strong in this one." The AP reporter's headline says that the recession was "unexpected," and her first sentence calls it "a surprise." Anyone watching economic events in the country, and I think that's supposed to include…
AP Initially Fails to Report That Ferguson Mayor Begged for Guard Help
November 25th, 2014 4:57 PM
It looks like the Associated Press, aka the Administration's Press, is choosing to become an active participant in the covering for the failure by Missouri Governor Jay Nixon to carry out his most basic duty as the state's chief executive in a timely fashion.
The AP's unbylined three-paragraph report published at 2:12 PM ET this afternoon acts as if the Guard had a meaningful presence in…
NYT Sanitizes, Spins Report on Hagel's Sacking for Tues. Print Editon
November 25th, 2014 1:09 PM
The New York Times continued its annoying, Winston Smith-like habit of rewriting history in virtually real time yesterday.
Helene Cooper's original Monday afternoon report on Chuck Hagel's sacking as Secretary of Defense is no longer available at the Times. However, since I anticipated that the paper would conduct a comprehensive cleanup yesterday when I posted on the paper's original coverage,…
NBC Skips Latest on VA Scandal, Hypes Holiday Sales Instead
November 25th, 2014 11:47 AM
Despite a four-hour running time, NBC's Today on Tuesday completely ignored the latest developments in the still evolving Veterans Affairs scandal. ABC's Good Morning America and CBS This Morning allowed a combined 30 seconds to the news that the head of the Phoenix VA hospital has been removed.
AP Relays False 'Soaring Deportations' Claim in Obama Speech Coverage
November 24th, 2014 10:28 PM
While it is indeed nice that the Associated Press did a fact check on President Obama's Thursday night immigration address — an item P.J. Gladnick at NewsBusters covered on Saturday — it would have been even nicer if the wire service better described as the Administration's Press had fact-checked Julie Pace's and Josh Lederman's awful Friday evening backgrounder on the speech.
The AP pair couldn…