Government Agencies
NYT Lie: No One Has to Spend More Than 8% of Income for ACA Coverage
November 17th, 2014 12:14 AM
On Saturday (at NewsBusters; at BizzyBlog), I noted the hypocritical fury of Linda Greenhouse at the New York Times that the Supreme Court has taken on the King v. Burwell case over the legality of Obamacare subsidies in states which don't have their own Obamacare exchanges.
I need to address another item of Greenhouse gas contained therein, namely her claim that the Affordable Care Act requires…
NYT's Greenhouse Is Furious That Obamacare Case Got to the Supremes
November 15th, 2014 9:14 AM
Linda Greenhouse covered the Supreme Court for the New York Times for 30 years until accepting a downsizing buyout in 2008. She continues to write bi-weekly columns there.
Greenhouse is absolutely appalled that the King v. Burwell lawsuit has gotten to the Supreme Court. As will be seen, she's also quite selective in her outrage.
Gruber, Confirmed In White House Logs: Obama Discussed Tax Subterfuge
November 13th, 2014 8:22 PM
I think this makes six videos (CNN says they have Number 4, and I believe this is Number 5) of Obamacare co-architect Jonathan Gruber giving away the Obama administration's comprehensively deceptive game in drafting and promoting the Affordable Care Act, aka Obamacare.
The most relevant 40-second snip is at the YouTube account and a Thursday afternoon post by the indispensable Jim Hoft at…
AP's Tobacco-Ban Town Hearing Story Acts As If 'Rowdy' Crowd Ended It
November 13th, 2014 4:10 PM
Amy Crawford of the Associated Press, who wrote the wire service's original Sunday story about a proposed first-in-the-nation ban on the sale of all tobacco products in the town of Westminster, Massachusetts, covered the town's Wednesday night public hearing.
While it's nice that Crawford followed up on her original story, her opening paragraph, based on the facts as I understand them and…
Latest Lame Low-Turnout Excuse: 'Couldn't Get Time Off Work'
November 13th, 2014 9:35 AM
Well, if this doesn't beat all.
Based on excuses provided by 63 people (35 percent) out of a "smallish sample" (I'll say) of 181 nonvoters, the Washington Post's Christopher Ingraham whined on Wednesday (HT Twitchy) about how "scheduling conflicts with work or school" kept people from voting last Tuesday. This alleged problem calls for solutions like "requiring employers to allow flexible…
ANOTHER Gruber 'Stupid Voters' Vid Appears; Fox's Megyn Kelly Goes Off
November 12th, 2014 12:42 AM
If Jonathan Gruber, the Obama administration and the establishment press thought that Gruber's faux mea culpa appearance on MSNBC Tuesday afternoon would get them off the hook and avoid the need to deal with and cover the Obamacare architect's exposure of the left's mendacity, they were sadly mistaken.
There's yet another damning "stupid voters" video. Megyn Kelly was all over it Tuesday night,…
Atlantic Columnist: Progressives 'Have Every Reason to Be Celebrating'
November 11th, 2014 8:50 PM
Far be it from me to talk a leftist columnist out of an ignorant, self-satisfied position which might, if anything, cause his fellow travelers to hit the accelerator a little less aggressively in future political campaigns.
At the Atlantic on Monday afternoon, Richard Reeves, policy director of the Center on Children and Families at the Brookings Institution, claimed that the left shouldn't be …
Man Finding Damning Gruber Vids Faults Press Failure to Uncover Them
November 11th, 2014 4:31 PM
David Weigel's writeup this afternoon at Bloomberg Politics ("Meet the Mild-Mannered Investment Advisor Who's Humiliating the Administration Over Obamacare") is about the guy who has found at least two incriminating videos of Jonathan Gruber revealing the true intentions behind the Affordable Care Act. In some respects, it's well done and interesting.
What's not well done is Bloomberg's choice…
Massachusetts Town Wants to Ban Tobacco; But What About Pot?
November 11th, 2014 10:26 AM
A Sunday Associated Press item carried at its national news site informs readers that the town of Westminster in north central Massachusetts is seriously considering a ban on tobacco products. The Boston Globe covered the story in a lengthy report on October 28, and the Washington Post carried a brief item at its GovBeat blog that same day.
None of those three items addressed an obvious question…
President's Video Advocating Net Regulation Has Phony 'Buffering' Clip
November 10th, 2014 10:49 PM
When I saw this item, I thought to myself: "Imagine the ridicule which would shower down on a Republican or conservative presidential administration if they did something so obviously childish and clumsy." But since a Democratic administration is involved, it will more than likely get scant attention or be totally ignored.
What I'm referring to is the White House's inclusion of an artifical "…
WaPo's Ignatius: Obama 'Perhaps the Least Political' Modern President
November 9th, 2014 10:12 PM
On Thursday, the first paragraph of a column by the Washington Post's David Ignatius on what he thinks President Barack Obama's foreign policy might be for the next two years contained what may qualify as the "Notable Quotable" of the year.
The first sentence was a pretty impressive failure at perception: "President Obama looked almost relieved after Tuesday’s election blowout." Look, David,…
AP's Werner Channels CBS's Cordes in Covering New House Members
November 9th, 2014 10:40 AM
Saturday morning, Erica Werner at the Associated Press, aka the Administratino's Press, channeled her inner Nancy Cordes to play "gotcha" with Republicans who won election to the House on Tuesday.
Werner's report essentially regurgitated Cordes's petulance in the CBS reporter's question directed at House Speaker John Boehner on Thursday. Cordes identified supposedly stupid or ill-advised things…
Factual Whoppers On Jobs By Illinois Reporter and Michelle Obama
November 2nd, 2014 11:52 PM
Doug Schorpp at the Quad City Times had a really bad day yesterday. The sad thing is that he still probably doesn't even know it.
His report (HT Gateway Pundit) on Michelle Obama's visit to Moline, Illinois had two whoppers. One of them was spoken by Mrs. Obama, while the other error was completely unforced. They have been present at the paper's web site since Saturday at 6 p.m., humiliating…
AP Wants Readers to Believe Fed's Easing 'Is Over'
October 30th, 2014 11:51 PM
An unbylined "Q&A" column at the Associated Press yesterday began with the following false declaration: "The $4 trillion experiment is over." That just isn't so.
Maybe the Federal Reserve is done building up its debt holdings — that is by no means certain — but the "experiment" known as "quantitative easing," or "QE," won't be over until the Fed fully unwinds those balances. In the meantime…