WaPo's Kessler Gives 'GOP Cut CDC Funding' Four Pinocchios

October 15th, 2014 12:36 PM
Early this morning, Glenn Kessler, the Washington Post's designated fact-checker gave the left's claims that Republicans alone were responsible for alleged "cuts" to Ebola research four Pinocchios (i.e., a "whopper"). That's nice, but it hardly undoes the damage news outlets like the Associated Press have inflicted on the truth in the apparent name of ginning up resentment among low-information…

Will Press Ignore National Debt Growth Exceeding Budget Deficits?

October 11th, 2014 4:07 PM
The federal government's latest fiscal year ended on September 30. The final Monthly Treasury Statement for the fiscal year, will likely be published during the coming week or possibly a few days later. From time to time, commenters at NewsBusters have pointed that Uncle Sam's reported deficits don't represent the whole story. They are certainly right. While the press is all excited over this…

USA Today Hypes Record Life Expectancy: A 0.1-Year Increase

October 10th, 2014 5:50 PM
This morning, I received two identical daily briefing emails from USA Today. The subject line was "Life Expectancy in USA Reaches Record High." As USA Today's web-page version of the email shows, the email body contained no link to or mention of a life-expectancy related article. Giving the paper the benefit of the doubt, I clicked on the email's "5 things you need to know Friday"; it also has…

AP's Andrew Taylor: Obama 'Inherited a $1 Trillion-Plus Deficit'

October 8th, 2014 2:44 PM
In a sign that the historical revisionists and Barack Obama legacy builders at the Associated Press, aka the Administration's Press, may have shifted their operation into high gear for the final weeks of the midterm election campaign, Andrew Taylor has written that "Obama inherited a trillion-dollar-plus deficit after the 2008 financial crisis." The occasion for Taylor's tripe is the…

AP Fact-Checks 'a Few" of Obama's 'Stronger Economy' Claims: Two

October 7th, 2014 11:28 PM
The dictionary tells us that "a few" is "a small number of persons or things." Though there is some ambiguity in the guidance I have reviewed, it's fair to say that "Generally a few is more than 2." Not at the Associated Press, where "a few" can apparently be two, at least when it comes to "fact-checking" President Obama's grandiose claims in his Thursday speech at Northwestern University.…

Will Weighs in on How Poorly Obamanomics Has Worked in Illinois

October 5th, 2014 2:09 PM
On Thursday, President Barack Obama did something Republicans have inexplicably been reluctant to do. He nationalized the impending midterm elections by telling a friendly audience at Northwestern University that "I am not on the ballot this fall ... But make no mistake: These policies (of my administration) are on the ballot -- every single one of them." That evening on Fox News's Special…

Megyn Kelly Rips Psaki Over Panetta's Early Iraq Withdrawal Claims

October 4th, 2014 12:13 AM
On her Thursday Fox News show, Megyn Kelly interviewed the State Department's Jen Psaki. Psaki's thankless and impossible task was to defend the administration against former Defense Secretary Leon Panetta's assessment that U.S. troops completely left Iraq too early. Video and the damning portions of the transcript follow the jump:

O'Reilly: Obama Resumé on Terror 'Is About As Weak As You Can Get'

September 30th, 2014 10:44 PM
Bill O'Reilly's opening talking points on his show tonight went after President Obama's claim that the intelligence community underestimated and did not adequately communicate the dangers of ISIS/ISIL in Iraq and Syria with both barrels. As documented in several NewsBusters posts in the 48-plus hours since Obama's Sunday night "60 Minutes" interview, O'Reilly's no-holds-barred analysis…

'60 Minutes' Audience Craters For Obama Interview

September 30th, 2014 2:37 PM
Steve Kroft's interview of Barack Obama was the focus of this past Sunday's episode of "60 Minutes" on CBS. It has become noteworthy primarily because of Obama's statement that U.S. intelligence agencies "underestimated what had been taking place in Syria." As several previous NewsBusters posts have shown (examples here, here, here, and here), the press is working mightily to minimize how the…

Politico Mag Implies George Wallace Was a Republican

September 30th, 2014 11:09 AM
A number of center-right and New Media outlets have noted Politico Magazine's disingenuousness in the opening photograph in its "Race and the Modern GOP" article. At the item's top is the iconic "Stand in the Schoolhouse Door" photo showing onetime segregationist Alabama Governor George Wallace "try(ing) to block the entry of two black students" into the University of Alabama. The aforementioned…

ABC Ignores Karl's Column Naming 3 Officials Who Warned of ISIS Threat

September 29th, 2014 11:45 PM
ABC's Jonathan Karl is on a tear — and his editorial bosses at ABC seem determined to ignore him. As Scott Whitlock at NewsBusters noted earlier today, Karl on Friday "grilled White House press secretary Josh Earnest ... about claims that al Qaeda had been 'decimated,'" mainly because it hasn't been. Instead, it seems like there are at least ten times as many versions. The network televised none…

AP Seems to Think 28 Days of Early Voting Not Good Enough

September 29th, 2014 9:41 PM
Early voting in Ohio was supposed to start tomorrow, a full 35 days before Election Day. But today, the U.S. Supreme Court, by a 5-4 majority allowed the state to carry out voting law as passed by the legislature instead of what a group of misnamed "civil rights" groups wanted. The final paragraph of Ann Sanner's Associated Press coverage of the ruling illustrated how absurd this controversy has…

Vote Fraud Arrest: AP Relays Conn. Claim It Shows System's 'Strength'

September 29th, 2014 3:07 PM
Democratic State Representative Christina Ayala has been arrested and charged with 19 felony charges of voter fraud. Eight of the counts are for fraudulent voting. Other Ayala family members are under investigation, and criminal charges have been recommended but not made against one of them. The press is letting Connecticut's Secretary of State claim that the Ayala prosecution proves that the…

Tech Titan Bezos' Wash Post: Trouble Reporting Tech

September 29th, 2014 11:02 AM
Jeff Bezos is a transcendent Internet entrepreneur.  He understands the way the Web works in a  way few others do.  He sees around the curve of the Earth just a little further than do most of us. To wit: Bezos started in 1994 Amazon.com.