Not News: DHS Sought 'Escorts For Unaccompanied Alien Children' — In

June 21st, 2014 9:10 AM
Though the Associated Press is covering "the waves of immigrant children crossing the border illegally" (AP's words), the wire service doesn't seem to believe the story is particularly important. As of 8:15 this morning ET, the situation had no presence on its "Big Story" page. The dominant "Big Story"? How made-up "scandals" and Democratic Party prosecutor-driven "criminal investigations" are…

Networks Finally Notice IRS's 'Black Eye' Due to 'Lost' Lois Lerner E

June 20th, 2014 11:28 PM
The Big Three networks' Friday evening newscasts finally noticed the latest development in the IRS scandal (they omitted it on Thursday), after Rep. Paul Ryan grilled Commissioner John Koskinen earlier in the day. ABC's David Muir spotlighted "the outrage...involving the IRS claiming to have lost thousands of crucial documents – lawmakers asking, how can the tax man be let off the hook for…

NBC/WSJ Poll Cooks Its Common Core Questions, Fabricates Claim of Stro

June 19th, 2014 12:34 PM
Yesterday's NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll garnered a great deal of attention, primarily because of its findings about President Barack Obama, particularly the one showing showing that "54 percent – believe the term-limited president is no longer able to lead the country." The poll also asked respondents a series of three questions on the Common Core standards which were clearly designed…

No One Else Cares? CBS: 'Republicans' Warning of Future '9/11-Like Ter

June 17th, 2014 8:34 AM
Following the insulting trend of tagging every objection or concern raised about Obama administration policy and conduct as exclusively the province of Republicans and conservatives to an outrageous extreme, Rebecca Kaplan at CBS News opened her Monday story about whether the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) might plan terrorist acts in the U.S. as follows: "Republicans are sounding the…

HBO Pseudo-News Anchor John Oliver Gets Net Neutrality Fundamentally W

June 16th, 2014 9:09 AM
So it turns out there that something doesn't have to be true to be funny. Many a thinking American - who knows media bias - finds the following perversely appropriate. Young Get News From Comedy Central Tom Brokaw, Peter Jennings, Dan Rather ... and Jon Stewart? Readers over 30 might scoff at Stewart's inclusion - assuming they know who he is. For many under 30, the host of Comedy…

AP's Crutsinger Cites Projected Obamacare Savings Even After CBO Throw

June 12th, 2014 1:01 PM
When your fellow journalists won't report the news, you get tripped up when you try to do your job. That's the likely takeaway from Martin Crutsinger's report on the government's May Monthly Treasury Statement yesterday at the Associated Press. The AP, like most establishment press outlets, has virtually if not completely ignored an inconvenient and alarming Obamacare-related statement in a…

ABC, NBC Too Busy With O.J. Simpson Police Chase Anniversary To Cover

June 11th, 2014 8:58 PM
CBS Evening News was the only Big Three evening newscast on Wednesday to report that the FBI has opened a criminal investigation into the V.A. scandal. Neither ABC's World News nor NBC Nightly News covered this latest development in the ongoing controversy. Instead, both programs devoted air time to the 20th anniversary of O.J. Simpson's slow-speed run from the police, after the murder of his…

Senior WH Official to Ron Fournier: VA Not Overhauled Because 'We Don

June 9th, 2014 10:00 PM
In a Monday National Journal column about how many Democrats are allegedly saying they have "quit" on Obama — claims I find quite hollow, given that no one asserting this has yet had the guts to go on the record — Ron Fournier quotes "a senior White House official" with a head-shaking take on the Veterans Administration scandal. Specifically, "Questioning why the Veterans Affairs Department…

Juan Williams Compares Bowe Bergdahl, Who Won't Talk to His Family, to

June 9th, 2014 4:37 PM
Both Time and the Wall Street Journal have reported that Bowe Bergdahl, the soldier released by his Afghan captors in exchange for five hardened Gitmo terrorists — or, in the alternative universe of the Los Angeles Times, five guys aged 43 to 47 who "are pretty old now" — will not contact his parents (WSJ's headline says he "has declined to speak to his family"). That news broke several hours…

ABC Hypes Potential Gitmo Closing: ‘Allegations of Waterboarding...H

June 8th, 2014 3:14 PM
With the exchange of Sergeant Bowe Bergdahl for the release of five Taliban detainees held at Guantanamo Bay complete, ABC’s This Week with George Stephanopoulos used the opportunity to promote the possibility of Gitmo closing its doors.  On Sunday, June 8, Byron Pitts, ABC’s Chief National Correspondent peddled the line that “700 men have come through Gitmo since the beginning of the war on…

Freed Taliban 'Pretty Old Guy' Says He'll Fight Again the Day After LA

June 7th, 2014 10:00 AM
Los Angeles Times reporter Shashank Bengali clearly put a great deal of energy and time into trying to persuade readers on Thursday that the five Gitmo terrorists released in exchange for Bowe Bergdahl "may not live up to (that) description." It only took a day for Bengali's work to be discredited. The person he seemed to believe would be among the least likely to become a threat — after all…

NBC's Williams Skips V.A. Scandal in Obama Interview; Omits Reid's Cla

June 6th, 2014 11:32 PM
Brian Williams glossed over the V.A. scandal during his interview of President Obama on Friday's NBC Nightly News. Williams did devote time to the ongoing controversy surrounding the release of senior Taliban leaders in exchange for Bowe Bergdahl – specifically the White House failing to inform Congress 30 days before the Islamists were let go from Guantanamo Bay, as required by federal law…

Unhinged Obama Admin Flak: Bergdahl's Platoon May Have Been 'Long on P

June 5th, 2014 2:28 PM
UPDATE, 4:40 p.m.: Friedman has partially scrubbed his Twitter bio. His Tumblr bio linked in this post remains — for now. Late last night, Brandon Friedman, the Obama administration’s Deputy Assistant Secretary for Public Affairs at the Department of Housing and Urban Development, unleashed a furious five-tweet barrage attacking those who dare to question whether Bowe Bergdahl served "with…

Chris Matthews Breaks Ranks, Criticizes Network’s Claim That Sergean

June 5th, 2014 12:39 PM
When it comes to being a good liberal soldier, MSNBC’s Chris Matthews doesn’t seem to have gotten the network’s message that the GOP is "swiftboating" Sergeant Bowe Bergdahl. Over the past week, MSNBC hosts have maintained that Bergdahl had been swiftboated on five different broadcasts and it seems as though Matthews is sick of the comparison.  Speaking with Chuck Todd, NBC’s Chief White…