Some 'Stumble': On (Not Really) Last Day For Signing Up at, Use

March 31st, 2014 2:10 PM
The Associated Press has a breaking news update: If you want to apply for Obamacare at today and you've never set up an account, forget about doing so for the time being. The update is is running under this morning's old headline ("HEALTH CARE WEBSITE STUMBLES ON LAST DAY"), begging the question as to when a "stumble" turns into "I've fallen and I can't get up" (HT to several…

AP Ignores Why Vegas Culinary Workers Have Authorized Strike: Obamacar

March 30th, 2014 10:13 AM
The headline and first paragraph at an Associated Press item on a union strike authorization vote in Las Vegas are both far more vague than they could or should be. Though the rest of Ken Ritter's coverage at least identifies the union involved, it completely fails to get to the heart of the matter, which is that Obamacare is causing huge increases in their employers' cost of providing health…

CNN Email Touts 6 Million Obamacare Sign-ups As 'Symbolic Victory

March 28th, 2014 9:14 AM
Call it low-information voter outreach. An email yesterday from CNNMoney touted how fantastic it was that Obamacare enrollment has reached the six million threshold, even describing it as a "symbolic victory." Though the underlying article by Tami Luhby at least noted the problems with that 6 million figure, those problems should have been enough to negate that characterization. Instead,…

They Don't Care: 50 States of Obamacare Victims

March 27th, 2014 4:52 PM
This post builds on Geoffrey Dickens' post late this morning ("American Horror Story: Tales of ObamaCare Victims Untold by the Big Three Networks") about the virtual lack of any kind of coverage of the real people affected by Obamacare. Perhaps some readers believe that little coverage is occurring because there are few if any local situations worthy enough to rise to the level of national…

Drudge 'Liberty Tax' Update: A CPA Firm Employee Weighs In

March 27th, 2014 10:25 AM
One of the odd things about the weekend pot-stirring by Matt Drudge over his stated inclusion of one-quarter of his estimated 2014 "Obamacare penalty" tax for not carrying health insurance coverage this year — calling it a "liberty tax" — is that few if any of those who criticized him seem to have bothered to consult with a tax practitioner for an expert take on the matter before what we now…

AP and Politico Both Sleep as Risen Calls Obama Admin 'Greatest Enemy

March 25th, 2014 3:15 PM
A search on the name of James Risen (not in quotes) returns nothing relevant at the Associated Press. All that comes back at the Politico is a link to a post yesterday at Dylan Byers' On Media Blog containing one pertinent sentence: "James Risen slams the Obama administration." Whoopee. Risen is the Pulitzer Prize-winning American journalist for The New York Times who has been in the Obama…

Diligent Drudge Includes Obamacare Penalty in First Federal Tax Estima

March 25th, 2014 12:56 AM
On Friday afternoon, Matt Drudge announced in a tweet that "(I) Just paid the Obamacare penalty for not 'getting covered'... I'M CALLING IT A LIBERTY TAX!" A White House spokesman and the "progressive" press proceeded to thoroughly embarrass itself in its rebuttal attempts. How do I know? Because, four days later, despite the substantial and widely-known uproar, the Associated Press, aka the…

Almost Six Months Into Obamacare, AP Finally Discovers Cancer Patients

March 19th, 2014 11:59 PM
Sometimes the saying "better late than never" applies. This isn't one of them. In a report originally time-stamped on March 18 (HT Sweetness and Light) and revised this afternoon at its national web site, the Associated Press's Ricardo Alonso-Zaldivar and seven other AP reporters found out that Obamacare is putting the screws to many cancer patients. Of course, they didn't phrase it that way…

Politico Falsely Frames Opposition to Obama Admin's Transfer of ICANN

March 18th, 2014 4:16 PM
One of the more annoying aspects of establishment press coverage of many controversial issues is the outlets' tendency to act as if opposition to many things (really almost anything) which advance the left's agenda springs exclusively from Republicans. One obvious example is abortion, as if you can't be pro-life and libertarian or liberal (see: Nat Hentoff). Another budding example has to do…

NYT Attempts to Limit Damage to Dems From Obama and Obamacare to Healt

March 17th, 2014 11:45 AM
One of the more humorous attempts at furious spin this weekend occurred over at the New York Times. Jonathan Martin and Ashley Parker somehow managed to cover how association with President Barack Obama is becoming “poisonous” to Democratic Party candidates in this fall's elections without identifying or even acknowledging the existence of the primary reason for his toxicity — namely his…

U.S. ‘Transitioning’ Domain Name Functions to ‘Global Community

March 14th, 2014 8:12 PM
In a late Friday afternoon release, the U.S. Department of Commerce's National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) announced its intent "to transition key Internet domain name functions to the global multistakeholder community." The statement is full of the kind of dense bureaucratic language one tends to see when the agency is doing something really important but…

Feb. Employment Report's Raw Numbers Were Miserable; As Usual, Press I

March 11th, 2014 9:52 PM
On Friday, the government's Bureau of Labor Statistics reported that the economy created 175,000 seasonally adjusted jobs in February, with 162,000 of the additions occurring in the private sector. That result exceeded expectations of roughly 150,000, and caused the business press to sing odes of high praise to an economy that was amazingly overcoming this year's difficult winter weather.…

Obama Praises the Higher Minimum Wages in Four Underperforming States

March 5th, 2014 11:59 PM
Early Wednesday morning, Josh Lederman at the Associated Press, aka the Administration's Press, opened a report on President Barack Obama's upcoming afternoon trip to Connecticut by writing that "Obama wants the U.S. to follow Connecticut's lead by raising the minimum wage." In a dispatch after Obama's speech in New Britain, Lederman wrote of "a show of support from like-minded governors,"…

'Breaking' News at USAT's Ministry of Propaganda: 'Hillary Gains Respe

March 4th, 2014 5:07 PM
Shameless shilling for the Demcratic Party's presumptive presidential 2016 nominee appears to have reached an all-time peak. A USA Today email I received this afternoon (email web link here) breathlessly delivered the following "Breaking" news story readers will see after the jump. Keep in mind that this is not a normal, garden-variety news story. No, this one's "breaking," meaning that we…