Bozell Column: The New Nexus, Liberal Media and Liberal Republicans

October 15th, 2013 10:54 PM
The government shutdown has made it abundantly obvious that the anti-conservative news media and the anti-conservative Republican establishment have joined together to the point where it’s almost impossible to see where one ends and the other begins. Some might say they merge every day on the set of “Morning Joe.” The media have designated as Public Enemy Number One a recalcitrant bloc of Tea…

CNN's Gloria Borger Says GOP's PR 'Disaster' Could Match Bush's 'Katri

October 14th, 2013 6:51 PM
Although Democrats stymied a bipartisan debt ceiling deal over the weekend, CNN's chief political analyst focused on poor polling for the Republicans in Congress on Monday, and wondered if it couldn't be like "Katrina" for the party in the long-run. "I think public opinion, this has been a disaster for the Republican party, unmitigated. Everybody admits it. And the question is whether this is…

Andrea Mitchell Frets Over 'Angry Tea Party Protesters' Being 'Misinfo

October 14th, 2013 5:40 PM
At the top of her 1 p.m. ET hour MSNBC show on Monday, host Andrea Mitchell wrung her hands over "angry Tea Party protesters" who gathered in Washington over the weekend to denounce the Obama administration's politicization of the government shutdown being "whipped up" Sarah Palin and Texas Senator Ted Cruz. [Listen to the audio or watch the video after the jump] Later on the program, she…

Roger Simon Wishes Death on Ted Cruz, Accuses Him of Waging a 'War Aga

October 14th, 2013 4:56 PM
In his Monday column Politico's Roger Simon unleashed an anti-GOP rant where he accused the Republican Party of letting "racism out of the closet," accused it of waging "a war against babies" and wished death on two of its leaders Ted Cruz and John Boehner. In his column headlined "Government shutdown unleashes racism" Simon wasted no time in attacking Republicans by putting his twist on old…

Networks Skipped Over Amnesty Rally Exposing Obama's National Mall Hyp

October 14th, 2013 2:11 PM
After the veterans' march against National Park Service barricades on Sunday, last Tuesday's rally for amnesty could be studied for contrasts...except the networks almost entirely skipped over those protests. ABC and NBC aired nothing. CBS offered eight seconds, a 22-word snippet  in their "Eye Opener" quick-clip segment at the start of Wednesday's This Morning: "An arrest for several Congress…

Candy Crowley Asks Rand Paul If He’d Consider Becoming a Democrat

October 13th, 2013 9:53 AM
Does Candy Crowley work for CNN or the Democratic Party? It was tough to tell Sunday when after the State of the Union host asked guest Rand Paul (R-Ky.) if recent polling indicated the beginning of the end of the Republican Party, she actually asked him if he’d ever consider becoming a Democrat (video follows with transcript and commentary):

Majority Think Obama Is Putting His Agenda Ahead of What's Good for th

October 12th, 2013 1:01 PM
The Obama-loving media couldn't wait to report findings from an NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll concerning how the public are giving far more blame for the government shutdown to Republicans than the President. What they chose not to report was that 51 percent of respondents in the very same poll said of Barack Obama, "He is putting his own political agenda ahead of what's good for the country…

People Magazine Profiles Ted Cruz and His 'Swift Rise to Notoriety,' C

October 12th, 2013 12:21 PM
People Magazine is known for its sugary boosting of Democratic celebrities, from helping the Clintons show off Chelsea in 1992 to boosting the Obamas in both election years. In the latest edition, readers can see how People handles conservatives. There it is, in the table of contents: “Meet Texas Senator Ted Cruz, the Canadian-born conservative Republican at the center of the government shutdown…

Fox News Shutdown! Jay Carney Won't Call on Ed Henry, So He Walks Out

October 12th, 2013 8:56 AM
Talk about your government shutdown. Conservatives would have enjoyed watching liberal TV reporters sputter if President Bush had completely skipped the first row of reporters and picked only friendly reporters, even writers for conservative blog sites. But the media elites would have thrown a major tantrum about censorship -- including Jay Carney in his tenure at Time magazine. Put the shoe on…

Daily Kos Boss: Shutdown-Crazed Republicans Need 'A New Brain to Eat

October 12th, 2013 7:44 AM
In his posts this past week on the shutdown/debt-ceiling uproar, Daily Kos founder and publisher Markos Moulitsas likened conservative Republicans to figures that included zombies, Charlie Sheen, and (of course) a terrorist. Let's plunge in. On Monday, Moulitsas alleged that tea-partiers are lashing out in a crazed, mindless anti-Obama rage:

Radio Liberal Thom Hartmann Apologizes for Vilifying Boehner as 'a Kil

October 11th, 2013 8:15 PM
Libtalker Thom Hartmann has been on a tear of late, denouncing the GOP as "the party of suicide bombers" and comparing Sen. Ted Cruz to Khalid Sheikh Mohammed. It was just a matter of time before Hartmann's hothouse rhetoric become a bit overheated even for him. That day came yesterday, after he derided House Speaker John Boehner as guilty of "manslaughter" for his role in the partial…

ABC’s Jon Karl and Rick Klein Try, Fail to Get Bobby Jindal to Criti

October 11th, 2013 5:58 PM
Jonathan Karl and Rick Klein of ABC News teamed up recently for an online interview with Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal. Posted to the ABC News/Yahoo! News “Power Players” blog, the interview consisted mostly of Karl and Klein trying to get Jindal to criticize his fellow Republicans, particularly those in Congress. Karl got right down to the GOP-infighting business with his first question: […

After Weeks Bashing Republicans, NBC Declares Shutdown 'Unmitigated Po

October 11th, 2013 5:02 PM
After NBC spent weeks painting congressional Republicans as the villains who caused the government shutdown, on Thursday's NBC Nightly News, anchor Brian Williams opened the broadcast by smugly announcing: "Who do the American people blame for the shutdown of their government? Tonight our new NBC News poll is out and the answer is clear." [Listen to the audio or watch the video after the jump…

Daily Beast's Gross Steamed at Starbucks CEO for His Shutdown Shtick

October 11th, 2013 4:43 PM
For someone whose job title is global business editor, Daniel Gross seems far more concerned with bashing businessmen for not toeing the liberal line than reporting business news. Then again, perhaps we shouldn't expect that much from The Daily Beast. Gross, who has slammed Apple's penchant for legal tax avoidance as being "too greedy for its own good" turned his attention today to Starbucks CEO…