WATCH: Bozell, Hannity Discuss Media Blaming Tea Party Conservatives f

October 4th, 2013 12:58 PM
While the media are busy painting Republicans -- particularly Tea Party-friendly conservatives in the House -- as the legislators who are ultimately responsible for the government shutdown, they are failing to note that "[t]he Democrats and the president have offered nothing" as a counteroffer on the continuing resolution to fund the government, NewsBusters publisher Brent Bozell noted on the…

NBC's Williams Tells Letterman GOP 'Suicide Caucus' 'Cabal' to Blame f

October 4th, 2013 12:45 PM
Appearing on CBS's Late Show on Thursday, NBC Nightly News anchor Brian Williams ranted to liberal host David Letterman about Republicans in Congress being to blame for the government shutdown: "It's about a small – they've been called the suicide caucus in the U.S. House, about 80 members.....right now they have a hold on the House of Representatives....because of this caucus, this cabal,…

Poor Obama: Nets Fret Over Shutdown That Left Obama With 'No Choice' o

October 4th, 2013 12:30 PM
  The three network morning shows on Friday worried about President Obama and the fact that he had "no choice" but to cancel an Asian summit as the government shutdown drags on. On ABC's Good Morning America, Jon Karl lamented, "These were two significant summits in Brunei and Indonesia. The White House says he could legally have gone, but he needs to be here to push for reopening the government…

MSNBC's Chuck Todd: WWII Memorial, Reid Cancer Stories Driven by 'Manu

October 4th, 2013 10:44 AM
On Thursday, MSNBC's Chuck Todd, in the introduction to his "Daily Rundown" program, characterized both the response to the Obama administration's barricading of the World War II Memorial and Harry Reid's response to a question about helping children with cancer by funding the National Institutes for Health ("Why would we want to do that?") as "manufactured outrage." World War II ended in 1945,…

Chris Matthews Exploits DC Car Chase as 'Iconic Tragedy' Flowing from

October 4th, 2013 12:34 AM
Reacting to a dramatic car chase in downtown Washington, DC Thursday, MSNBC host Chris Matthews jumped at the chance to blame the events on congressional Republicans. The low-rated cable host began his coverage of the death of a woman believed to have suffered from depression with a characteristic passive-aggressive slam against conservatives. “The death will no doubt become an iconic tragedy…

MSNBC's Wagner Suggests Tea Party Only 'Represents 2 Percent of the Pu

October 3rd, 2013 6:26 PM
On Wednesday's The Last Word with Lawrence O'Donnell, at the end of a discussion on the government shutdown, substitute host Alex Wagner tried to marginalize Tea Party conservatives as only representing "two percent of the public" after guest and Executive Editor Richard Wolffe blamed the congressional Republican leadership for allowing Tea Party members to have so much influence.…

GOP Rep. to CNN's Carol Costello: 'You're Beautiful But You Have to be

October 3rd, 2013 6:22 PM
Sometimes Congressmen say the darnedest things. Toward the end of a heated debate with CNN's Carol Costello about the government shutdown and ObamaCare, Rep. Todd Rokita (R-Ind.) brought up the media as part of the problem adding, "Carol, you're beautiful but you have to be honest as well" (video follows with transcript and commentary):

Bernie Goldberg Slashes 'Ayatollahs' of the Right, Claims They Want E

October 3rd, 2013 5:08 PM
Former CBS News vet and O’Reilly Factor regular Bernard Goldberg is hopping mad at conservatives who’ve written him to tell him they will no longer watch him or read him. Goldberg even stooped to suggesting his critics “don’t want to even hear the other guy.  You want the other guy dead (in some cases, I suspect, literally dead!)” At what point does this kind of rage at the audience start…

NBC Creates Twitter Meme to Bash Congress During Government Shutdown

October 3rd, 2013 5:01 PM
In an effort to insulate President Obama from criticism during the government shutdown and focus all blame on members of Congress, NBC's Today created the Twitter topic #DearCongress to provide "a forum for you to vent." [Listen to the audio or watch the video after the jump] After urging viewers on Tuesday to use the hastag in their anti-Congress tweets, on Wednesday, the hosts of the network…

CNBC Outs Obama's Strategy of ‘Scaring the Market

October 3rd, 2013 4:51 PM
Treasury claims possible debt standoff would be ‘worse’ than 2008; CNBC says fear is White House ‘aim.’

HORRORS! Government Shutdown Means No Whale Counters or Animal-Semen E

October 3rd, 2013 4:30 PM
“Animal-semen exporters were furloughed” sounds like a bad joke, but to left-wing publication Mother Jones it’s a problem caused by the government shutdown. Right up there with 50 Nubian goats in New Jersey being furloughed. And don’t forget about the Whale Counters! The Oct. 2 article listed “30 Ways the Shutdown Is Already Screwing People.” Most of the items on this list wee the same talking…

Wolf Blitzer Asks If Capitol Hill 'Incident' Will 'Propel' Congress to

October 3rd, 2013 4:26 PM
Not 90 minutes after CNN first reported that Capitol Hill was on lockdown on Thursday, anchor Wolf Blitzer brought politics into the breaking news coverage. "An incident like this which clearly scares everyone up on Capitol Hill, staffers, workers, members of Congress. You think it's going to propel you guys up there, Democrats and Republicans, to say you know what, enough is enough, let's get…

CBS Notices Harry Reid's Kids' Cancer Research Gaffe; ABC, NBC Out to

October 3rd, 2013 4:04 PM
Nancy Cordes stood out on Wednesday's CBS Evening News for pointing out Senator Harry Reid's eyebrow-raising "why would I want to do that" answer to a question about approving funding for cancer research for children. Meanwhile, on NBC Nightly News, John Yang hyped how "200 patients a week...including about 30 children" had been turned away from "last-resort medical treatment" due to the…

Harry Reid Slams CNN Reporter as ‘Irresponsible’ and ‘Reckless

October 3rd, 2013 11:53 AM
It's only three days into the federal government shutdown, and Senate majority leader Harry Reid is already showing signs of stress. That was especially apparent on Wednesday, when he was asked by Cable News Network reporter Dana Bash if the Senate would vote to pass a resolution if it was already approved by the House to restore funding for the National Institutes of Health, which among other…