Tina Brown: GOP Donning 'Suicide Vests,' Boehner a 'Rallier of These C

October 2nd, 2013 12:32 PM
On Tuesday's AC360 Later, Tina Brown said that Republicans are fighting ObamaCare with "suicide vests" and that President Obama looks "statesmanlike" in talking to Iran but not the GOP. "Maybe Vladimir Putin can break the logjam here," The Daily Beast co-founder quipped. She added, "it is just incredible to me to watch these Republicans putting on their suicide vests and thinking this is going…

Bozell Column: The Old Media and The New Sheriffs

October 1st, 2013 11:06 PM
Once again, we’ve reached a government shutdown over irresponsible government spending. Once more, the media are proclaiming the world is coming to an end and blaming conservative Republicans for everything. They are working hand in glove with the Never Enough Government lobby that dominates Washington, without a shred of shame. Anchors and editors continue to insist that if the GOP were smart…

Politico: Obama, in Govt. Shutdown, Puts on a 'Display of Resolve and

October 1st, 2013 7:20 PM
The folks in office administration at the Politico had better put in for extra janitorial help. With all the horse manure their reporters are slinging during the partial government shutdown, it's gotta be getting knee-deep in those hoary halls. One of the more egregious examples of insufferable obsequiousness today came late this morning via Edward-Isaac Dovere and Reid J. Epstein. You see, in…

David Limbaugh Column: GOP Must Keep Up the Fight Against, Not Surrend

October 1st, 2013 7:14 PM
Why is it just assumed Republicans will automatically be blamed for any government shutdown over a budgetary impasse between Obama and his Democratic Party and Republicans? More disturbingly, why do so many Republicans and right-leaning commentators surrender before we've even begun to fight?

Woman on 'Today' Plaza: GOP to Blame for Shutdown, Obama 'Best Preside

October 1st, 2013 5:56 PM
On Tuesday's NBC Today, co-host Carson Daly turned to a woman on the Today show plaza for her reaction to the government shutdown. "Judy from Chicago" proceeded to bash Republicans and praise President Obama: "I think all of this amounts to is the Republicans are against President Obama. They don't want the President to be successful. I think he is the best president we have had in a very long…

ABC 'World News' Spins For White House On Shutdown, ObamaCare

October 1st, 2013 5:49 PM
Monday night’s edition of ABC World News was a double dose of advocacy as Diane Sawyer and her team essentially served as a mouthpiece for President Obama’s position on the government shutdown and his health care law. Sawyer led the broadcast, of course, with the government shutdown, which was then only a few hours away. She stated President Obama’s perspective on the matter: “The president…

Piers Morgan Cheers 'Excellent Good News' of Fewer Gun Permits During

October 1st, 2013 4:57 PM
CNN's Piers Morgan thinks it's "excellent" that less gun permits will be issued during the government shutdown. "One of the only positives I've heard so far," Morgan told business anchor Christine Romans, "is that actually gun permits, new gun permits may be delayed as part of all this." He added that "without them realizing it, the Tea Partiers, may have literally shot themselves in the foot…

ABC's Jeff Zeleny Finds GOP 'Cracks Emerging'-- From Rep Who Already O

October 1st, 2013 4:42 PM
  ABC reporter Jeff Zeleny on Tuesday afternoon excitedly told viewers that "cracks" are "emerging" in the Republican opposition to the government shutdown. His example of this? A GOP congressman already on record opposing a shutdown. Following live coverage of Barack Obama's speech, the journalist related, "But a couple cracks emerging, including a congressman from Virginia, a military district…

Weekend Today Shows Skewer Republicans For Government Shutdown

October 1st, 2013 3:10 PM
This weekend’s editions of NBC’s Today show did their best to drive home the message that Republicans would be to blame for the government shutdown that went into effect last night. On Saturday’s Today, CNBC’s John Harwood showed up to analyze the situation. The chief Washington correspondent did not mince words as he told anchor Erica Hill who would be responsible for the oncoming shutdown: “…

CNN Blames Darrell Issa for 'Hurting Families,' Lectures Him About Dut

October 1st, 2013 2:55 PM
On Tuesday's New Day, CNN's Chris Cuomo blamed Republicans for "hurting families" with the government shutdown and asked Rep. Darrell Issa (R-Calif.) if he would admit to wrongdoing. "[Y]ou did shut down the government. It is hurting families, many of whom live on the margins and you know that," Cuomo slammed Issa. "And I want to ask you if you think that that was wrong." Issa called him out…

CNN’s Jim Acosta Tells Jay Carney: Seems Like White House ‘Trying

October 1st, 2013 2:23 PM
During his Monday briefing with reporters in the White House, press secretary Jay Carney was asked several times how president Barack Obama would respond to a partial government shutdown. The most interesting query came from Cable News Network's senior White House correspondent Jim Costa, who asked if the Democrats have been using heightened rhetoric to attack Republicans and “trying to taunt”…

Shutdown Showdown: ABC Predicts GOP Will 'Blink First'; NBC Hypes Clos

October 1st, 2013 12:54 PM
 All three networks on Tuesday morning hyped the partial government shutdown with reports from closed museums in Washington D.C. and live shots of the Statue of Liberty. The journalists of ABC's Good Morning America informed Americans that Republicans would probably "blink first" in the stand-off with the White House and congressional Democrats. NBC's Peter Alexander checked in live from…

CNBC Host Tells MSNBC Viewers ‘Jay Carney's Been Fear Mongering on Y

October 1st, 2013 11:32 AM
White House press secretary Jay Carney appeared on MSNBC’s Morning Joe Tuesday expressing the typical doom and gloom about what the government shutdown means to Americans and the economy. After he was done, CNBC’s Michelle Caruso-Cabrera told the MJ crew about how the markets were shrugging off the shutdown due to its likely limited impact on the economy and punctuated her thoughts by saying, “…

Media's Doom and Gloom Predictions Wrong Again, Markets Shrug Off Gove

October 1st, 2013 9:36 AM
For weeks Americans have been told that if Congress and the White House didn't agree to a Continuing Resolution to fund the government when the new fiscal year started on October 1, an economic calamity would befall the nation. Well, the government officially shut down at midnight Monday, and markets all around the world don't seem to care.