Coulter Column: We Need Cruz Control Standard on GOP Models

September 25th, 2013 6:34 PM
If I could briefly interrupt the Republican firing squad aiming at Ted Cruz, let's talk about something we all agree on. And by "we all," I mean a majority of the American people, the Teamsters, many Democrats and every single last Republican. Obamacare is an unmitigated disaster.

Networks Deride Ted Cruz's 'Bizarre,' 'Long-Winded Protest' Against Ob

September 25th, 2013 12:49 PM
  The networks on Tuesday night and Wednesday morning derided the conservative uprising against ObamaCare, mocking Senator Ted Cruz's "bizarre," "long-winded protest" against funding for the law. This stands in stark contrast to how ABC, CBS and NBC hyped "folk hero" Wendy Davis. On Wednesday, Good Morning America's George Stephanopoulos opened the program by needling the "Tea Party senator's…

Cal Thomas Column: It's You Who's the Political Extortionist, Mr. Pres

September 24th, 2013 4:36 PM
President Obama pledged to end partisanship, but instead has exacerbated it. He recently accused House Republicans of being extortionists for opposing a raise in the debt ceiling and wanting to defund Obamacare. defines extortion as "the crime of obtaining money or some other thing of value by the abuse of one's office or authority."

MSNBC's Sharpton: Tea Party 'Don't Care If They Ruin the Country' to R

September 24th, 2013 1:34 PM
On Monday's PoliticsNation on MSNBC, host Al Sharpton charged that the Tea Party has a "radical agenda," and, after guest Joan Walsh of Salon accused Republicans of wanting to "repeal the 20th century," the PolitisNation host accused the GOP of not caring if they "ruin" the country. Sharpton:

Smiley Takes to NBC to Deride ‘American Exceptionalism,’ Governmen

September 22nd, 2013 4:00 PM
PBS put its late-night leftism on display on Meet the Press when PBS host Tavis Smiley used his slot, on the Sunday morning NBC News show’s panel, to regret President Barack Obama’s supposed touting of “American Exceptionalism” and claim the presumed desire of conservatives in the House, to shut down the federal government, means “we are going to lose our democracy. It’s that serious.” Smiley…

CNN: House GOP 'Inmates Are Running the Asylum,' Holding the Economy

September 20th, 2013 6:10 PM
Throughout Friday morning's coverage of the House vote on the continuing resolution (CR), CNN repeatedly slapped Republicans for supposedly risking a government shutdown to defund Obamacare. A CNN chyron even stated that they were voting on a "shutdown," though that is inaccurate since the bill voted on would still fund the government, just not Obamacare. Below is the worst of CNN's contempt…

Golly it's a 'Great Day' for GOP 'Civil War', Goofy CNN Anchor Gushes

September 20th, 2013 2:10 PM
It's gotten to the point where CNN anchor Carol Costello makes Ted Baxter look like Edward R. Murrow. Costello is dispensing with any pretense of objectivity and has decided to let her left-wing flag fly -- this while the execs at CNN scratch their heads over the network's abysmal ratings. If I want liberal media on cable, I'll turn to MSNBC thanks very much and thereby avoid, to borrow from…

Cranky Bob Schieffer: Anti-ObamaCare GOPers Are Like Japanese WWII Vet

September 20th, 2013 1:02 PM
The network morning shows on Friday derided the move by House Republicans to defund ObamaCare as simply "bowing to demands" from the Tea Party. But it was CBS's Bob Schieffer who made no attempt to restrain his contempt, declaring the ObamaCare fight "over" and linking GOP members to elderly Japanese veterans of World War II who refused to accept that the fight was futile. After noting that the …

CBS Hypes Senate GOP Attacking 'Crazy' Tea Party's ObamaCare 'Suicide

September 19th, 2013 6:23 PM
On Wednesday's CBS Evening News and Thursday's CBS This Morning, Nancy Cordes repeatedly played up how an unidentified Republican in the U.S. Senate attacked a House proposal to de-fund ObamaCare as "suicide". Cordes underlined that "Speaker Boehner was forced into the risky strategy by his right flank", and wondered if the plan was "just a recipe for a government shutdown". Norah O'Donnell…

Andrea Mitchell Dismisses NBC News Poll Finding Americans Don’t Want

September 13th, 2013 6:15 PM
A recent NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll stumbled across a very interesting finding: 44 percent of respondents said they did not think Congress should raise the debt ceiling before the U.S. reaches it in October, while only half as many (22 percent) said Congress should raise it. On Friday, Andrea Mitchell reported that finding on her eponymous MSNBC program Andrea Mitchell Reports, but she…

Priorities: President's Dog Gets More Airtime than Move to Defund Obam

September 9th, 2013 1:22 PM
According to the three networks, the serious effort by conservatives to defund ObamaCare isn't worth as much coverage as the addition of a new dog to the President's family. In just a 24-hour period, the ABC, CBS and NBC evening and morning shows devoted six minutes and 23 seconds to the debut of the puppy "Sunny." In contrast, those same shows have granted a scant two minutes and 26 seconds over…

ABC Parrots Obama: Government Shutdown Would Cripple 'Weak' GOP for a

August 19th, 2013 12:41 PM
Former Democratic operative turned journalist George Stephanopoulos on Sunday parroted Barack Obama's talking points, insisting that a shutdown of the government would wound a "weak" Republican Party for a "generation." On Good Morning America, Stephanopoulos touted the President for "cutting his vacation short" due to unrest in Egypt. After allowing that Obama has "little leverage" over House…

CNN’s Blitzer: ‘90s Government Shutdown ‘Didn't Exactly Work Out

March 1st, 2013 7:49 PM
  On CNN’s Situation Room today, anchor Wolf Blitzer spoke of the 1995-1996 Federal government shutdown: BLITZER: Yes, I would be shocked if there were a government shutdown. The Republicans lived through that back in the '90s and it didn't exactly work out well for them. I would be shocked if they went down that road and the president went down that road right now. I'm sure they will work that…

NBC Parrots Obama Blaming GOP for Hypothetical Government Shutdown

January 15th, 2013 12:44 PM
Serving as President Obama's stenographer on Monday's NBC Nightly News, chief White House correspondent Chuck Todd eagerly touted the President hammering Republicans on the debt ceiling during a midday press conference: "And with Washington once again careening toward a fiscal crisis...the President made it clear he intends to stand firm....[He] acknowledged Republicans could end up shutting down…