Hannity, Bozell Take On MSM Ground Zero Mosque Bias on 'Media Mash

August 27th, 2010 11:47 AM
"This is one of those ever more obnoxious teaching moments that we're getting from the left-wing press," NewsBusters publisher Brent Bozell complained on last night's "Hannity" after watching a clip of MSNBC's Andrea Mitchell lament that Americans need to be more sensitive to minorities, not for the "burden" to be on Imam Feisal Rauf to assauge concerns about the planned Ground Zero mosque.Noting…

Bloomberg: ‘100 Percent’ of 9/11 Families Support Ground Zero Mosq

August 27th, 2010 8:45 AM
The Daily Show With Jon Stewart Mon - Thurs 11p / 10c Michael Bloomberg www.thedailyshow.com Daily Show Full Episodes Political Humor Tea PartyNew York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg might consider checking out the polls. He's under the impression 100 percent of 9/11 families support building the Ground Zero Mosque at the current planned location. "The family members, they do care,"…

CNN Joins Media Speculation on NYC Stabbing's Connection to Mosque Deb

August 26th, 2010 10:53 PM
CNN's Deborah Feyerick joined the media guessing game as to the motivation behind the stabbing of Muslim taxicab driver in New York City, emphasizing the possibility it may have been "connected to this big Ground Zero controversy, where we're hearing so much anti-Muslim sentiment." Feyerick raised this hypothesis during reports on Thursday's Rick's List and The Situation Room.The correspondent's…

ABC Confounded Stabber Not Right-Winger, Still Exploits 'Knife Attack

August 26th, 2010 9:01 PM
ABC News sure wanted to paint Michael Enright, the 21-year-old charged with stabbing Muslim cab driver Ahmed Sharif in Manhattan, as a bigoted hate crime perpetrator who is the inevitable result of Islamophobic opposition to the mosque near Ground Zero. And the network didn't let the facts get in the way of their agenda – though they were confounded by how he “has a baffling profile” since “he…

Wednesday Night Fights: Laura Ingraham vs. Ground Zero Mosque Supporte

August 26th, 2010 7:06 PM
As the summer of 2010 comes to a close, American tempers are dramatically rising over the Ground Zero mosque.A fine example of the heat this issue is generating occurred on Wednesday's "O'Reilly Factor" on Fox News.In the left corner was Manhattan Borough President Scott Stringer. On the right filling in for the usual host was Laura Ingraham.What ensued was an ideological battle that likely…

ABC, CBS: Did 'Heightened Fear and Prejudice' of Ground Zero Mosque Pr

August 26th, 2010 4:59 PM
ABC's Good Morning America and CBS's Early Show on Thursday both speculated as to whether the stabbing of a New York City cabbie was prompted by a climate of anti-Islamic anger. At the same time, GMA and NBC's Today both ignored the fact that the attacker, Michael Enright, volunteered for a charity supporting the mosque. ABC's Jeremy Hubbard wondered if the violence was "proof the rhetoric…

Ground Zero Mosque Imam In 2006: U.S. ‘Terrorism’ Fostered Islamic

August 26th, 2010 4:42 PM

The Religion Called Tolerance

August 26th, 2010 12:35 PM
So AP writer Allen Breed begins his recent mosque piece by defining the word, "tolerance." It's a traditional rhetorical device, one learned back in sixth grade while plagiarizing the Encyclopedia Britannica.His piece focuses on religion, of course, - but not Islam, Christianity or even my favorite, "the universal life force of the Grand Unicorn."His all powerful religion? Tolerance.Of course,…

CBS Uses Opposition to Ground Zero Mosque to Lecture About ‘America

August 26th, 2010 8:57 AM
“A CBS News poll out tonight finds that seven of ten [71%] Americans oppose building a mosque two blocks from Ground Zero,” fill-in CBS Evening News anchor Jeff Glor announced Wednesday night, but instead of exploring why most think it’s inappropriate to build there, Glor pivoted to how that and “controversies over new mosques in Wisconsin and Kentucky have led some to question is America…

NY Times Frank Rich: Fox News Trying to Portray Obama as a 'Closet Ter

August 26th, 2010 8:51 AM
Never mind the personal feelings of people, which they're entitled to have, over the notion of a mosque being built in close proximity to Ground Zero in Lower Manhattan. Those sensitivities have nothing to do with what's really going on. It's really all about President Barack Obama and his political opponents according to New York Times columnist Frank Rich.  On MSNBC's Aug. 26 broadcast of "The…

Pataki Smacks Down Matthews: You Bash Limbaugh, How About Olbermann

August 25th, 2010 10:13 PM
Former New York Governor George Pataki on Wednesday got into a heated discussion with Chris Matthews over the Ground Zero mosque and the Republican opposition to it.In the middle of his second "Hardball" segment on MSNBC, Matthews played a clip of Rush Limbaugh saying on the radio earlier in the day, "If this is a nation that is Islamophobic, how do we elect a man whose name is Barack Hussein…

Mika on 'Morning Joe': If Obama Can Run a Beer Summit, He Can Work to

August 25th, 2010 5:44 PM
Picking up where she left off last week, MSNBC "Morning Joe" co-host Mika Brzezinski on Tuesday and Wednesday cast opponents of the Ground Zero mosque as a "destructive" force, "demonizing" Muslims and "promoting ignorance." Yet Brzezinski advocated Wednesday for a compromise between the two sides to be spearheaded by President Obama. When Joe Scarborough opined that President Obama, along with…

Video: Holocaust Survivor Cursed Out By Ground Zero Mosque Supporter

August 25th, 2010 4:47 PM

NYT Accuses Mosque Protesters of Fomenting Muslim Extremism, Reveals O

August 25th, 2010 12:02 PM
Still more slanted coverage in the New York Times of the controversy over a proposed mosque at Ground Zero: First in Saturday's story by intelligence reporter Scott Shane, fretting that public opposition voiced to the speedy approval and building of a giant Islamic cultural center topped by a mosque two blocks from Ground Zero would somehow make radical Muslim extremists, who despise the very…