CNN Compares Ground Zero Protestors to Nazi Sympathizers

August 22nd, 2010 4:39 PM
Take a peek at this picture on as of 2:30pm eastern time (fuller picture after break): 

Amanpour on One-Sided This Week: ‘Profound Questions About Religious

August 22nd, 2010 2:29 PM
Not even feigning the pretense of balance, a week after her roundtable hailed President Obama’s initial endorsement of the Ground Zero mosque (GZM), on this Sunday’s This Week host Christiane Amanpour featured an “exclusive” with two GZM proponents as she declared “the controversy has raised profound questions about religious tolerance and prejudice in the United States. And the backlash against…

Robert Reich Falsely Accuses Newt Gingrich Of Saying 'Muslims Are Like

August 22nd, 2010 1:19 PM
Robert Reich on Sunday falsely accused former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich of saying Muslims are like Nazis.As NewsBusters reported last Monday, Gingrich was quoted by the New York Times as saying that building a mosque at Ground Zero "would be like putting a Nazi sign next to the Holocaust Museum."Gingrich elaborated on "Fox & Friends" that very morning:Nazis don't have the right to…

NPR’s Michel Martin Links Timothy McVeigh to Catholicism: ‘Did Any

August 22nd, 2010 11:55 AM
On Sunday’s Reliable Sources on CNN, during a discussion of the Ground Zero mosque controversy, after Bloomberg’s Margaret Carlson recommended that the mosque be moved as a compromise, NPR’s Michel Martin – formerly of ABC News – compared relocating the mosque to similarly treating a Catholic church after the Oklahoma City bombing.Even though McVeigh -- who described himself as "agnostic" despite…

Henican On Mosque: Pundits Shouldn't Be As 'Ignorant' As Other America

August 22nd, 2010 7:39 AM
Talk about your teachable moments, the Ground Zero mosque controversy has taught us in just what contempt some in the liberal media hold their fellow Americans.As I noted here, last week on MSNBC, Cenk Uygur accused Americans who oppose the mosque of being "ignorant."  Washington Post blogger Joel Achenbach upped the ante, calling Americans "numbskulls, dumb, ill-informed, paranoid, gullible and…

CNN Continues to Promote 'Islamophobia' Accusation From Time

August 20th, 2010 5:49 PM
CNN's T. J. Holmes brought back Time's Bobby Ghosh on Friday's Newsroom for more promotion of his "Islamophobia" cover story, and added two Muslim guests who largely agreed with his thesis that anti-Islamic sentiment was "coming into the mainstream," and how this was apparently a "reason for alarm." Holmes asked softball questions, and no one with an opposing viewpoint appeared during the segment…

Muslim Scholar on MSNBC: 'Vocal Minority' Spreading Fear, 'Demonize' I

August 20th, 2010 5:35 PM
During the 10 a.m. ET hour on MSNBC, anchor Chris Jansing spoke with Islamic scholar Hamza Yusuf Hanson about the Ground Zero Mosque controversy, who proclaimed: "I think there's a lot of fear....there has been a concerted effort by a certain segment. It's a very small minority, but their powerful and vocal, to demonize the Muslim community."            Yusuf was on to discuss his founding of…

Video: 20-Year Friend/Follower of Ground Zero Imam: 'Funding Will Come

August 20th, 2010 4:50 PM

CNN's Jack Cafferty Openly Criticizes Mosque Developers

August 19th, 2010 9:51 PM
On Thursday's Situation Room, CNN's Jack Cafferty questioned the motives of the planners behind the proposed New York City mosque near Ground Zero: "The developer... has said the proximity of the planned mosque and center is not an issue. Really?...It's simply unrealistic to think you can build a Muslim house of worship two blocks from where this awful thing happened, and not get a negative…

CNN and Time Promote Accusation That 'Bigotry' is Driving Mosque Debat

August 19th, 2010 6:36 PM
CNN's American Morning and Newsroom programs on Thursday brought on Time magazine's Bobby Ghosh to highlight his "Is America Islamophobic?" article and help promote his accusation that "hate speech" and "bigotry" have "come out into the mainstream" during the course of the debate over the proposed New York City mosque near Ground Zero.During his American Morning appearance, anchor Kiran Chetry…

CBS's Erica Hill to Ann Coulter: Will Mosque Issue 'Go Away' Before No

August 19th, 2010 5:37 PM
Speaking to conservative commentator Ann Coulter on Thursday's CBS Early Show, fill-in co-host Erica Hill seemed to hope the Ground Zero mosque controversy had run its course: "Does it go away or does this continue through November?" Hill's question to Coulter followed fellow guest, Democratic strategist Tanya Acker, ranting: "...the notion that in the United States of America we would deny…

AP Orders Staff: ‘Stop Using the Phrase “Ground Zero Mosque

August 19th, 2010 4:10 PM
In an unusual move, the Associated Press has publicly released an advisory memo to its reporters on how to cover the Ground Zero mosque story - and the first rule is that journalists must immediately stop calling it the "Ground Zero mosque" story. "We should continue to avoid the phrase ‘Ground zero mosque' or ‘mosque at ground zero' on all platforms," reads the advisory, which was issued…

CBS, NBC Skip Pelosi Threat to Investigate Opposition to Ground Zero M

August 19th, 2010 4:04 PM
Only Good Morning America's Jake Tapper on Thursday mentioned the call by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi to investigate those who oppose the construction of a mosque near Ground Zero. CBS's Early Show and NBC's Today both skipped any discussion of the subject. So did Wednesday night's network newscasts. Tapper explained, "And the House top Democrat also called for transparency for who is funding the…

Time Editor Richard Stengel Frets About America's 'Islamophobia,' 'Ign

August 19th, 2010 12:49 PM
Time magazine editor Richard Stengel on Thursday appeared on MSNBC's Morning Joe to bemoan the United States' "ignorance" towards Muslims and to wonder, "Is America Islamophobic?" That particular question is also on the front cover of the current issue of Time. Leaving only two options, Stengel lectured host Joe Scarborough, "I mean, the extent of the ignorance- where you parse Islamophobia…