
Stephanopoulos Badgers Florida’s Republican Governor to Extend Voting

October 7th, 2016 11:05 AM
While safety is typically one’s top concern when facing a natural disaster, apparently partisan politics should be more important, to ABC. Former Bill Clinton staffer turned news anchor George Stephanopoulos turned a interview with Republican Governor of Florida Rick Scott about Hurricane Matthew into an argument for Hillary Friday morning when he badgered Scott to let Florida voters continue…

ABC Skips Controversial Clinton Ad Buy, Focuses on Her Little Girl Hug

October 6th, 2016 9:13 PM
The Hillary Clinton campaign was caught in a rather humiliating blunder Thursday, as it was discovered that they bought air time on the Weather Channel in battleground states effected by Hurricane Matthew. Out of the only two networks to cover politics that evening only CBS had mentioned it, while ABC ignored it. “Clinton’s camp had to sidestep an embarrassment of its own. Reversing a recent move…

PBS Touts ‘Interconnection’ Between Climate Change, Hurricane Matthew

October 6th, 2016 8:55 PM
On the heels of my Drudge Report-linked post about NBC’s Ron Allen informing MSNBC on Wednesday that the Paris climate change deal “is designed to stop” weather events like Hurricane Matthew, Thursday’s PBS NewsHour joined ranks of the absurdity as Judy Woodruff and guest Gavin Schmidt from NASA pondered the “interconnection” between the two.

HuffPo Readers Skeptical of Hurricane Matthew Global Warming Claim

October 6th, 2016 12:22 PM
As your humble correspondent sits in his lower latitude abode in the Fort Lauderdale area awaiting the unwelcome arrival of Hurricane Matthew in a few hours, it comes as no great surprise that at least one major publication has affixed blame for that tropical storm upon, you guessed it, Global Warming. In this case the culprit is the Huffington Post which leaves no doubt that Hurricane Matthew is…

NBC’s Allen Thinks Climate Deal Is ‘Designed to Stop’ Hurricanes

October 5th, 2016 6:56 PM
President Barack Obama spoke to reporters on Wednesday afternoon on the Paris climate change agreement and, almost on cue, NBC’s Ron Allen connected global warming to Hurricane Matthew set to bear down on the Bahamas, the Carolinas, Georgia, and Florida. It was "what the president was talking about as the threat that the planet faces and this is what this whole climate agreement signed by 190…

CNN: Does Absent Obama 'Deserve Same Criticism' As Bush After Katrina?

August 18th, 2016 2:49 PM
Thursday morning, CNN’s Kate Bolduan brought on a local Louisiana journalist to discuss his paper’s editorial calling for President Obama to stop his vacation and address the devastating flood which has killed 13 people and been called “the worst disaster since Hurricane Sandy” by the Red Cross. The journalist, Peter Kovacs, editor for The Advocate, Louisiana's largest daily newspaper, compared…

NYT's Bias Boils Over in Paris: 'News' Stories Plea for Climate Action

December 1st, 2015 6:12 PM
The New York Times' coverage of the international climate change summit in Paris remained on an aggressive boil, as Coral Davenport and Gardiner Harris' report from France Tuesday, "Citing Urgency, World Leaders Converge on France for Climate Meeting," hit the same set of alarmist notes Davenport did in her previous story from Paris. And Justin Gillis, the paper's most alarmist environmental…

CBS Evening News Blames Thursday’s Severe Weather on Global Warming

November 5th, 2015 9:23 PM
Thursday’s CBS Evening News led with the severe weather threatening those in the Midwest, but in addition to looking at the storm track and damage thus far, the storms were hyped as a consequence of global warming. Anchor Scott Pelley ruled in an opening tease that “[t]ornadoes in Texas” struck “on the same day that a new study blames climate change for a surge in severe storms and wildfires.” 

NYT's Climate Alarmist-in-Chief Finds Another Dubious Warming 'Record'

October 22nd, 2015 10:23 PM
The New York Times featured more politicized environmentalist doom-mongering from Justin Gillis, the paper's chief alarmist, in "2015 Likely to Be Hottest Year on Record." Of course, the year isn't over yet, but that less-than-compelling news hook didn't stop Gillis from going beyond the stats to work in alarmist environmental and anti-"denialist" political points, while dismissing the…

Lefty PR Firm Pressing Media to Blame Climate Change for Hurricane

October 1st, 2015 5:46 PM
Hurricane Joaquin hasn’t hit ground in the U.S. yet, and might not, but already a climate alarmist public relations shop is pushing “Journalists” to blame climate change for the storm’s strength. Late in the afternoon, Oct. 1, Climate Nexus sent out a press release to the media claiming the storm was gaining strength “over [a] record-hot ocean.” That’s how the group promoted its “hurricane…

Slate Blames Manmade Warming for Recently Rising Seas

September 2nd, 2015 11:31 AM
The seas are rising and Sandy-like storm surges are going to be a “new normal,” according to Slate. Slate’s Bad Astronomy writer Phil Plait highlighted a NASA study that showed a rise in sea levels since 1992 in his Aug. 31 article. Repeated the fears of many climate alarmists, he blamed that rise on global warming and warned, “[w]e’ll see beaches disappear, coastlines changed.”

NBC’s Harris-Perry Blames Charter Schools for New Orleans Problems

August 30th, 2015 12:48 PM
On Sunday’s Meet the Press, MSNBC’s Melissa Harris-Perry blamed the growth of charter schools in New Orleans post-Katrina as one of the reasons the city has not improved since the storm. The MSNBC host proclaimed “for many who are African-American it's not a better city in part because this so-called success story in the schools also included charterizing the entire system, which also meant…

AP Notes No Hurricanes for 9 Years; But What About Global Warming?

May 31st, 2015 10:24 PM
In a report on the relative infrequency of hurricanes in the U.S. during the past decade nationwide, and many decades in certain coastal areas, the Associated Press's Seth Borenstein detected a problem. The problem is that those who contend that human-caused global warming is ruining our planet believe that hurricane frequency should be increasing, but it's not. So Borenstein tried to cover his…

CBS, NBC Silent As Only ABC Notes End of 'Weak' Hurricane Season

December 3rd, 2014 11:02 AM
The Atlantic hurricane season has ended on Nov. 30, and once again it went out with a whimper. That was good news for coastal residents in the U.S., since the “weak” 2014 hurricane season continued the nine year “drought” of major hurricanes making landfall. But the broadcast networks practically ignored the "good news."