Networks Embrace ‘Catastrophic’ Warnings of Latest IPCC Report

October 2nd, 2013 2:21 PM
The UN’s climate panel (IPCC) released its latest warning about "catastrophic" climate change on Sept. 27, garnering the frantic attention of all three broadcast networks that night. CBS even aired a claim about temperatures rising “more than 200 degrees." Predictably, the evening news shows on ABC, CBS and NBC Sept. 27 repeated the IPCC’s dire warnings without including any skeptics and…

Joan Walsh: ‘Obama Got the Last Laugh’ When People Died During Sup

June 25th, 2013 6:49 PM
There are times when I can’t believe liberal media members are in any way part of the United States of America. On MSNBC’s Hardball Tuesday, Salon’s Joan Walsh actually said “Obama got the last laugh” when people died as a result of Superstorm Sandy because it rebuffed something Mitt Romney said about the President at last year’s Republican National Convention (video follows with transcript…

Networks Fail to Mention ‘Lull’ in Warming in All 92 Climate Chang

June 25th, 2013 9:57 AM
President Barack Obama’s new climate change initiative will purportedly share “a national plan to reduce carbon pollution, prepare our country for the impacts of climate change and lead global efforts to fight it.” Although he intends to demand action, most Americans do not see climate change as a “major threat,” according to Pew Research. The Washington Post reported Obama will include “a…

AP Coverage of Exxon Annual Meeting Contains Predictable Misleading 'C

May 29th, 2013 10:59 PM
David Koenig's Wednesday coverage at the Associated Press of Exxon Mobil's annual meeting contained a predictable headline and related content telling us that the company wouldn't "explicitly ban discrimination against gays because the company already banned discrimination of any type and didn't need to add language regarding gays." Koenig's report apparently couldn't be considered complete…

Global Warming Skeptics Rebut Face the Nation Segment on Climate Chang

May 27th, 2013 10:23 AM
CBS's Face the Nation Sunday spent fifteen minutes discussing climate change and amongst other things its impact on tornadoes - in particular the EF-5 that hit Moore, Oklahoma, last week. As not one global warming skeptic was invited to participate in the panel, I've taken the liberty of getting opinions from some of the leaders on the realist side of the debate (video follows with commentary…

Christie Dismisses Climate Change Question from NBC's Lauer as 'Distra

May 24th, 2013 4:19 PM
In an interview with Chris Christie on Friday's NBC Today, co-host Matt Lauer grilled the New Jersey Governor on his skepticism that man-made climate change caused Superstorm Sandy: "You said you don't think there's been any proof thus far that Sandy was caused by climate change. Several experts I've heard from say the destruction, though, from Sandy, was probably more severe because of…

Ex-AccuWeather's Bastardi Slams 'Ambulance Chasing' by Global Warming

May 22nd, 2013 6:34 PM
Appearing as a guest on Tuesday's The O'Reilly Factor on FNC, meteorologist Joe Bastardi of Weatherbell Analytics -- formerly of AccuWeather -- argued against the view that global warming is causing more violent tornadoes and compared Democratic Senator Sheldon Whitehouse's recent comments blaming recent weather disasters on global warming to "ambulance chasing." Bastardi:

Sen. Whitehouse Blames GOP For Okla. Tornado, Storms, Rising Seas, Etc

May 21st, 2013 10:08 AM
In remarks which will more than likely be ignored by the establishment press, Rhode Island Senator Sheldon Whitehouse in essence blamed yesterday's deadly tornado which struck Moore, Oklahoma on Republicans who have "run off the climate cliff like a bunch of proverbial lemmings." Whitehouse was intensely upset because, in his view these red state ignoramuses who are allowing ever more intense,…

Media in Love with Bloomberg’s Nanny State Policies

March 28th, 2013 10:14 AM
The media are in love – with New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg. From his soda ban, to his global warming views, to his opinions on gay marriage, journalists and pundits have repeatedly given him a platform to promote whatever he wants … and praised him repeatedly. Very recently, Bloomberg lashed out at New York state legislators in Albany when a speed camera plan for NYC failed, "blaming…

MSNBC's Wagner Omits Report Showing American Energy Independence by Oi

February 22nd, 2013 5:42 PM
Yesterday’s broadcast of MSNBC’s Now with Alex Wagner featured a discussion about the Keystone XL Pipeline, which is anathema to the environmental left, and which President Obama cynically delayed a decision on until after the 2012 election.  With the decision to approve or decline the project still looming for President Obama and Secretary of State John Kerry -- who technically is the point…

Andrea Mitchell: Storms Show U.S. Needs To Go It Alone If Necessary On

February 4th, 2013 3:09 PM
Andrea Mitchell isn't about to let a good hurricane go to waste in her push for economy-wrecking climate change regulations. On her MSNBC show today, Andrea Mitchell claimed that recent weather events including Superstorm Sandy have "taught us if nothing else, that we have a real climate problem and that we have to deal with this here even if the rest of the world isn't going to deal with it…

ABC Hypes 'Hypocrisy and Absurdity' of Lack of Hurricane Sandy Money

January 14th, 2013 12:46 PM
Good Morning America's Dan Harris on Sunday hyped "allegations of hypocrisy and absurdity" against House Republicans, complaining about the amount of money New Jersey and New York will get for Hurricane Sandy. Harris and reporter David Kerley skipped mentioning pork stuffed into such legislation, money that (for example) could go to a new roof for the Smithsonian in Washignton D.C.  Harris…

NJ Dem: Christie 'Prayed' For Hurricane, ABC, NBC, and CBS Evening New

January 9th, 2013 5:17 PM
While the media were quick to point out how Garden State Republicans were quick to criticize the House Republican leadership for not calling a vote on Sandy relief before the expiration of the 112th Congress, you probably haven't heard about how a potential Democratic challenger to Chris Christie has gotten into hot water for saying the Republican governor "prayed a lot" for the devastating…

Howard Kurtz: 'Al Gore's Al Jazeera Deal Doesn't Seem Right

January 7th, 2013 8:46 AM
CNN media analyst Howard Kurtz isn't happy about Al Gore selling his failing Current TV to Al Jazeera. In a piece published minutes ago at, Kurtz elaborated while he missed potentially the greatest hypocrisy in the deal.