Chris Matthews on Egypt and Mubarak: 'It Took Obama to Have This Happe

February 11th, 2011 7:14 PM
Chris Matthews on Friday said that Hosni Mubarak's exit from Egypt and the jubilation now happening in Tahrir Square took Barack Obama to have happen. As soon as he said it on the 5 p.m. installment of MSNBC's "Hardball," the host quipped, "His critics will probably say, 'Yeah, we knew this was coming'” (video follows with transcript and commentary):

George Stephanopoulos Demands Rumsfeld Apologize for Not Supporting Tr

February 8th, 2011 12:54 PM
Good Morning America's George Stephanopoulos on Tuesday repeatedly hectored Donald Rumsfeld, goading the former Defense Secretary to apologize for not supporting a troop surge in Iraq. At no point did the former Democratic operative admit that some in the media, including reporters at ABC, were skeptical of such a surge. Stephanopoulos chided, "So, can you now concede what Senator McCain said…

Eleanor Clift Schooled On Egypt By Entire McLaughlin Group

February 6th, 2011 3:15 PM
Newsweek's Eleanor Clift must have felt like a fish out of water during the taping of this weekend's syndicated "McLaughlin Group." In a lengthy and tremendously informative segment about the crisis in Egypt, the host and his other three guests - Pat Buchanan, Monica Crowley, and Mort Zuckerman - gave the perilously liberal columnist quite a lesson regarding the Obama administration's…

Mark Shields Wrongly Claims 'There Was a Plurality of Democratic Senat

February 5th, 2011 2:28 PM
There was some fascinating historical revisionism that took place on Friday's "Inside Washington" as almost the entire panel made the case that Democrats were largely opposed to the Iraq War Resolution in October 2002 and that the decision to invade was mostly George W. Bush's. This included PBS's Mark Shields who completely misrepresented the historic vote in the Senate that month (video…

Chris Matthews Attacks 'Fear Mongering,' 'Looney Tunes,' 'Completely C

February 3rd, 2011 11:23 AM
Having mercilessly attacked Congresswoman Michele Bachmann (R-Minn.) for six days in a row, MSNBC's Chris Matthews on Wednesday set his sights on conservative talk show host Glenn Beck. After an opening teaser in which the "Hardball" host referred to "the right-wing freak-out over Egypt," Matthews ended up doing two segments about the Fox News star in which he and his perilously liberal…

Matthews: Were Neocons Right About Middle East; Was Bush Better Equipp

January 30th, 2011 3:10 PM
Chris Matthews on Friday asked the panelists on the syndicated program bearing his name two questions about the crisis in Egypt that must have made his liberal viewers gasp. Moments after surprisingly asking NBC's Andrea Mitchell if "neo-conservatives who believe in really trying to push democracy" were right all along, Matthews asked David Sanger of the New York Times if George W. Bush was "…

Chris Matthews Blames Egypt Riots on George W. Bush and Iraq War

January 29th, 2011 12:17 PM
It's a metaphysical certitude that whenever anything happens in the Middle East, the media will quickly blame former President George W. Bush and the war in Iraq. Not missing the opportunity to do so, Chris Matthews began the 5PM installment of "Hardball" Friday connecting the riots in Egypt to a man that has been out of office for two years (video follows with transcript and commentary):

Open Thread: Egypt and Weekend Edition

January 29th, 2011 11:16 AM
For general discussion and debate about all things relating to politics, the economy, and sports. Possible talking point: Egypt. How serious is the situation in Egypt? Will this result in a full-scale revolution that topples Mubarak? If so, will this become religious leading to some kind of new Islamic government such as in Iran? Or will Mubarak get control of the situation?

Olbermann Signs Off from MSNBC’s Countdown for Last Time

January 21st, 2011 9:58 PM
 On Friday’s Countdown show on MSNBC, host Keith Olbermann announced that the episode would be his last, and spent a few minutes near the end of the show saying goodbye. He mentioned a number of infamous and pivotal points in his show’s history when he went after the Bush administration: The show gradually established its position as anti-establishment from the stagecraft of "Mission…

Arianna To Lieberman: 'For Sake Of Country, I Hope You Don't Become Se

January 20th, 2011 8:00 AM
Just when Joe-mentum was building for Lieberman-Huffington '12! Say this for Arianna Huffington: she didn't stab Joe Lieberman in the back.  On Morning Joe today, the HuffPo founder went for the full frontal assault, telling the outgoing senator to his face "I sincerely hope for the sake of the country that you do not become Secretary of Defense." Lieberman was not defenseless, at one…

AP's Crutsinger Fails to Explain Why U.S. Spending Continues to Increa

January 13th, 2011 3:30 PM
Two paragraphs don't seem to belong together in Martin Crutsinger's Associated Press dispatch on the government's Monthly Treasury Statement for December. But there they are. Here's the first paragraph of interest in Martin's missive ("Federal budget deficit narrows to $80B in December"): Government spending during this period totaled $902.6 billion, an increase of 3.1 percent over the same…

Liberals Waste No Time Taunting Dick Cheney for Heart Problems

January 6th, 2011 2:40 AM
The New York Times ran a rather serious report on Tuesday, regarding former Vice-President Dick Cheney and the new mechanical heart pump he received in July.  The addition of the new pump means that Cheney’s heart will never again beat at full strength, and leaves him with a daunting decision whether or not to have a full heart transplant. Naturally, juveniles in the liberal media have had a…

Sachs Calls Victor Davis Hanson An 'Extremist Who Has Done More Harm T

December 23rd, 2010 8:44 AM
Jeffrey Sachs has attacked distinguished military historian Victor Davis Hanson as an "extremist" who "has done more harm to the American people" than any other commentator. Sachs, a Columbia prof and income redistributionist supreme, launched his surprising verbal assault in commenting on Hanson's National Review Online column, "The Obamites' About-Face."  Hanson there makes the case…

Kinsley's Sneering NYT Review Of Bush Memoir Accuses Him Of 'Stealing

December 19th, 2010 7:42 AM
Could Michael Kinsley possibly be any more predictable?  His review of George Bush's "Decision Points," appearing in today's Sunday New York Times, is precisely the smug piece of sneering partisanship you would expect in this paper and from this quintessential liberal MSM elitist. As the headline indicates, Kinsley flatly accuses W of "stealing" the 2000 election.  Kinsley offers no proof,…