Harris on 'This Week': Giving Bush Credit for Iraq Too Much for Obama
August 8th, 2010 3:07 PM
Christiane Amanpour on Sunday asked a rather surprising question of her "This Week" panel concerning President Obama's speech earlier in the week about the troop draw down in Iraq: Do you think everybody is taking a lot of credit but not giving credit where credit is due?Obviously, "everybody" in this instance meant the current White House resident who chose not to give credit to former President…
CNN Features Disabled Iraq War Hero Selflessly Assisting Other Injured
August 7th, 2010 11:30 AM
A lot has been said over the years about how our media ignore heroes returning from the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.On Friday, CNN aired an absolutely fabulous piece about Dale Beatty."In 2004, at the age of 26, Dale's vehicle hit a land mine in northern Iraq and at that moment, Dale's life was about to change forever," said Kyra Phillips on "CNN Newsroom.""I met Dale when we were partnered…
Obama Touts Fulfilled Iraq Pledge, But Withdrawal Deal Was Set Up by B
August 3rd, 2010 2:03 PM
President Barack Obama told disabled veterans in Atlanta on Monday that he was fulfilling a campaign promise by ending U.S. combat operations in Iraq "on schedule." But the timetable for withdrawing U.S. troops in Iraq was decided during the Bush administration with the signing of the Status of Forces Agreement (SOFA) by U.S. and Iraq officials on Nov. 16, 2008. The Iraqi parliament signed SOFA…
As Obama Affirms End to Combat in Iraq, Only ABC Credits Troop Surge t
August 3rd, 2010 12:20 PM
All three broadcast evening newscasts on Monday ran full reports on President Obama’s declaration that all combat troops would leave Iraq by the end of this month, leaving behind 50,000 troops designated for training and support. But only ABC’s World News bothered to point out how the end of American combat involvement in Iraq can be credited “in large part, because of the final actions of the…
MSNBC's Ratigan: American's Don't 'Give A Damn' About Iraq and Afghan
July 1st, 2010 6:13 PM
On Thursday's The Dylan Ratigan Show, MSNBC host Dylan Ratigan went after the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, and complained about the lack opposition to the conflicts: "Why isn't there an alarm that we've been perpetrating this war?...there aren't enough people in this country that honestly give a damn. No one really cares." His solution to the supposed apathy? A draft. [Audio available here]…
Chris Matthews Disgracefully Uses Sen. Byrd's Death To Bash Bush
June 29th, 2010 10:43 AM
It goes without saying that Monday's media coverage of Sen. Robert Byrd's (D-W.V.) death was predictably sycophantic on a disturbing number of levels.However, the award for most disgraceful use of a politician's passing to further one's agenda has to go to MSNBC's Chris Matthews who ended last night's "Hardball" memorializing a senator he had great esteem for by attacking former President George…
Networks Lauding 'Brilliant' Obama on Petraeus Move Are Skipping Over
June 26th, 2010 10:23 PM
While the television networks were doing an Obama Superiority Dance, proclaiming the president's firing Gen. Stanley McChrystal and replacing him with Gen. David Petraeus was "brilliant," something was missing in the coverage. That was a sense that if Petraeus is universally honored as the savior of Iraq, why do the networks all forget it was Obama and Biden who suggested Petraeus and his surge…
Andrea Mitchell: McChrystal 'Ought to be Canned
June 22nd, 2010 7:35 PM
MSNBC's Andrea Mitchell on Tuesday claimed that for what General Stanley McChrystal allegedly said about the White House, he legally, morally, ethically, professionally ought to be canned.Discussing the issue with colleagues Chuck Todd and Savannah Guthrie on "The Daily Rundown," Mitchell claimed McChrystal's alleged statement "crosses the line of insubordination, and it crosses the line of the…
HuffPo Column is a Microcosm of the Liberal Mindset – EVERYTHING is
June 8th, 2010 11:53 PM
Huffington Post writer and author of poetry and fiction, Anis Shivani, demonstrated what we have seen in bits and pieces throughout the liberal MSM, though it is rarely seen in such dramatic and sweeping fashion. Shivani harnessed all of the rational thought he could muster, gathered a bevy of intelligent rhetoric, armed himself with a cache of well-reasoned arguments and... quickly dispensed…
Bozell Column: Helen's Hate-Filled Exit
June 8th, 2010 8:04 PM
The last two presidents have been elected on the very dubious campaign promise of “changing the tone” of Washington. Either could have proven his sincerity by shredding the press credentials of the White House press corps Dean of Mean, Helen Thomas. Her tone was nasty, and her “questions” usually meant more as insults than as requests for information. Still, presidents and journalists alike bowed…
MSNBC's Scarborough Slams Conservative Foreign Policy as 'Dangerous' a
June 7th, 2010 6:21 PM
In the May/June issue of “Cato Policy Report,” MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough lamented conservative foreign policy as overly dogmatic and ideological and questioned whether winning the war in Afghanistan is in America’s national security interest.“Dogma and rigid ideologies are the enemies of conservative foreign policy,” lectured Scarborough. “Those who are still arguing in 2010 that we can somehow…
Helen Thomas Accuses Israel of 'Deliberate Massacre, An International
June 1st, 2010 11:39 PM
Helen Thomas was her typical, Israel-hating self Tuesday when during the White House press briefing, she called the previous day's flotilla incident a "deliberate massacre, an international crime."When she got her chance to ask White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs a question at the proceeding, Thomas was relentless in her accusations. "If any other nation in the world had done it, we would…
Obama Supposedly Stands With Israel, But Will Our Pro-Palestinian Pres
June 1st, 2010 11:44 AM
ABC's Jake Tapper reported Tuesday that the Obama administration is going to support Israel in the wake of international outrage over the flotilla incident off the coast of Gaza Monday morning.If Tapper is correct, one has to wonder whether the typically pro-Palestinian media here in America will stand with the President on this one.Such seems especially intriguing given Obama's plummeting…
ABC News: Israel's Flotilla Incident Endangers American Troops In Midd
June 1st, 2010 12:50 AM
According to the geniuses at ABC News, the flotilla incident between Israel and pro-Hamas activists Monday endangers American troops stationed in the Middle East.At the conclusion of what had been a relatively well-balanced "World News" report concerning what happened off of the coast of Gaza early Monday morning, ABC's Jim Sciutto apprised viewers of the angry reaction to the event by Muslims in…