Flashback: FNC Interviewed American POW Tortured in Iraq

May 26th, 2009 4:33 PM
On Memorial Day, 2002, FNC's Hannity and Colmes held an interview with U.S. Army Staff Sergeant Troy Dunlap, who was held in Iraq as a POW during the 1991 Persian Gulf War, and his attorney, Steve Fennell, to discuss a lawsuit against the Iraqi government because of torture Dunlap and other POWs endured. During the current debate over how high-level Al-Qaeda prisoners should be treated, and the…

Time's Joe Klein Says People in Wheelchairs Can't 'See' the World

May 21st, 2009 3:47 AM

CBS’s Smith ‘Regrets’ Not Speaking Out Against Iraq War

May 15th, 2009 5:53 PM
On Friday’s CBS Early Show, co-host Julie Chen read some viewer email, including a question from one woman who asked: "Would you be willing to jeopardize your job to report something your bosses or the government wanted to keep hidden?" Co-host Harry Smith used the question as an opportunity to voice his opposition to the Iraq war:You know, I remember being in Iraq before the war started, we were…

CNN's John Roberts Fails to Press Gore on Bush Criticism Whopper

May 15th, 2009 5:14 PM
CNN anchor John Roberts failed to catch former Vice President Al Gore make a significant exaggeration about his criticism of the Bush administration in its early years during an interview on Friday’s American Morning. When asked about former Vice President Dick Cheney’s recent criticism of the Obama administration, Gore claimed that he had “waited two years after I left office to make statements…

APs Cheney Analysis: We Read His Mind And Decided What He Really Means

May 13th, 2009 7:49 AM
Did you know that former vice president Dick Cheney is speaking out only because he is trying to protect his legacy? Well just in case you wondered about it Steven Hurst for the Associated Press wants to assure that he has read Cheney's mind and it's all settled. This is what passes for "analysis" at the AP. The AP has also decided that Cheney speaking out causes "chagrin" in a GOP trying to "…

On FX's 'Rescue Me,' Journalist Frets U.S. Failed to Heed France's Adv

May 13th, 2009 2:55 AM
Four weeks after FX's Rescue Me featured a New York City firefighter telling a French journalist how the 9/11 terrorist attacks were part of “a massive neo-conservative government effort” to enable “American global domination,” Tuesday night's episode gave the French character “Genevieve,” interviewing firefighters for a book on 9/11 first-responders, a platform to rail against how the U.S.…

Newsweek’s Wolffe: GOP ‘Lost Their Heart in the 1980s, Lost Their

May 10th, 2009 11:33 PM

'Perfect Valor' Debuts May 16th at the GI Film Festival

May 4th, 2009 6:10 PM
In 2004, coalition forces in Iraq launched Operation Phantom Fury, the battle for control of Fallujah. American troops battled through a city of enemy insurgents, fighting house to house and street to street to seize control of the most dangerous city in the world.Narrated by Senator Fred D. Thompson, “Perfect Valor” [view trailer at right] is the story of the high price paid by US forces and the…

CIA Expert Who Criticized Bush, Clinton Critiques Obama - Ignored By M

April 28th, 2009 1:03 PM
Nothing in American politics is quite so intriguing as the Central Intelligence Agency. There is a certain mystique surrounding this agency, almost wholly because it has proven to be quite good at keeping secrets. Thus, whenever the actions of the CIA are widely reported in the media, the story typically becomes a fixation for many news outlets - and any former agent who is able to shed light…

Aww! Obama Tears Up Over Letters from Public, NYT Reports

April 22nd, 2009 11:42 AM
New York Times reporter Ashley Parker, who specializes in soft profiles of Obama's staff, certainly made the president look good in her Monday look at Mike Kelleher, director of the Office of Correspondence at the White House -- he reads letters sent to the White House and passes a fortunate few on to Obama himself. Parker passed along a couple of tear-jerking anecdotes from the White House PR…

AP: CNN Planning Obama 100th Day Special Prime Time Coverage

April 19th, 2009 4:39 PM
Conservative radio commentator Rush Limbaugh says the mainstream media attitude on President Barack Obama is that he is too big to fail. What CNN has planned for the night of April 29 is one of several signs that could be the case. According to an April 19 report from the Associated Press, CNN has a big night of coverage planned for Obama's 100th day in office that will deviate from its normally…

Too Good To Be True? Obama Iraq Troop Greeting Allegedly Staged

April 14th, 2009 4:12 PM
So says MacsMind (via Flopping Aces via Minority Report via Jeff Emanuel at RedState). MacsMind's post is in response to an all-too-predictable gusher delivered by Democratic operative disguised as Associated Press reporter Jennifer Loven on April 7 (bold is mine): Cheered wildly by U.S. troops, President Barack Obama flew unannounced into Iraq on Tuesday and promptly declared it was time for…

Iraq: The Land of Lennox

April 12th, 2009 4:03 PM

New York Times Quotes of Note -- Recent Lowlights from the Paper of Re

April 11th, 2009 1:30 PM
"Obama Wins Troops' Cheers" in Iraq; Bush's Dramatic Visit Greeted Petulantly"In Unexpected Visit to Iraq, Obama Wins Troops' Cheers -- Military personnel at Camp Victory in Baghdad applauded President Obama on Tuesday when he said 'It is time for us to transition to the Iraqis.'" -- Front-page photo caption over an enormous photo of Obama meeting troops on his first trip to Iraq as president,…