Bozell: Broadcast Networks 'Allergic to the Truth About the IRS Scanda

May 15th, 2014 2:48 PM
Editor's Note: The following is a statement released by Media Research Center president Brent Bozell earlier this afternoon regarding the latest revelations in the IRS Tea Party targeting scandal, a development which have been utterly ignored by the Big Three broadcast networks. The full press release is published below the page break and available at What will it take for ABC, CBS,…

CBS, NBC Evening Newscasts Omit IRS Tax Cheats Getting Bonuses; Mark

April 23rd, 2014 5:27 PM
Tuesday's World News on ABC stood out as the only Big Three network evening newscast to cover a new "watchdog report" that found that the IRS "handed out more than $1 million in bonuses to employees who were delinquent on their federal taxes." Jeff Zeleny also pointed out how "more than 1,000 IRS workers, who didn't pay their taxes, received not only cash bonuses, but extra time off." [MP3…

Seven Reasons to Ignore Liberal Media Fearmongering, Keep Feds' Hands

April 16th, 2014 5:26 PM
There has been the usual tax day-related glut of articles from liberal publications urging a federal takeover of the tax preparation business.  As always, the ultra-left wing blog Pro Publica took the lead, followed predictably by outlets such as Slate, Vox, and Tax Analysts, as well as respectable news outlets like Bloomberg View and Yahoo!. The basic argument is always the same: the IRS has…

MSNBC's Gripe: 'Gay Couples Feel Tax Wrath

April 15th, 2014 6:35 PM
Tax Day, April 15, is a perfect day for a news organization to publish stories about tax reform debates, including the notion that perhaps we should do away with a national income tax and replace it with a national sales tax. Perhaps instead we should have a flat tax with very few, if any, deductions, credits, and all kinds of other exemptions which gum up the tax code. A sensible news…

Obama Lashes Out at O'Reilly Over Tough Benghazi and IRS Questions

February 3rd, 2014 10:59 AM
Not accustomed to being asked difficult questions about his failures in office, President Obama attacked Fox News host Bill O'Reilly during a pre-Super Bowl interview on Sunday for daring to demand answers about the Benghazi terrorist attack and the IRS targeting conservative groups. [Listen to the audio or watch the video after the jump] O'Reilly pressed: "Your detractors believe that you…

[Update: September 25] Censored! IRS Scandal Being Buried by Big Three

September 25th, 2013 12:29 PM
The Big Three (ABC, CBS, NBC) networks have colluded with the Obama administration to censor the latest IRS scandal news. The latest: On September 17 the Washington Times reported the following: “IRS employees were ‘acutely’ aware in 2010 that President Obama wanted to crack down on conservative organizations and were egged into targeting tea party groups by press reports mocking the emerging…

Lois Lerner Retires From IRS, Big Three Networks Censor

September 24th, 2013 10:44 AM
The censorship of the IRS scandal by ABC, CBS and NBC has reached a new low. Not even the news of Lois Lerner’s retirement, the official at the center of the IRS Tea Party targeting scandal, could break the Big Three networks’ months-long streak of no scandal coverage. The Drudge Report splashed the news on the top of its site on Monday but not a single network bothered to report the stunning…

Bozell, Varney Discuss Networks' Nearly 3-Month Blackout of Damning Re

September 23rd, 2013 2:50 PM
An incredulous Stuart Varney brought NewsBusters publisher Brent Bozell on his Varney & Co. program this morning to discuss how  "[t]he mainstream media [have been] completely ignoring one the the biggest news stories of the year," by devoting zero news stories to the IRS scandal since July. "Is that accurate, they haven't even mentioned it since those dates we put up on the screen?!"…

New Obama IRS Rule on Restaurant Tips Hits Waiters' Wallets, Increases

September 6th, 2013 4:58 PM
In Wednesday's Wall Street Journal, Stephen Moore had an excellent op-ed about how the Obama economy was hurting the president's political base the most. The next day, Journal reporter Julie Jargon shed light on an IRS rule change which will adversely affect waiters and waitresses throughout America by judging tips earned as a result of an "automatic gratuity" to be a "service charge" that is…

Lamar Smith Column: National Media Failing the American People on Obam

August 20th, 2013 1:11 PM
The thought of ObamaCare makes many Americans uneasy. The American people know that this overhaul of the health care system drives up the cost of health care, undermines the doctor-patient relationship and vastly expands the role of the federal government. The national media’s coverage of the health care reform law has been anything but balanced. From the onset, the media have used emotional…

Fair NPR Story on IRS Tea Party Targeting Gets Revised (More Tilted) H

August 6th, 2013 2:21 PM
Taxpayer-subsidized NPR has a headline problem that won’t go away. As biased as much of its reporting is, NPR’s headline writers often appear to think that there is not enough bias. Sometimes they even write headlines that aren’t supported anywhere in the corresponding report. Even though there has been a history of headline problems at NPR recently, it appears that the headlines go out without…

Video: NB's Bozell, Tea Party Leader Jenny Beth Martin Discuss Media C

July 31st, 2013 6:43 PM
"It took the networks 13 days to run a single story" on the fact that Obama-appointed IRS chief counsel William Wilkins was "getting direct reports" on the IRS's review of conservative/Tea Party applications for 501(c)(3) status, NewsBusters publisher and Media Research Center (MRC) founder Brent Bozell told Blaze TV's Andrew Wilkow on the Tuesday edition of his Wilkow! program. Likewise, it…

Networks That Yawn Over IRS Scandal Find Time for 50-Year-Old JFK Vaca

July 29th, 2013 5:34 PM
The same networks that have been minimizing and ignoring the growing scandal at the Internal Revenue Service all found time to fawn over 50-year-old footage of President Kennedy vacationing with family. A World News graphic on Sunday night thrilled, "Return to Camelot." Anchor David Muir breathlessly narrated the video to cloying, emotional music provided by ABC: "President Kennedy teeing off…

Rush Limbaugh, NB Publisher Bozell Slam Corrupt Liberal Media's Censor

July 25th, 2013 1:53 PM
"The liberal media’s refusal to cover the IRS scandal – more than the NSA scandal, more than DOJ’s surveillance of journalists, more even than the tragic loss of life in Benghazi – cuts to the very heart of their corruption," NewsBusters publisher Brent Bozell charged in a statement released this afternoon with radio host Rush Limbaugh and three other leaders of the conservative movement. "No…