
MSNBC Freaks: Kavanaugh Confirmation Means Racism, ‘Back to the '50s’

October 6th, 2018 5:49 PM
Just seconds after Brett Kavanaugh was confirmed to the United States Supreme Court, MSNBC hosts suffered a meltdown, raging against a country founded on “the idea that being a free white” man gives you all the power. Host Joy Reid suggested that returned on Saturday as Mitch McConnell imposed a form of tyranny. Reid slimed, “Mitch McConnell has decided that order means that people like Mitch…

Dan Rather on Kavanaugh: 'For Most Women,' a 'Devastating Loss'

October 6th, 2018 3:47 PM
Disgraced fake-news anchor Dan Rather took to his Facebook page to bemoan the impending confirmation of Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court. Much like Chris Matthews, the women in Rather's family are distraught, so this quickly becomes a "devastating loss....for most women." To liberals, somehow all (or the vast majority of) women prize their right to kill the unborn as the essence of justice…

Liberal Celeb Tom Arnold Hints Kavanaugh Is a Pedophile

October 6th, 2018 1:30 PM
The USA Today ran an abhorrent story this week, the kind no news outlet should have let pass the pitch phase. The newspaper published a story saying Supreme Court Justice nominee Brett Kavanaugh cannot be trusted around children. The following excerpt is from the original story, courtesy of The Federalist. Here’s betting fellow “journalist” Tom Arnold of Vice fame won’t even bother to make amends…

NYT: ‘Judge Kavanaugh Was a Jerk...Credibly Accused of Sexual Assault'

October 6th, 2018 11:20 AM
NYT reporter Elizabeth Williamson swooned over the left-wing protestors rampaging through the Senate hallways as the Kavanaugh saga approached boiling point : “Stories on the Court Steps and Mass Arrests as Capital Boils.” She ignored the condescending disrespect toward a Republican U.S. senator shown by left-wing protestors while accusing Sen. Orrin Hatch of being "dismissive." And two…

FLASHBACK: Bill Clinton Groped Flight Attendant, ABC Shrugged It Off

October 6th, 2018 10:00 AM
Just imagine if there was video of Brett Kavanaugh groping a flight attendant – the footage would be all over the network and cable news shows right now. But when footage of President Bill Clinton grabbing a flight attendant’s knee was revealed, it was only a small part of a 1998 ABC World News Tonight segment that praised then Clinton aide/confidante Bruce Lindsey.

Goodwin Frets Kavanaugh Popular in South, 'Should Have Let Them Go'

October 5th, 2018 11:01 PM
Appearing as a guest on Friday's Real Time with Bill Maher on HBO, longtime NBC presidential historian Doris Kearns Goodwin cracked that maybe the U.S. should have let the South go as she and host Maher fretted over U.S. Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh's popularity in red states. She even invoked the infamous caning of abolitionist Massachusetts Senator Charles Sumner in 1856 that made…

Time Glorifies Blasey Ford as a 'Historic Figure,' So 'Guileless'

October 5th, 2018 10:54 PM
So what happens to the media memory of Kavavaugh vs. Ford if Brett Kavanaugh is confirmed? Time's cover story on Ford illustrates they're already painting the same numbers as they did after Clarence Thomas was confirmed. Glorify the accuser as a heroine of history. On the cover were the words "Her Lasting Impact." Online, the cover story had the headline "How Christine Blasey Ford’s Testimony…

Jim Sciutto: Kavanaugh Being Accused of Gang Rape Is Just Politics

October 5th, 2018 8:08 PM

So what's the big deal? Brett Kavanaugh was accused of being involved in gang rape but why does he have to act so upset about that? I mean, that accusation was just politics. Who would make such absurd analysis? Well, a good bet would be a CNN anchor, specifically Jim Sciutto because that's what he did on Thursday's Newsroom when analyzing Kavanaugh's understandably angry reaction to being…


CNN Panel Explodes in Anger After Learning Kavanaugh Has the Votes

October 5th, 2018 6:47 PM
Upon hearing that Judge Brett Kavanaugh had the votes be confirmed, a CNN panel at the 4:00pm EST hour responded as you would expect, with hysterical tirades against the “sexism” and “racism” of America, adding that the Founding Fathers would be upset today, and this confirmation would energize women to vote against Republicans at the midterm elections this November.

Sharpton: Kavanaugh Supporters Like People at Lynchings after Church

October 5th, 2018 5:36 PM
We knew that Senator Susan Collins would come under attack by the left for her "yes" vote on Kavanaugh. But comparing Collins to people who would attend lynchings after going to church? No one would sink that low, right? Wrong. On MSNBC Friday afternoon, Al Sharpton said: "these people would go to church and then go to the lynching after clothing themselves in morality. And that's what we're…

Wow: CNN’s Chalian Admits This Was ‘Perhaps’ Trump’s ‘Best Week’

October 5th, 2018 5:14 PM
Moments after Maine Republican Senator Susan Collins announced Friday afternoon that she’ll vote for Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh, liberal journalists were despondent. But for others decided to face the music and CNN’s David Chalian did so by admitting that this was “perhaps” Donald Trump’s “best week as President.”

Trump Supporter Steve Cortes Calls Out Race-Obsessed CNN Panel

October 5th, 2018 4:59 PM
During Thursday’s edition of CNN Tonight With Don Lemon, the eponymous host asked his panel to weigh in on Senator Orrin Hatch waving his hand at angry left-wing protesters and telling them to “grow up.” It did not take long for the panel to make the entire debate about Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh, the source of anger for the protesters who confronted Senator Hatch, all about race and…

Watch the Moment Chris Hayes Realizes Kavanaugh Will Be Confirmed

October 5th, 2018 4:41 PM
On Friday afternoon, moderate Senators Susan Collins and Joe Manchin announced they both would vote yes on Brett Kavanaugh’s nomination to the Supreme Court. As you might expect, MSNBC hosts didn’t take the news well. Liberal host Chris Hayes actually dropped his head in sorrow at the news. 

Amy Schumer: Voting For Kavanaugh Means ‘Women Don’t Matter’

October 5th, 2018 3:59 PM
Actress Amy Schumer rose to fame after starring in a 2015 movie as a young magazine writer caught up in numerous romantic misadventures. And, while not romantic in nature, her misadventures appear to have continued in real life.