WashPost Dissenter: Kathleen Parker Hails 'Jiminy Cricket' Graham

September 30th, 2018 10:34 AM
Kathleen Parker is going against the grain of her Washington Post colleagues on Sunday. While the Outlook section carries headlines like "Kavanaugh is lying, his upbringing explains why," and "Why senators 'believe' Ford, but side with Kavanaugh, Parker hailed Senator Lindsey Graham as "Sen. Jiminy Cricket," the conscience of the Senate.    

ABC Worries FBI Investigation of Judge Kavanaugh ‘Overly Restricted’

September 30th, 2018 10:15 AM
The FBI investigation into the sexual harassment allegations against Judge Brett Kavanaugh was only a couple days old and the liberal media already had the heavy equipment out to dig up the goalpost. Despite spending roughly a week comparing Kavanaugh’s confirmation to that of Justice Clarence Thomas and touting the speedy FBI investigation then, Sunday’s Good Morning America worried it was “…

NYT Fact-Checks Kavanaugh on Page One -- No Scrutiny for Blasey

September 30th, 2018 9:59 AM
Rounding up New York Times coverage of the Kavanaugh saga from Saturday: It had the gall to issue a front-page fact-check on only one side of Thursday’s gripping Supreme Court testimony, in “At Points, a Judge’s Defense Misleads and Veers Off Course.” Needless to say, Christine Blasey Ford didn’t get one. The paper’s “gender editor” Jessica Bennett also took a crack at the case on Saturday,…

MSNBC Slams Graham for 'Victim Blaming' on Wild Rape-Train Allegations

September 30th, 2018 9:10 AM

During Wednesday’s edition of MSNBC Live With Velshi and Ruhle, they championed the flimsiest and yet most horrific third allegation against Brett Kavanaugh, that he went to parties where women were drugged so that "trains" of male rapists could exploit them. Velshi and Ruhle were outraged that anyone would be skeptical of this story. NBC's Kate Snow said advocates of sexual-assault victims…


CNN Gives Sarsour Forum to Bash Conservatives Over Supreme Court

September 29th, 2018 8:14 PM
On New Day Saturday, liberal activist Linda Sarsour was given an unchallenged forum as a guest to rail against Brett Kavanaugh and the possibility of a conservative majority on the U.S. Supreme Court as CNN hosts Christi Paul and Victor Blackwell did not even bother to label her as a liberal activist.

CNN's Jeffrey Toobin Decries America as Sexist...What a Hypocrite!

September 29th, 2018 7:49 PM
CNN's legal analyst Jeffrey Toobin level revealed his hypocrisy on Wednesday's Anderson Cooper 360 when he decried America as more sexist (and racist) than is generally acknowledged. Toobin probably forgot his own sexist past as a deadbeat dad and his mistreatment of the mother of his born out of wedlock child. He only ended up paying the child support owed after the mother threatened to have his…

The Media’s Kavanaugh Hypocrisy

September 29th, 2018 4:00 PM
Well. This has been an interesting media week, yes? The liberal “mainstream” media just exploded on Judge Brett Kavanaugh and his nomination to be a Supreme Court Justice. But there’s something very curious here. Take the case of liberal Democratic Senator from Ohio Sherrod Brown.

Maher Makes Gay Jokes About Lindsey Graham, 'Dead Boyfriend' McCain

September 29th, 2018 2:11 PM
On Friday's Real Time show, liberal HBO comedian Bill Maher made gay jokes about Senator Senator Lindsey Graham, including one in which he suggested that the South Carolina Republican needs his "dead boyfriend," John McCain, to make him stand up to President Donald Trump.

Cuomo Hails Flake: 'The Sunshine of Compromise and Common Ground'

September 29th, 2018 1:59 PM

During Friday’s Cuomo PrimeTime, host Chris Cuomo closed the show by praising Arizona Republican Senator Jeff Flake’s decision to demand an FBI investigation into the sexual assault allegation against Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh, delaying the Senate vote on his confirmation by a week. Not surprisingly, Flake received media acclaim after bragging about donating to Alabama senatorial…

CNN Does Not Correct Story about ABA Asking for Kavanaugh Delay

September 29th, 2018 1:01 PM
Did you know that the American Bar Association recommended that the confirmation of Brett Kavanaugh be halted until after an FBI investigation can be completed? Only one problem with the story. It's not true.  Before Senator Jeffrey Flake made his vote for Kavanaugh contingent on an FBI investigation, CNN published a story by Manu Raju on August 27 about the ABA making a similar recommendation.…

NYT: Kavanaugh Anger at Being Called Rapist Puts Neutrality In Doubt

September 29th, 2018 12:31 PM
Supreme Court reporter Adam Liptak was brazen in advancing a particularly audacious partisan argument -- that getting angry at being called a rapist by millions of people means you lack judicial temperament – on the front of Saturday’s New York Times: “Nominee’s Diatribe Poses Threat To Court’s Neutrality, Some Fear.” The online headline added an adjective: “A Bitter Nominee, Questions of…

Alyssa Milano to Cosmo: Rage-Filled Kavanaugh Gasped 'Like an Animal'

September 29th, 2018 10:10 AM
The abortion-pushing feminists at Cosmopolitan grabbed actress Alyssa Milano for an interview on her reactions from sitting in the hearing room during the Kavanaugh-Ford hearing. "I couldn't see his face. All I could see was him pouring water and his back moving up and down as he breathed really deeply, almost like an animal. But I could hear him—his anger and his rage. And I could feel it."

NYT Opinions Cite Phony ‘Corroborating Evidence’ on Kavanaugh

September 28th, 2018 6:40 PM
The New York Times editorial page on Friday joined the paper's news pages in criticizing Brett Kavanaugh’s “angry” tone in defending himself against uncorroborated assault allegations during his Senate Judiciary Committee testimony on Thursday. And former executive editor Jill Abramson doesn't seem to know what “corroborating evidence" means.

CNN's Paul Callan: Kavanaugh Should Be Confirmed

September 28th, 2018 6:01 PM
CNN asked several of its commentators for their reactions to the appearance of Christine Blasey Ford and Brett Kavanaugh before the Senate Judiciary Committee on Thursday. Their replies were no great surprise with one exception. One of their legal analysts, Paul Callan, went against the CNN liberal grain and came out firmly in favor of the Senate confirming Kavanaugh.