ABC’s Roberts Wonders: Kavanaugh Accuser ‘Playing Footsie With Dems?'

September 20th, 2018 4:25 PM
Cracks have formed this week in the effort to derail the nomination of Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court. As accuser Christine Blasey Ford has wavered over whether she would actually show up in Washington to discuss sex abuse claims, outlets like MSNBC have declared the judge will have a “big old blemish” either way. But veteran ABC journalist Cokie Roberts went in the opposite direction. In a…

No Self-Awareness: Krugman Says Kavanaugh 'Smarmy, Smirking, Entitled'

September 20th, 2018 3:52 PM
As the last-minute accusation against Brett Kavanaugh was breaking, New York Times columnist Paul Krugman fired off a self-righteous mini-tweetstorm that showed an unusual absence of self-unawareness, even for a GOP-hater not lacking in conceit. The three tweets form a representative triptych of Krugman’s attack-dog persona, with equal parts attacks on his colleagues in the media and dire…

MSNBC Convicts: Kavanaugh Has ‘Big Old Blemish’ Either Way

September 20th, 2018 1:17 PM

MSNBC Live host Stephanie Ruhle forced Brett Kavanaugh into a no-win situation on Thursday as she labeled the Supreme Court nominee “blemished” no matter what comes of the sexual abuse allegations against him. Ruhle concluded there’s no upside for the judge: “Brett Kavanaugh is a father. He does have young daughters. He does have a stellar reputation. So does it not surprise you that if he…


Note to Nets: FBI Investigation of Anita Hill Claims Was Inconclusive

September 20th, 2018 12:59 PM
On Thursday morning, as the broadcast networks all seized on Democratic demands for an FBI investigation into Christine Blasey Ford’s sexual assault claims against Brett Kavanaugh, reporters on NBC, ABC, and CBS were quick to point to the Bureau’s investigation of Anita Hill’s sexual harassment claims against Clarence Thomas in 1991. However, none of the supposed journalists could seem to…

NYT Weaponizes Kavanaugh School Drinking Jokes: 'Raising Eyebrows'

September 20th, 2018 12:11 PM
New York Times writer Matt Stevens seized upon a dubious angle regarding the last-minute assault accusations against Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh, “Drinking Days Fondly Recalled, Raising Eyebrows.” Stevens’ story was manufactured wholly from bad-faith insinuation and innuendo, based on a light-hearted cracks by Kavanaugh in speeches about high school and law school drinking shenanigans…

CNN's Berman: Republicans Using 'Stealth Intimidation' Against Ford

September 20th, 2018 7:48 AM
CNN has apparently decided to cast itself as the Christine Ford defender. Opening New Day this morning, co-host John Berman claimed that Republicans have manage to "corner" Ford into testifying only under "excruciating" terms. Berman also accused Republicans of mounting a campaign of "stealth intimidation" against Ford. And of what does that intimidation consist, according to Berman? That…

#LiesFirst: Cuomo Claims FBI Has Said ‘Nothing’ About Kavanaugh Probe

September 20th, 2018 12:35 AM
While some of his liberal media colleagues were giving a megaphone to Democratic Senators demanding an FBI investigation into the attempted sexual assault allegation against Supreme Court nominee Judge Brett Kavanaugh on Wednesday, CNN’s Chris Cuomo was busy making false claims that the bureau had said nothing about not investigating the charges. But, in fact, they had declined to investigate.

Matthews Pushes Conspiracy Theory About Ford Appearing on ‘60 Minutes’

September 19th, 2018 11:41 PM
MSNBC’s Hardball host Chris Matthews tried his best on Wednesday to help keep Brett Kavanaugh from the Supreme Court nominee in the face of a three-decades-old sexual misconduct allegation, peddling a conspiracy theory about accuser Dr. Christine Blasey Ford and promoted a dubious claim from a Ford classmate.

Megyn Kelly Thinks Ford ‘Is Running Out of Options’; ‘It’s Do or Die’

September 19th, 2018 9:54 PM
In a sight that seemed unpredictable a few years ago, NBC host Megyn Kelly appeared on the Wednesday’s Hardball to inform MSNBC host Chris Matthews that, concerning the sexual misconduct allegation against Supreme Court pick Brett Kavanaugh, accuser Dr. Christine Blasey Ford “is running out of options” and “needs to show up” for Monday’s scheduled hearing.

Nets Give Megaphone to Dem Calls for FBI Probe into Kavanaugh

September 19th, 2018 9:53 PM
With time running out for Judge Brett Kavanaugh’s accuser, Christine Blasey Ford, to provide to some form of testimony with the Senate Judiciary Committee, the liberal broadcast networks (ABC, CBS, and NBC) spent their Wednesday evening broadcasts giving a boost to Democratic calls for an investigation into the Supreme Court nominee. Of course, they failed in their duty to inform their viewers…

Cowardly NY Times Editorials Smear Kavanaugh: ‘#BrettToo?’

September 19th, 2018 8:07 PM
The New York Times had (through Wednesday morning) refrained from full-court partisanship in its coverage of last-minute sexual assault allegations concerning Trump’s Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh. But the paper’s editorial page went full blast against Kavanaugh, devoting lead editorials on Tuesday and Wednesday to anti-Kavanaugh and anti-Republican sliming, beginning with the tasteless…

Crowley, Ingraham Blast Dems for Kavanaugh Obsession, Ignoring Ellison

September 19th, 2018 7:26 PM
During Tuesday’s The Ingraham Angle, host Laura Ingraham pointed out the hypocrisy of Democrats, who “howl for answers from Brett Kavanaugh in an opaque charge” while not “asking the same of DNC co-chair Keith Ellison,” who faces credible abuse allegations from a former girlfriend. Guest Monica Crowley described the Democrats’ double standard as “the rot of hypocrisy,” pointing out that in spite…

Get It? Tur Runs Clips Comparing Kavanaugh to Miscreants Moore, Porter

September 19th, 2018 7:00 PM
Wednesday afternoon’s MSNBC Live illustrated where the left stood on the Brett Kavanaugh fiasco as host Katy Tur aired a video mash-up comparing Kavanaugh to other men such as the late Roger Ailes, Corey Lewandowski, Roy Moore, and Rob Porter because they too were firmly defended by President Trump as they faced their own allegations of sexual impropriety. In reality, Tur’s comparison is ghoulish…

CNN Gives Virtually No Air Time to Pro-Kavanaugh Evidence

September 19th, 2018 3:41 PM
On Tuesday, two of Brett Kavanaugh’s high school classmates, each named by accuser Christine Blasey Ford as witnesses to the 1982 assault she alleges, issued public statements flatly denying that they saw anything even resembling Ford’s story. Yet on Wednesday, CNN viewers barely heard a peep about these denials, even as the Kavanaugh story dominated their on-air coverage. From 4:00 a.m. to 2:00…