
Nets Misleadingly Claim Illegals Commit Less Crime Than U.S. Citizens

June 25th, 2018 6:21 PM
Over the past week, as the dominant media have been fixated on President Donald Trump's push to more aggressively prosecute those who cross the border illegally, there have again been questionable claims that illegal immigrants commit crimes at a lower rate than the native-born population. But the studies cited either do not make a distinction between legal and illegal immigrants, or do not look…

Rob Reiner & Wife Liken Trump to Hitler, Supporters 'Hardcore Racists'

June 24th, 2018 4:27 PM
On Sunday's AM Joy, MSNBC host Joy Reid served up a double helping of "Meathead" as liberal film maker Rob Reiner and his wife, Michele Reiner, spent a segment ranting against President Donald Trump and his "hardcore racist" supporters. Michele Reiner invoked Nazi death camps as she called Trump "evil" and likened him to Adolf Hitler. Rob Reiner repeatedly accused Trump supporters of being "…

CNN Still Using Debunked Child Immigrant Photo, Frets Trump to Benefit

June 24th, 2018 1:10 PM
On his Sunday show, CNN host Fareed Zakaria seemed to worry that President Donald Trump will benefit politically in the long run from taking tough positions on border security in spite of recent public opinion apparently opposing the decision to prosecute all illegal border crossings when doing so sometimes requires separating children from parents. The CNN show also used the infamous image of…

Ruhle Scoffs at Spike in Illegals Exploiting Kids to Cross Border

June 23rd, 2018 8:49 PM
As the dominant liberal media have spent much of the past week fixated on the Trump administration stepping up prosecutions of those who illegally cross the border, MSNBC host Stephanie Ruhle dismissed reports of a sharp increase in illegals exploiting unrelated children to try to fraudulently enter the country.

Cuomo Claims Trump 'Treating Kids Like Crap,' Links Advisor to Racists

June 23rd, 2018 3:35 PM
On Friday's Cuomo Prime Time, CNN host Chris Cuomo again devoted most of his show to pushing hard from the left on the issue of the Trump administration increasing prosecutions of illegal border crossings. Cuomo and liberal CNN commentator Catherine Rampell again misleadingly claimed legal asylum seekers are also separated from their children even though they usually are not unless there are…

CNN's Cuomo Brags About Only 75% of Illegals Showing Up at Court

June 22nd, 2018 5:34 PM
On Thursday's Cuomo Prime Time, CNN host Chris Cuomo treated it as if it were something to brag about that only 75 percent of illegals who are required to show up in court actually make their court dates as he complained about President Donald Trump's push to charge illegal immigrants when they cross the border and keep them in detention, resulting in some being separated from their children as…

CNN, MSNBC Conflate Legal Asylum Seekers With Illegal Immigrants

June 22nd, 2018 8:30 AM
As the dominant media have been fixated for the past week on the Trump administration stepping up prosecutions against non-citizens who cross illegally into the U.S., resulting in parents being separated from children during detention as required by law, CNN and MSNBC both repeatedly conflated asylum seekers who legally got through the proper procedure with those who cross the border illegally…

NYT Again Skips the S-Word in Long A-1 Story on Venezuela Crisis

June 16th, 2018 10:10 AM
Yet another long New York Times article on the humanitarian crisis in Venezuela spared no space for the “S-word,” -- socialism -- that is the root cause of the country’s woes. William Neuman and Clifford Krauss devoted 1,700 words on the front of Friday’s edition to one facet of the country’s woes: "Job at Oil Giant Is No Longer Path to the Venezuelan Dream.” The absence of the actual cause of…

Ramos y Gutiérrez fomentan histeria sobre crítica de Trump a pandillas

May 31st, 2018 4:09 PM
El presentador de Noticias Univisión Jorge Ramos se volvió a unir al congresista saliente de Chicago Luis Gutiérrez para dar una clase magistral sobre la demagogia racial y el periodismo motivado por agendas particulares. En esta ocasión, lo hicieron para sacar millaje político a los comentarios del presidente Trump sobre los integrantes de la Mara Salvatrucha (MS-13), a quienes lildó de animales…

Presentador de Univisión acusa a Trump de "deshumanizar" a inmigrantes

May 26th, 2018 1:49 PM
El presentador de Noticiero Univisión Edición Nocturna y heredero aparente de Jorge Ramos, Enrique Acevedo, compareció recientemente ante el programa Tucker Carlson Tonight de la cadena Fox News para denunciar las expresiones del presidente Donald Trump, en la que calificó a la nefasta Mara Salvatrucha de “animales”.

Jorge Ramos, Luis Gutiérrez Fan Hysteria Over Trump's 'Animals' Slam

May 20th, 2018 11:01 PM
Univision senior news anchor Jorge Ramos and retiring Chicagoland Congressman Luis Gutiérrez once again teamed up for a master class in racial demagoguery and agenda-driven journalism. This time, in order to make hay out of President Trump’s “animals” remark regarding MS-13 gang members.

Univision Anchor Charges Trump with 'Dehumanizing All Immigrants'

May 18th, 2018 4:54 PM
Univision late night news anchor Enrique Acevedo, the heir apparent to Univision senior news anchor Jorge Ramos, made a guest appearance on the Tucker Carlson Tonight show to denounce President Trump's 'animals' remark regarding the nefarious transnational gang known as MS-13.

U.S. Media Mostly Ignore May Day Celebrations of Communism and Fascism

May 3rd, 2018 9:03 AM
Protests by workers and activists and, in some cases, violence by anarchists marked the far-left holiday May Day this year. But most American news consumers would not have known that some London demonstrators carried communist flags and banners of brutal Soviet dictator Joseph Stalin. They weren’t told that communists marched in Athens, Greece, or that anti-capitalist anarchists destroyed…

‘Socialism’ Absent from 9,000-Word NYT Story on Venezulean Woes

March 4th, 2018 5:12 PM
The New York Times’ abject refusal to pin the socialism label on the failed and starving state of Venezuela is well-documented (as is the paper’s whitewashing of that and other tyrannical left-wing regimes). In the newest Times Sunday Magazine, writer Wil S. Hylton devoted nearly 9,000 words to fiery, often-imprisoned opposition leader Leopoldo Lopez, “Can Venezuela Be Saved?” yet managed to…