
CNN Again Gives Stephen Miller's Uncle Forum to Trash Him

August 15th, 2018 10:04 AM
On Tuesday night, CNN again treated it as somehow newsworthy that a public official may have family members that they are not even close to who disagree with them politically as host Anderson Cooper showed a pre-recorded interview with retired Dr. David Glosser, the uncle of White House advisor Stephen Miller, about an op ed in Politico he wrote in which he called Miller an "immigration hypocrite…

CNN Gives Stephen Miller's Uncle Forum to Trash Him on Immigration

August 14th, 2018 4:26 PM
On Tuesday's New Day show, the latest round of Trump bashing included giving a forum to the uncle of White House advisor Stephen Miller to denounce his nephew as an "immigration hypocrite" for supporting enforcing immigration law and pushing for reforms. The uncle in question, David Glosser, who published an op-ed in Politico, suggested that the refusal to accept immigrants was tantamount to a "…

Billboard Magazine Hosts Diversity Roundtable to Decry Border Law

August 10th, 2018 10:50 AM
You know what’s the best reason to subscribe to Billboard Magazine? No, not compelling artist interviews, or in-depth album reviews. It’s the hamfisted lectures on the evils of Donald Trump’s border policies that really make it worthwhile.

Fox Alerts Viewers to Refugee With Criminal Record Who Shot Cop

August 8th, 2018 3:14 PM
On Tuesday night, FNC gave an update on the case of an Iraqi refugee with a criminal history who managed to escape deportation and recently went on to shoot a police officer in Colorado Springs. FNC have covered the story a number of times since Friday, but the other networks have completely ignored the tragic event. Ironically, on the same day that the attempted cop killing story broke, several…

CNN's Cabrera Highlights MS-13 Threat in U.S.

August 6th, 2018 7:43 PM
Over the weekend, CNN host Ana Cabrera did something one doesn't see often her network -- the CNN weekend anchor actually devoted a full report to the dangers of the MS-13 gang in the United States, noting that it has taken advantage of the influx of unaccompanied minors into the U.S. and pressures them into joining.

CNN's Savidge Gets Schooled on Deported Illegals Refusing Their Kids

August 5th, 2018 8:24 AM
On New Day Saturday, CNN substitute anchor Martin Savidge let on that he was not as informed as his conservative guest on the issue of children being separated from parents who illegally cross the border when CNN contributor Ben Ferguson recalled that some deported illegals chose not to take their children with them. A befuddled Savidge asked, "How do you know that, Ben? I mean, where does that…

MSNBC Wrongly Claims Illegals Deported Before 'Able' to Reunite Kids

August 3rd, 2018 4:33 PM
On Friday's Andrea Mitchell Reports, MSNBC correspondent Jacob Soboroff misleadingly claimed that hundreds of illegal immigrants were deported before they were "able" to collect their children without noting that, according to Trump administration officials, many of them declined the opportunity to take their children with them, possibly hoping that the children will succeed in attaining asylum…

CNN Lets Castro Complain Trump Lost Track of Deported Parents

August 3rd, 2018 10:29 AM
On Friday's New Day show, as Texas Democratic Rep. Joaquin Castro appeared as a guest, substitute co-host David Gregory gave him a forum to complain that the Trump administration has lost track of illegal immigrant parents who were deported from the country without noting that many parents chose not to take their children with them when they were deported, while a portion also had criminal…

Mitchell Frets Ivanka Not Lobbying Against Enforcing Immigration Laws

August 2nd, 2018 4:39 PM
On Thursday's Andrea Mitchell Reports on MSNBC, host Mitchell not only fretted that First Daughter Ivanka Trump was not doing enough to "lobby" against aggressive enforcement of immigration laws, but she also seemed taken aback that Attorney General Jeff Sessions pushed for such enforcement as a "deterrent" as if such a motivation were a scandal, even though the Barack Obama administration also…

CNN Hits Santorum: 'Make You Sleep Better' to Blame Illegal Parents?

August 2nd, 2018 8:31 AM
On Wednesday's New Day show, CNN host Alisyn Camerota not surprisingly showed a double standard in pressing conservative CNN contributor Rick Santorum from the left on the issue of separating families who cross the border illegally, while going softer on Democratic Senator Richard Blumenthal in a later segment. Camerota not only misinformed Santorum and CNN viewers by claiming that legal asylum…

MSNBC's Atencio Blames 'Racism' for Illegal Alien Child Separation

July 29th, 2018 3:52 PM
On Sunday's AM Joy on MSNBC, during an update on the reunification of illegal immigrant children with their parents, MSNBC correspondent Mariana Atencio suggested that the enforcement of immigration laws by the Trump administration is motivated by "racism and xenophobia" as she recalled the cace of a detained illegal immigrant mother who is still waiting for her child to be reunified with her.

MSNBC Lets Guest Claim Trump Breaking Law by Rejecting Asylum Claims

July 27th, 2018 2:58 PM
As NewsBusters has previously documented, one of the big recurring problems in media coverage of the Trump administration prosecuting immigrants who cross the border illegally is the conflation of asylum seekers who follow the proper process and those who sneak across the border and then apply for asylum after they are caught. As focus this week has turned to the court-imposed deadline for…

CNN Touts Voter Who Regrets Voting Trump After Relative Deported

July 26th, 2018 8:30 PM
On Wednesday's CNN Tonight, host Don Lemon devoted an entire segment to a family in which a woman who voted for Donald Trump now regrets voting for him because her daughter-in-law has since been deported to Mexico. After the segment began by heavily suggesting that she had no criminal record, Lemon finally informed viewers that she had been arrested several years ago for a DWI. The CNN host also…

CNN Conflating Legal Asylum Seekers With Illegal Immigrants

July 26th, 2018 1:07 PM

On Thursday morning, CNN's New Day show displayed the latest classic example of why journalists should generally not be considered reliable sources of accurate information as the Cable News Network continued to conflate legal asylum seekers who go through the proper procedure with those who cross the border illegally and seek asylum when they are apprehended. And, as Alisyn Camerota…