Jonathan Lemire MSNBC Morning Joe 8-7-24

Morning Joe Weirdly Hypes Tim Walz's 'Mind Your Own Damn Business'

August 7th, 2024 3:34 PM

On Morning Joe, after Mike Barnicle slobbers over the Walz VP announcement rally, Jonathan Lemire enthuses over Tim Walz's line, "mind your own damn business." Democrats the new libertarians? Hardly! They're the party that  wants to control countless facets of people's lives.  


Acosta Delighted Trump's Speech to Libertarians ‘Blew Up in His Face’

May 28th, 2024 6:27 PM

The Monday morning segment of CNN Newsroom featured a gleeful Jim Acosta boasting about former President Donald Trump’s combative reception and unsuccessful speech at the Libertarian National Convention. He was joined by The View’s Ana Navarro and Democratic strategist Maria Cardona, both of whom took the opportunity to paint Trump as unnerved by an unfamiliar and unfriendly setting…

Mike Pompeo vs. the Libertarians

February 9th, 2023 6:43 PM

Former CIA Director and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo will probably run for president. People call him a “staunch conservative.” In our extended interview, I give him a hard time about that. “Conservative” once meant promoting limited government. But lately Republicans push new regulations and drive up America’s debt by spending more.


MSNBC Hate: Republicans Are Against Big Gov Because They're Racist

February 28th, 2021 4:45 PM

On Saturday morning’s Velshi, MSNBC host Ali Velshi collaborated with author and co-chair of leftist group Color of Change Heather McGhee for a hateful segment where the two leftists declared that all who oppose their policy preferences are racist. 


Tin Foil Hat CNN Claims Trump Wants to Keep Americans From Voting

August 15th, 2020 5:33 PM

On Friday’s New Day, CNN co-host John Berman and guest host Erica Hill joined forces with political correspondent Abby Phillip to forward Democratic talking points about President Trump objecting to sinking more taxpayer dollars into the postal service. The partisan hacks entered into tin-foil-hat territory when Hill claimed that Trump desires “to make sure that an American's right to…

Stop Pretending Pandemic Politics Are the New Norm

April 2nd, 2020 2:39 PM
"There are no libertarians in a global pandemic." So goes the smug punchline of large-government advocates who point to the necessity of collective action in the face of an unprecedented global crisis. Without government, they say, we'd all be dead. Few libertarians would disagree. The hardcore libertarians at Reason magazine aren't spending their days fulminating over the evils of government-…

MSNBC Blames: David Koch Symbolized 'Influence of Dark Money'

August 23rd, 2019 7:25 PM
The passing of free market and libertarian activist David Koch on Friday was met by much of the media with a dignified reaction that highlighted Koch's politics, but without portraying him as the cause of all that is wrong with the contemporary political climate. MSNBC Live guest host Chris Jansing took a different route, instead choosing to label the "Billionaire conservative donor" Koch "as one…

‘Good Riddance, Evil Sack of A**’: Celebs Dance on David Koch's Grave

August 23rd, 2019 2:43 PM
“Ding Dong the Witch Is Dead” seems to be part of progressives’ commute playlist this morning, as news of the death of their political donor boogeyman, David Koch, reverberated around the internet. Several leftwing celebs jumped to Twitter to celebrate the billionaire philanthropist’s death, as he was a major donor to the Republican party. Too bad the man was probably one of the left’s better…

'What About Guns Right Now?' CNN's Blitzer Pushes Gun Control

November 9th, 2018 11:42 AM
Showing that he’s anything but a fair news anchor, CNN’s The Situation Room host Wolf Blitzer was yet another journalist who tried to make the Thousand Oaks, California bar shooting about gun control despite the state having perhaps the country’s strictest gun laws and state mental health experts had cleared the disturbed individual (thus still allowing him to purchase firearms).

ABC Drama: Terrorist Revealed as Libertarian Wanting 'Free Enterprise'

May 3rd, 2018 1:41 AM
Now that the matter of presidential removal has been covered, ABC’s Designated Survivor can go back to what it’s best at: promoting the liberal agenda. When it’s not overtly defending liberal values, the show usually spends time demeaning political opponents, and this week’s story is probably the dumbest attack I’ve seen this season. Forget ISIS or even Antifa, the real threat to our nation’s…

Morning Joe: Criticizing McCain = ‘Lack of Humanity’

September 25th, 2017 3:32 PM
On Monday’s Morning Joe, hosts Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski spent most of the show obsessing over various comments made by President Trump at a rally in Huntsville, Alabama last Friday. They took special umbrage, however, at Trump calling out Senator John McCain for being the deciding vote in scuttling a Republican ObamaCare repeal effort this past July. The hosts’ extremely…

NPR Touts Protest of 200 ObamaCare Supporters in Deep-Red Texas

June 27th, 2017 10:30 PM
On Monday, NPR promoted a demonstration of 200 ObamaCare supporters, who gathered in a county in Texas where President Donald Trump almost got 80 percent of the popular vote. Despite this statistic, the public radio outlet couldn't find any conservatives for their report on All Things Considered. All but one of the sound bites during the segment came from ObamaCare backers. The remaing clip came…

P. J. O'Rourke Attacks Lack of Intelligence in ‘Giant Toddler’ Trump

March 15th, 2017 10:10 PM
MSNBC’s Hardball often levels outrageous and conspiracy driven attacks against President Donald Trump, but on top of the usual assault, things got rather personal during Wednesday’s edition. “Now I'm starting to think that attributing anything as intelligent as a plan to Donald Trump is just unnecessary, I'm overegging the pudding,” mocked author P. J. O’Rourke when asked about Trump dubious…

RNC Official Schools CNN’s Brian Stelter on Liberal Media Bias

October 23rd, 2016 4:37 PM
Liberal media bias has become painfully obvious during the 2016 election cycle. Between the severely lopsided coverage of political scandals and WikiLeaks exposing just how cozy the media is to the Clinton campaign, it’s nearly impossible to deny its existence. But that didn’t stop CNN’s Brian Stelter from trying on Reliable Sources Sunday. “But how is this anything more than the team that thinks…