
Rumsfeld Ribs Zakaria: 'There Are People Who Think We're Living in the
September 12th, 2011 1:14 AM
CNN's Fareed Zakaria got more than he bargained for in his Sunday interview with guest Donald Rumsfeld.
As he pushed the former Secretary of Defense on America's need to cut military spending, the "GPS" host blushed when Rumsfeld smartly said, "There are people who think we're living in the post-American world, to coin a phrase. There are people who believe that we should step back and lead…

Fareed Zakaria: In Fifty Years 9/11 Might Be Seen As Beginning of Amer
September 12th, 2011 12:21 AM
It certainly wasn't a Paul Krugman moment, but is the tenth anniversary of the biggest attack on our mainland a good time to say, "Fifty years from now, we might even look at 9/11 as simply the beginning of the decline of America?"
That's what Fareed Zakaria said Sunday on the CNN program bearing his name (video follows with transcript and commentary):

'New Yorker' Editor: Obama Responsible for Lack of Anti-Americanism in
September 9th, 2011 10:56 AM
By all accounts, President Obama has been far more hawkish than anyone anywhere in the world could have possibly imagined.
Despite this, "New Yorker" magazine editor David Remnick told the crew at MSNBC's "Morning Joe" Friday that the current Administration is responsible for the lack of anti-American displays in Arab Spring uprisings (video follows with transcript and commentary):

CBS Frets Over 'Dark Stain' of Bush CIA's 'Troubling' Activities in Li
September 4th, 2011 12:09 PM
On Saturday's CBS Evening News, correspondent Barry Petersen filed a report which highlighted Human Rights Watch's analysis of government records in Libya which document that, during the Bush administration, the CIA sent prisoners to Libya as part of its renditioning program. Anchor Russ Mitchell saw the papers as potentially "troubling" as he introduced the report:

NY Times Suddenly OK With Warring President: Is Obama Intervention in
August 30th, 2011 3:49 PM
Is Syria next on Obama’s intervention list? New York Times reporters Helene Cooper and Steven Lee Myers speculate in Monday’s “U.S. Tactics in Libya May Be a Model for Other Efforts.”
The text box works in a typical crack at Bush administration foreign policy: “Using force when justified but not going it alone.” The implication, common in the pages of the Times, is that Bush somehow went it…

Tina Brown: Cheney's Foreign Policy Has Been 'Validated By Obama
August 30th, 2011 11:51 AM
Tina Brown seems to be very conflicted about her opinion of Dick Cheney.
After telling the "Morning Joe" panel the former Vice President is a "wrecking ball" who "seems to be totally in denial still about Iraq," the Daily Beast-Newsweek editor said moments later, "He's been validated by Obama" (video follows with transcript and commentary):

CNN's Don Lemon Compares Libya 'Atrocities' With LGBT Discrimination
August 30th, 2011 11:00 AM
In a Thursday NPR interview, CNN's openly-gay anchor Don Lemon lumped discrimination against gays and lesbians in with atrocities committed in Libya.
When asked why audiences should be interested in gay and lesbian issues, Lemon answered that "people are glued to what's happening in Libya, because it affects us. Any atrocity that's committed against one person affects us all and we are…

Open Thread: Republicans Unveiling Bill to Bring Major Changes to the
August 30th, 2011 10:11 AM
House Republicans are introducing a bill today with hopes to force major changes on the United Nations. The bill would require the UN to allow member countries to fund the UN agencies of their choosing rather than according to a formula, end funding for Palestinian refugees, limit U.S. funding to be used only for purposes specifically outlined by Congress, and end contributions to peacekeeping…
To the Shores of Tripoli
August 25th, 2011 8:00 AM
Name a single Arab or Islamic state, which, after a revolution that has overthrown a dictator, came to embrace political pluralism, religious tolerance and equal rights for women.
You can't, can you?

Shoe-Shining David Shuster: It's 'Absolutely Crazy' to Question Obama
August 24th, 2011 11:03 PM
On Tuesday's edition of the Stephanie Miller radio show, she welcomed the one she called "Dreamy News Man," the former MSNBC anchor David Shuster, now just picking up anchoring scraps from that flailing show with the terminally arrogant former sportscaster on Current TV. Predictably, Shuster pleased the persistently Obama-cheerleading Miller by suggesting the Republicans were in "Crazy-land en…

CNN's Phillips Questions GOP Candidates' Silence on Libya
August 23rd, 2011 7:16 PM
On Tuesday morning, CNN's Kyra Phillips asked why the Republican presidential candidates have not been speaking out on foreign policy in Libya during the climactic battle in the country's capital between rebel and imperial forces. CNN had interviewed Republican candidate Jon Huntsman the night before, but had not yet asked him about the conflict in Libya, in the first of a two-part interview…

On Libya, Dean Aims At Romney, Shoots Self In Foot
August 23rd, 2011 7:59 AM
It's enough to make you scream . . . On Morning Joe today, Howard Dean rapped Mitt Romney for calling on the Libyan rebels to turn Gaddafi over to the US for trial. According to Dean, Romney's suggestion made "no sense" and exposed his lack of foreign policy experience.
There was just one little problem with Howie's hypothesis. Romney never called for the rebels to turn Gaddafi over to…
Howard Fineman: If Obama Said 'I Love Apple Pie' Republicans Would Cal
August 22nd, 2011 7:21 PM
It's not at all surprising the Obama-loving, anti-war media are gushing and fawning over what appears to be a rebel victory in Libya.
On MSNBC's "Hardball" Monday, the Huffington Post's Howard Fineman joined in the victory lap mocking skeptical Republicans by sniping, "If Barack Obama came out and said, 'You know, I really love apple pie,' they would say, 'Apple pie is a socialist plot'” (…

Tamron Hall Chides Ex-Bush Aide for Not Cheering Obama on Libya
August 22nd, 2011 3:17 PM
Want to watch an MSM version of Stand By Your Man? Check out the video here after the jump. Tamron Hall, theoretically an MSNBC show "host" and not a pundit, gets visibly upset with Michael Singh, a former foreign policy adviser to President George W. Bush. Singh's sin? Apparently being insufficiently enthusiastic in his praise of President Obama's handling of the Libyan situation.