
Fineman: Obama Killing Bin Laden Proves 'In Almost Biblical Terms' He
May 3rd, 2011 9:29 AM
As we watched President Obama tell us Sunday evening of Osama bin Laden's death, we knew the media would be starting the Mother of all victory laps.
Not surprisingly out ahead of the cheering throngs was Huffington Post's senior politics editor Howard Fineman with his Monday love letter "Obama Gets Osama: Goodbye Vietnam":

David Gregory's Long Tall Smooch To Obama
May 1st, 2011 8:59 AM
President George W. Bush's nickname for David Gregory was "Stretch." True to his moniker, the elongated Meet The Press host gave a long, tall, three-part smooch to President Obama during his appearance on this morning's Today Show.
Speaking with weekend Today co-host Jenna Wolfe: Gregory reported favorably on: 1. the Tripoli bombing that might have killed members of Khaddafy's family; 2.…

David Sanger, NYT's Anti-Bush Foreign Policy Voice, Doubts O on Libya
April 27th, 2011 8:15 AM
The front of the New York Times Sunday Week in Review features a think-piece by the paper’s foreign policy maven David Sanger, “Halfway In With Obama.” The subhead: “In Libya, America lets others command. By letting allies pick up the burden, is its credibility on the line?”
Sanger was a harsh critic of Bush’s foreign policy philosophy, mocking the president as an incurious George overseas…

Mark Shields: 'The Most Urgent Priority America Has Is To Find Jobs Fo
April 23rd, 2011 10:10 AM
Out of the mouths of babes...
On Friday's "Inside Washington," during a discussion about American foreign policy in the Middle East and Africa, PBS's Mark Shields actually said, "The most urgent priority that we have is to find jobs somehow, not simply for Americans, which is an urgent priority, but for young Egyptians" (video follows with transcript and commentary):
NYT Editor Keller Claims He Doesn't Take Stands on Wars, But Said Iraq
April 18th, 2011 4:20 PM
New York Times Executive Editor Bill Keller’s latest Sunday magazine column, “Team America,” asks in the subhead: “Less than a decade after invading Iraq, the U.S. has rediscovered its missionary spirit. Should we be troubled by this?” Keller is not completely on board with Obama on what’s shaping up as “regime change” in Libya. But he also claimed that as editor he doesn’t take stands for or…

Krauthammer Takes On Shields and Peterson for Calling Our Wars Unpatri
April 16th, 2011 8:55 AM
Charles Krauthammer had quite a battle this weekend with "Inside Washington" host Gordon Peterson and fellow panelist Mark Shields.
The fireworks began when Peterson quibbled about how we haven't raised taxes to pay for the wars we're currently waging leading Shields to call them unpatriotic as a result (video follows with transcript and commentary):

Liberal Commander Kristof in the NY Times: Send SWAT Team to Seize Col
April 6th, 2011 9:47 AM
Nicholas Kristof, New York Times columnist, newly minted war-monger. On March 24 the Iraq war dove claimed the U.S. was being welcomed as liberators in Libya. On Sunday he applauded what the column’s text box admitted was “our inconsistent intervention in Libya,” headlined with a bleeding-heart plea: “Is It Better to Save No One?” He even called for "a SWAT team of Libyans and coalition forces…

MSNBC's Andrea Mitchell Plays Race Card on Budget, Libya
April 5th, 2011 4:54 PM
Covering the budget debate on Capitol Hill and the conflict in Libya, Andrea Mitchell spun two serious policy issues as examples of race-baiting.
On the April 5 edition of “Andrea Mitchell Reports,” the MSNBC anchor lamented that Rep. Paul Ryan’s (R-Wis.) proposed 2012 budget would ravage black and Hispanic communities.
“Representative Paul Ryan’s 2012 budget, released today, includes…
Gainor Column: Now the Media Support a President Waging Another War In
April 2nd, 2011 9:13 AM
Where have all the war protesters gone, long time passing?
They’re mostly backing Obama’s attack on Libya or at least keeping quiet so they don’t aid those evil conservatives intent on criticizing the president. More moderate lefties had once promised a third way. Now we find out that was a typo. It’s not a third way, it’s a third war.
President Obama, who was swept in on a tide of…
Ed Schultz on US Arming Qadhafi's Foes: 'Why Are We Concerned With Who
April 1st, 2011 8:30 PM
Ed Schultz is so gungo ho for the Libyan war that he wants Obama to provide weapons to anti-Qadhafi forces -- without scrutinizing who gets them.
Seeing how Qadhafi's opponents in Libya could include al Qaeda and Hezbollah, according to the U.S. NATO commander, what could possibly go wrong?
Here's Schultz engaging in his singular brand of bellicosity while talking to a caller on his radio…
Newsweek's Evan Thomas: Obama Administration a 'Headless Horse' on Lib
April 1st, 2011 6:28 PM
Newsweek's Evan Thomas on Friday took a swipe at the White House's handling of its operation in Libya.
As the subject was raised on PBS's "Inside Washington," Thomas said, "In this case, it’s always hard to know what the Administration is doing because it’s sort of a headless horse" (video follows with transcript and commentary):

Media Mash: 'Compassion' for Al Qaeda Edition
April 1st, 2011 10:59 AM
NewsBusters publisher Brent Bozell has seen a lot of dopey stuff from the liberal media in his nearly 25 years battling liberal media bias. But Matt Lauer's question to Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-Minn.) on Wednesday takes the cake.
Discussing the matter of arming the rebels in Libya, the "Today" host allowed that there may well be al Qaeda operatives among the anti-Qadhafi forces, but asked, "…

Sestak Flip-flops: Obama Must Remove Gaddafi Even If Troops Are Needed
April 1st, 2011 1:34 AM
Admiral and former Democrat Congressman Joe Sestak (D-Penn.) has been an outspoken critic of President Obama's attack on Libya since the operation began almost two weeks ago.
For some reason on MSNBC's "Ed Show" Thursday, Sestak radically changed his view (video follows with transcript and commentary):

Former CIA Agent Scolds CNN Anchor: 'You're Just Carrying Water For Ob
March 31st, 2011 7:17 PM
Michael Scheuer, a former counter-terrorism analyst for the CIA, scolded CNN's Christine Romans Thursday for letting her support for the current President show.
Toward the end of a lengthy interview on "American Morning" about the situation in Libya, Romans took issue with her guest saying America is "nearly bankrupt" leading Scheuer to respond, "You're just carrying the water for Mr. Obama…