
MSNBC's Cenk Uygur and Dem Congressman: Dissent Is Unpatriotic
March 24th, 2011 10:36 PM
Q. When did liberals rip those 'Dissent Is Patriotic' bumper stickers off their Priuses?
A. January 20, 2009
Latest evidence: on his MSNBC show this evening, Cenk Uygur suggested that opposition to President Obama's Libya policy is "unpatriotic." For good measure, Dem congressman Gary Ackerman stated that opposing the president is "cheering for the wrong team."
View video after the jump…
On Obama's Puzzling Non-policy Policy on Libya
March 24th, 2011 5:43 PM
Amid all the confusion of our new little war in Libya, one thing is clear: Notwithstanding the bravery and professionalism of our troops, in naming it Operation Odyssey Dawn, the Pentagon has invoked a haunting specter. The war's namesake — Homer's epic poem "The Odyssey" — is the tale of the hero, Odysseus, taking 10 years to get home from the Trojan War — which itself took 10 years to fight…

Dovish New York Times Columnist Kristof: We're Being Greeted as Libera
March 24th, 2011 4:48 PM
Liberal columnists who were reliably opposed to Republican presidents warring against Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein (see Bush I and II) often do an about-face and strike up a martial tune when it's a Democratic president dropping bombs. Ask former New York Times columnist and good liberal Anthony Lewis, who pushed the Clinton administration to intervene in Bosnia-Herzegovina.
The reliably…
CBS Finally Mentions Lack of Congressional Approval for Libya Attack
March 24th, 2011 12:52 PM
At the top of Thursday's CBS Early Show, co-host Chris Wragge acknowledged for the first time on the network that members of Congress were criticizing the Obama administration for failing to seek their approval on military action in Libya: "In Washington, the Speaker of the House takes on President Obama as to why he didn't talk to Congress before launching the attacks."
While that tease…

Obama More 'Hawkish' Than Bush, More Charming, Say 'Morning Joe' Pundi
March 24th, 2011 12:30 PM
Is Obama more 'hawkish' and yet more charming than his immediate predecessor?
Apparently so, claimed Time's Mark Halperin and MSNBC's Mika Brzezinski on Thursday's edition of "Morning Joe."
Halperin believes that President Obama has been more cavalier than his predecessor, and Brzezinski thinks that although Obama has extended many of Bush's unpopular policies, he brings a different "…
Obama's War in Libya
March 24th, 2011 10:55 AM
Well, it is official. The president of Bolivia, Evo Morales, has asked the Norwegian Nobel Committee to take back President Barack Obama's Nobel Peace Prize owing to Obama's missile strikes in Libya. The head of Russia's Liberal Democratic Party, Vladimir Zhirinovsky, also has weighed in, and Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin is really in a snit. This is the best news Col. Moammar Gadhafi…
Only ABC Mentions Obama Flip-Flop on Presidential War Powers, CBS and
March 23rd, 2011 12:45 PM
While a report on ABC's Good Morning America on Tuesday referenced 2007 comments from then-Senator Barack Obama against a president taking military action without congressional approval, CBS and NBC both failed to point out President Obama contradicting those earlier statements by failing to seek congressional approval before committing U.S. forces in Libya.
As NewsBusters' Scott Whitlock…

Howie The Hawk: 'You Can't Stay Out Of These Things
March 23rd, 2011 9:11 AM
Call him Howie "The Hawk" Dean . . .
Last evening we detailed Cenk Uygur's hypocrisy in supporting military action in Libya. This morning brings news of another liberal nouveau-hawk: Howard Dean. The man who was a scream away from winning the 2004 Dem presidential nomination based on his opposition to the Iraq war suddenly supports a muscular foreign policy. On Morning Joe, Dean told Joe…

On Libya, Obama-supporting Uygur Is Uber-hypocrite
March 22nd, 2011 10:14 PM
Do people's politics color their views on the issues, even on life-and-death ones like war? Yeah. Happens on all sides. But for Cenk Uygur to rip Republicans for having supported President Bush on Iraq while criticizing President Obama on Libya is nothing short of grotesque . . . given that Uygur now supports Obama on Libya, while when it came to Iraq and its aftermath he wanted Bush . . .…

Ed Schultz on Libya: 'Given That Americans Died on That 747 Over Locke
March 22nd, 2011 1:32 AM
The perpetually anti-war Ed Schultz took his seat behind the desk at MSNBC studios Monday with the expressed mission of selling Barack Obama's air assault on Libya to his viewers.
So passionate was the "Ed Show" host in supporting the President he several times showed video footage of downed Pan Am flight 103 while claiming that Moammar Gaddafi was responsible thereby justifying an attack on…
Media Ignore Anti-Obama Protests In Brazil, Report Him Playing Soccer
March 21st, 2011 5:49 PM
Union protests against a Republican governor as well as mass demonstrations aimed at an Egyptian President have been the central focus of our news media the past two months.
But as Big Government's Susan Swift reported Sunday, Brazilians protesting the imminent arrival of Barack Obama hours after he launched missiles at a country that didn't attack America is not considered newsworthy to his…

AP: Obama Playing 'Grand Tourist' in Rio 'Sure to Endear Him Even More
March 21st, 2011 4:38 PM
In a report for the Associated Press on Sunday, Jim Kuhnhenn fawned over President Obama's tour of Rio De Janeiro during a trip to Brazil: "Obama played grand tourist....The president's sightseeing Sunday was sure to endear him even more to a diverse and multicultural country where his personal story already makes him popular."
The article described how Obama, while visiting a community…

Alter: Obama 'A Reluctant Warrior,' Not Cowboy Like Bush
March 21st, 2011 10:55 AM
Of all the Obama sycophants in the press, could the president possibly have a more abject apologist than Jonathan Alter?
The MNSBC analyst gave a groveling demonstration of his devotion in an interview with Willie Geist, guest-hosting on The Daily Rundown this morning. Beyond the predictable swipes at W, notable was the essential incoherence of Alter's defense of PBO's foreign policy. At…

NBC’s Andrea Mitchell Enthralled by ‘Remarkable Job’ Done By Oba
March 21st, 2011 8:33 AM
NBC’s Andrea Mitchell, who after a 2008 presidential debate hailed Barack Obama’s foreign policy knowledge (“boy, he did show a command of foreign policy in terms of the nuts and bolts of it”), on Sunday’s Meet the Press trumpeted now-President Obama’s Libya action: “This was pretty remarkable – bringing this whole coalition together and getting the Arab League” to back military action.…