CNN's Beinart Accuses Israel of 'State-Sponsored Bigotry'
February 13th, 2019 9:53 PM
Appearing as a guest on Wednesday's CNN Newsroom to debate whether there is an equivalence between Minnesota Democratic Congresswoman Ilhan Omar blaming Jewish donors for Congress's support of Israel, and past comments made by several Republicans, liberal CNN contributor Peter Beinart smeared Israel by accusing the Jewish state of practicing "state-sponsored bigotry" against Palestinian Arabs in…
CNN Hosts Link Omar’s Anti-Semitic Tweets to McCarthy Knocking Soros
February 11th, 2019 3:10 PM
Despite the fact that CNN has covered the latest anti-Semitism from Congresswoman Ilhan Omar (D-MN) throughout the day on Monday, numerous analysts and hosts have tried to assist Omar by muddying the waters, suggesting House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) is also anti-Semitic for a tweet last year criticizing the left-wing views of Michael Bloomberg, George Soros, and Tom Steyer.
Morning Nets Ignore Latest Anti-Semitic Comments by Ilhan Omar
February 11th, 2019 12:52 PM
On Monday morning, the broadcast network morning newscasts of ABC, CBS, and NBC refused to cover the latest flashes of anti-Semitism emanating from Democratic Congresswoman Ilhan Omar (MN) in which Omar suggested Sunday night on Twitter that politicians are being controlled by the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) to do Israel’s bidding. To make matters worse, Omar retweeted a…
Scarborough Says Trump Wants to 'Start a War With Iran'
February 4th, 2019 9:22 AM
MSNBC's Joe Scarborough is not a foreign policy genius, but he attempts to play one on TV. Less than one week after saying that Trump was turning over Syria to the Russians and the Iranians, the Morning Joe co-host flipped 180 degrees and said that Donald Trump and National Security Advisor John Bolton want to invade Iran.
Morning Joe Wishin' & Hopin' for Nasty Hill GOP Break from Trump
January 30th, 2019 9:52 AM
The Morning Joe panel devotes a segment to looking/hoping for signs of a break from President Trump by congressional Republicans. New York Times Washington bureau chief Elisabeth Bumiller encapsulates the sentiment: "We're always looking for signs of a break with Republicans on the Hill—a public break—from Trump."
Scarborough: America Will Be Great Again After Trump Leaves Washington
December 28th, 2018 6:53 PM
During Thursday’s edition of Morning Joe, host Joe Scarborough opened the show by playing a clip of President Trump speaking to troops during a surprise visit to Iraq. While Scarborough praised the President’s trips to Iraq and Germany, describing them as “very good and valuable uses of the President’s time over the Christmas holidays,” it did not take long for the Trump-bashing to begin.…
Steyn, Concha Blast ‘Bonkers’ CNN for Iraq Trip ‘Hysteria’
December 27th, 2018 10:54 PM
Filling in as the host of Tucker Carlson Tonight on Thursday, Mark Steyn wasted little at the top of the program to slam the liberal media for their “hysteria” surrounding President Trump’s trip to Iraq to spend Christmastime with the troops. Dubbing it “yet another liberal media meltdown”, Steyn pointed out how they took “the opportunity to turn a presidential visit to American troops into an…
Boo Hoo: CNN Still Bashing Trump for Iraq Visit, Not Meeting Iraqi PM
December 27th, 2018 4:01 PM
Thursday’s Inside Politics led off with more kvetching about every aspect of President Donald Trump’s surprise visit to U.S. troops in Germany and Iraq, including how he didn’t meet with the Iraqi Prime Minister. Conveniently, they downplayed the positive symbolism of having a president visit troops and footnoted the similarities between Trump and Barack Obama in not meeting face-to-face with…
WashPost Stealth Edits Item Attacking Trump After WSJ Calls Them Out
December 27th, 2018 11:57 AM
Talk about an embarrassment for The Washington Post. So would this mean that, on Wednesday, democracy died in darkness? Late Wednesday into Thursday, White House bureau chief/resident snark expert Phil Rucker and colleague Paul Sonne published a piece furthering the liberal media narrative that President Trump was shamed (read: by the press themselves) into visiting troops in combat, but only…
Osama Bin Laden Was Right
December 27th, 2018 10:40 AM
Osama bin Laden predicted it and his prophecy appears to be coming true. In his book, “The Looming Tower: Al-Qaeda and the Road to 9/11,” Lawrence Wright quotes bin Laden as saying: “Look at Vietnam, look at Lebanon. Whenever soldiers start coming home in body bags, Americans panic and retreat. Such a country needs only to be confronted with two or three sharp blows, then it will flee in panic,…
CNN Does Its Best to Dump on Trump Troop Trip
December 27th, 2018 8:24 AM
You just know the liberal media hated it when President Trump and First Lady Melania made a Christmas visit to the troops in Iraq. So CNN went into damage control this morning, doing its best to dump disparaging cold water on the trip. On New Day, it was repeatedly mentioned that this was Trump's first visit to troops in a combat zone, with intimations it was done to deflect attention from the…
CNN: Trump Is 'The Grinch', 'Stole Christmas' from the Troops in Iraq
December 26th, 2018 11:59 PM
First, the liberal media blasted Trump for not spending Christmas with the troops. Then when that became totally fake news, they decried how long it took him to do it. Now, they’re saying he should have never gone at all. At least that’s what CNN was hawking during Wednesday’ CNN Tonight were they dubbed President “the Grinch” who “stole Christmas” from the troops.
CNN Decries Troops in Iraq Who Had Their MAGA Hats Signed by Trump
December 26th, 2018 10:08 PM
During President Trump’s surprise visit to Al Asad Airbase in Iraq to celebrate Christmas with the U.S. troops there, he rubbed shoulders with America’s finest as he took selfies and signed autographs for them. Some of those autographs were signed on the iconic “Make America Great Again” hats that some soldiers brought to him. For any other president it would be treated a fun and warm moment, but…
CBS, NBC Slam Trump’s Visit to Troops in Iraq: Took Him Long Enough
December 26th, 2018 8:57 PM
In a stunning example of the liberal media’s hypocrisy, they showed off their ballet skills on Wednesday when they collectively pivoted from bashing President Trump for not spending Christmas with U.S. troops to bashing him for not visiting them sooner after he made a surprise trip to Al Asad Airbase in Iraq. During their evening news broadcasts, both CBS and NBC brought up criticism of the…