Middle East
The G-Word: Government and Media Must Stop Minimizing Genocide
April 24th, 2017 4:01 PM
Despite hopes that he would break with political precedent, Donald Trump failed to call the Armenian Genocide by name in today's commemoration of the atrocity. As the descendent of Armenian immigrants, I’m beyond disappointed. When government and media fail to label genocide with the “g-word,” it minimizes the calculating nature of the act. Sadly, there has been a trend in this direction.
NYT’s U.N. Defender Again Tears Into Trump for Human Rights Hypocrisy
April 20th, 2017 2:43 PM
Reporter Somini Sengupta continued demonstrating her strange hostility toward Nikki Haley, the U.S envoy to the United Nations, in “Trump Envoy Aims to Show That Rights Are a Priority” in Wednesday’s New York Times. The text box read: “A discussion in the Security Council draws criticism.” It’s a follow-up to Sengupta’s previously, and widely condemned, Haley-bashing and ardent defense of the…
MSNBC's Nance Nominates Trump Tower Istanbul for ISIS Bombing
April 18th, 2017 11:27 PM
In an absolutely shocking tweet late Tuesday afternoon, MSNBC’s Counter Terrorism Analyst Malcolm Nance stepped up and suggested that ISIS bomb a Trump property. “This is my nominee for first ISIS suicide bombing of a Trump property,” he tweeted in response to another one asserting that President Trump congratulated Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s election win for corrupt reasons tied to…
NYT's Kristof: Media Were 'Profoundly Unfair' to Jimmy Carter
April 18th, 2017 1:42 PM
Appearing as a guest on Monday's Tavis Smiley show on PBS, New York Times columnist Nicholas Kristof lamented that the media "truly wronged" Jimmy Carter and were "profoundly unfair" to him while he was President, due to "snobbishness" by the media. He also seemed happy to report that Hillary Clinton's personality has improved since her electoral loss, as the liberal columnist also recalled that…
MSNBC’s Tur Insists Trump’s Foreign Policy Flips Stem from ‘Ignorance'
April 17th, 2017 10:31 PM
MSNBC’s Katy Tur is notably not a fan of President Trump and during Monday’s MTP Daily, where she was filling-in for Chuck Todd, she took numerous swipes at the commander-in-chief. “There are so many questions about what exactly Donald Trump’s foreign policy is. What does the Trump doctrine look like? … There's a lot of confusion about it,” she told Richard Haass of the Council on Foreign…
Whoopi Blasts Trump Over National Anthem, But Obama Made Same Mistake
April 17th, 2017 9:31 PM
On Monday's The View on ABC, co-host Whoopi Goldberg made a point of chastising President Donald Trump -- whom she always refers to as "the new guy" or "you know who" -- because he recently forgot to put his hand over his heart until wife Melania reminded him as the national anthem was being sung. As she suggested that "any adult" who hears the anthem should reflexively remember the proper…
CNN's Zakaria Slams Liberals for 'Trump Derangement Syndrome'
April 16th, 2017 4:37 PM
On Sunday's Fareed Zakaria GPS on CNN, host Zakaria began his show by admonishing liberals for reflexively opposing anything President Donald Trump does -- calling it "Trump Derangement Syndrome" -- as he responded to those who have attacked the CNN host for supporting Trump's airstrikes in Syria. As Zakaria recalled his own history of condemning Trump on many fronts, he warned liberals against…
Patinkin: Who are the 'Bad Guys'; 'White Men' Or Muslims?
April 14th, 2017 10:50 PM
Appearing as a guest on Friday's MTP Daily on MSNBC, liberal actor Mandy Patinkin of Showtime's Homeland series bizarrely suggested that "white men" in the government and military were "the bad guys" in their dealings with Muslims. His hyperbolic suggestion came as he recalled that the latest season of the show has turned toward portraying Muslims more sympathetically in reaction to charges that…
The President Is Allowed to Change His Mind
April 14th, 2017 2:28 PM
It looks like former President Obama's national security adviser Susan Rice will get a reprieve. With all the hullabaloo from President Donald Trump's military action last week in Syria's ... do we call it Syria's civil war or a massacre? ... it now appears that Rice's mishandling of surveillance is going to subside from the headlines temporarily.
Williams, Stengel Blast ‘Novice’ Trump for Behaving Like an Autocrat
April 14th, 2017 2:21 PM
Earth to Brian Williams, it’s clear you had to learn on the job to not make stuff up! On Thursday’s The 11th Hour, MSNBC host Brian Williams and former Kerry State Department official/Time editor Rick Stengel blasted President Trump as “a novice” channeling world dictators while learning on the job.
CNN Journalist: U.S. Dropping Bomb on ISIS Is Sign of Desperation
April 13th, 2017 3:25 PM
In the moments after CNN first reported Thursday afternoon that the U.S. military dropped the “mother of all bombs” on an ISIS tunnel in Afghanistan, their Wonderlist host Bill Weir complained about the bomb’s significance, claiming in a tweet that it marked a sign of “desperation” by the U.S. that won’t have an impact on destroying ISIS.
Tur Can Poke Fun at Spicer’s History Gaffe, But She Has Her Own List
April 11th, 2017 11:14 PM
For White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer, Tuesday was filled with embarrassment after he made a historical gaffe when trying to compare Bashar al-Assad to Adolf Hitler. During MSNBC’s MTP Daily, fill-in host Katy Tur poked a little fun at the Press Secretary. “Sean Spicer stepped in it a little while ago at the press briefing room when he compared or tried to make a comparison to Hitler saying…
CBS Goes Low, Hurls Personal Insults at Spicer Over Hitler Blunder
April 11th, 2017 9:31 PM
Tuesday was an, unfortunately, embarrassing day for White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer, after he made a self-admitted “blunder” while trying to compare Syria’s Bashar al-Assad to Adolf Hitler. Spicer claimed that not even Hitler used chemical weapons on his own people, even though he did during the Holocaust. In response, all three of the liberal Big Three networks (ABC, CBS, and NBC) lead…
The Middle East's Siren Call
April 11th, 2017 5:20 PM
In Greek mythology, sirens were beautiful creatures that lured sailors to their doom with their hypnotic voices. In Homer's epic, "The Odyssey," ships came to ruin on jagged reefs, following siren song, the pull of the beautiful voices so strong that the hero Odysseus, in order not to succumb, commanded that his crew lash him to the mast of his ship, and not untie him, until they were in safe…