NYT's Bronner Hits Israel's 'Disproportionate Force'; Times Also Botc

June 2nd, 2010 5:33 PM
The subject of the Gaza-bound "Freedom Flotilla" organized by pro-Palestinian activists that attacked Israel Defense Forces as they boarded a cargo boat, was the subject of Charlie Rose's talk show Tuesday night.Rose's roundtable included Ethan Bronner, Jerusalem bureau chief of the Times, who accused Israel of acting with "disproportionate force" and for causing "increasing disillusionment in…

ABC, NBC Mark Passing of World War II Hero Lieutenant John Finn

May 31st, 2010 3:12 PM
On Thursday evening, ABC’s World News and the NBC Nightly News both marked the passing of retired Navy Lieutenant John Finn, who was the oldest living recipient of the Medal of Honor, which he earned defending America during the attack on Pearl Harbor. While ABC’s George Stephanopoulos read a short item on Lieutenant Finn, NBC’s Brian Williams devoted an full report to his heroism.On the May 27…

PBS's Tavis Smiley: Far More Christian Terrorists Than Muslim Ones, Te

May 28th, 2010 1:40 PM
Tavis Smiley has apparently been asleep for the last ten years. That, at least, is the only logical explanation for his claim that Christains engage in terrorism far more often than Muslims. He also thinks the Tea Party is a comparably dangerous force to radical Islam."There are so many more examples of Christians who do that," Smiley claimed, referring to terrorism, "than you could ever give me…

CNN.com Endorses Repeal of Don't Ask, Don't Tell; Shuts Out Supporters

May 27th, 2010 7:14 PM
CNN.com's opinion page has clearly sided with those supporting President Obama's proposed repeal of the U.S. military's "don't ask, don't tell" policy barring open homosexuals from the ranks. During the first five months of 2010, the website has published four columns pushing for the repeal and none from supporters of the policy. Two came from the executive director of a homosexual activist group…

To Media and Left, Wartime Service Unimportant for Supreme Court

May 27th, 2010 1:25 PM
The United States is fighting two wars - in Iraq and Afghanistan - so it's natural that the nation's leaders have a solid understanding of what war is about. But President Obama's nominee for the Supreme Court has no wartime experience and if she is confirmed, that would mean no member of the highest court would have served in the military in or near combat. This is a major shift for a…

Schultz Scared Border Troops Given 'Shoot To Kill' Orders

May 26th, 2010 8:31 PM
"Psycho Talk" is a regular segment on Ed Schultz's regular MSNBC show.  But after his bizarre outburst this evening, you really have to wonder whether Ed's the one ready for the rubber room . . . Interviewing a liberal Dem congressman, Schultz expressed concern that the 1,200 National Guard troops that Pres. Obama has ordered to the Mexican border may have been issued "shoot to kill" orders.Ed,…

MRC-TV: Bozell Discusses Double Standards in Blumenthal Coverage

May 25th, 2010 11:08 AM
NewsBusters Publisher Brent Bozell appeared on the May 25 "Fox & Friends" to discuss the media's double standard when it comes to politicians lying about their military records.The Media Research Center president noted the most apt parallel to Richard Blumenthal was Bruce Caputo, a Republican who ran for U.S. Senate in the 1980s, only to drop out after Tim Russert -- then a staffer for Daniel…

Seething Scarborough Hits Harwood's Blumenthal Backing

May 24th, 2010 8:08 AM
Joe Scarborough was on fire this morning, his ire trained on twin targets: Dick Blumenthal, and the New York Times' John Harwood, who casually dismissed the candidate's lies about having served in Vietnam as just a case of getting "a little carried away."  At one point, Scarborough claimed he wasn't calling Blumenthal a "scumbag"—but it sure sounded like it.Harwood began his Blumenthal defense…

‘Fair Game’: L.A. Times Ignores Facts to Pimp Film, Trash Bush

May 21st, 2010 11:40 AM
Editor's Note: This post originally appeared at Andrew Breitbart's Big Hollywood.The political thriller Fair Game premiered at Cannes today. (Pause for giant, collective yawn from Big Hollywood readers…) The Sean Penn-Naomi Watts “starrer” (hey, it’s fun using unnecessarily awkward Variety-speak!) revisits the Valerie Plame Wilson scandal, an episode I’m not even going to bother recapping,…

Video: Troops Returning Home to Surprised Loved Ones

May 20th, 2010 5:22 PM

AP, in Playing Defense for Blumenthal, Disses the New York Times (But

May 19th, 2010 12:22 PM
Earlier this morning, I was minding my own business, reading this unbylined Associated Press roundup of yesterday's elections, when I got to the report's final few paragraphs. They involved "other concerns" the two major parties have. After noting yesterday's resignation by Republican congressman Mark Souder, the report's final paragraph read as follows: Well, that's rich. I wonder how the…

CNN Prioritizes Muslim Soldier/Anti-Christian's Lawsuit Against Army

May 18th, 2010 5:02 PM
While viewers might have expected to see the latest on the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico or Tuesday's electoral primaries, CNN's Campbell Brown devoted the first two segments on her program on Monday to highlighting the apparent religious bigotry inside the U.S. Army - specifically, the upcoming lawsuit of a Muslim who alleges he was harassed and ridiculed due to his religion.Brown played the…

Stephanopoulos Throws Softballs to Former Top Obama Aide, Lets Him Mis

May 10th, 2010 1:53 PM
On Monday's GMA, ABC's George Stephanopoulos dealt with the Elena Kagan Supreme Court nomination by interviewing former Obama official Greg Craig, but no one from the conservative/Republican side as a guest. The anchor did raise potential threats to Kagan's nomination, but failed to follow through when Craig omitted a key detail about the nominee's anti-military record as dean of Harvard Law…

CNN Rolls Out Sob Stories From Latino Soldier, Businesses on Impact of

April 28th, 2010 6:39 PM
CNN and CNN.com highlighted opposition to Arizona's new anti-illegal immigration law on Monday and Wednesday by focusing on sob stories from a soldier of Latino decent whose family entered the U.S. illegally when he was two, and from Latino businesses apparently "already feeling the effects" of the law. Correspondent Thelma Gutierrez's interview of Private First Class Jose Medina first aired…