O-Busted: Selective Service Requirement Did Not Exist When Obama Says

September 7th, 2008 10:10 PM
It remains to be seen whether this turns out to be Barack Obama's "Christmas in Cambodia" untruth, his Dukakis-in-tank hilarity -- or both. Regardless, what follows is a pretty obvious "misstatement" that would not possibly be ignored if it were uttered by a conservative or a Republican.In his hilariously titled post ("Mighta Joined If He Coulda Capped Some Cong") on Barack Obama's interview in a…

Mighta Joined If He Coulda Capped Some Cong

September 7th, 2008 7:55 PM
From ABC's This Week today.GEORGE STEPHANOPOULOS: One of our viewers wrote in—you talk about service—and asked, Brenda Godfrey Bryan, Marietta, Georgia: did you ever consider joining the armed services to protect and serve our country? If not, why?BARACK OBAMA: You know, I actually did. STEPHANOPOULOS: When?BARACK OBAMA: You know, I had to sign up for Selective Service when I graduated from high…

Sarah Has Frank in a Frenzy

September 7th, 2008 2:08 PM
Frank Rich expends his 1,500-words today ripping into Sarah Palin.  Into John McCain for picking Sarah Palin. Into any members of the press who might not rip into Sarah Palin.  What's got Rich so riled up?  Cut to Frank's final line: "they just might pull it off." With props to the late Robert Palmer, Frank's got a bad case of not-loving Sarah Palin—but he's badly worried America will find her…

Olbermann Slams McCain's 'Utter Disrespect for Loss of Life

September 2nd, 2008 2:55 PM

WaPo's Cohen: Palin Pick Like Caligula Naming His Horse a Consul

September 2nd, 2008 9:32 AM
Imagine the outrage in feminist circles if a conservative columnist had mockingly analogized a sitting Dem governor to an animal.  But Richard Cohen has said as much of Sarah Palin.  And I predict you won't hear a peep from the Kim Gandys or Naomi Wolffs of the world—much less from their allies in the MSM.Cohen begins his WaPo column of today by dismissing Palin as "a sitcom of a vice…

MSNBC: Cuomo's Call for Nuclear Freeze Among Greatest Convention-Speec

August 26th, 2008 6:41 PM
To these ears, it sounded like a sophomoric line by, well, a sophomore seeking to impress classmates and perhaps his fuzzy-headed teacher.  But MSNBC has proclaimed Mario Cuomo's call for a nuclear freeze because "peace is better than war and life is better than death" one of the greatest convention-speech lines ever.In the run-up to this evening's keynote address by former Virginia Gov. Mark…

LATimes Brooks Thinks Russia/Georgia War is Funny

August 22nd, 2008 8:39 AM
The L.A. Times' Rosa Brooks has done it again, taken a serious subject and made an uninformed romp of it. One wonders how the old Georgian lady seen in news photos standing wounded among the ruins of her apartment building, or the Georgian Mother running down the street, infant in her arms, trying to escape Russian tanks might feel about the humor with which Brooks brings to bear upon their…

Mitchell Also Circulated Obama's Conspiracy Theory Over Cancelled Troo

August 18th, 2008 6:07 AM
Andrea Mitchell's floating of the Obama-camp accusation that John McCain cheated by overhearing Obama's responses at the Saddleback forum, as NewsBuster D.S. Hube reported, isn't the first time the NBC correspondent has made herself propagator-in-chief of Obama's conspiracy theories.  As NewsBuster Noel Sheppard has noted, McCain campaign manager Rick Davis has now written NBC to protest Mitchell…

Olbermann Claims US 'Provoked' Russia, Sees 'Troubling Neocon Echoes

August 13th, 2008 12:57 AM

AP, As Usual, Botches Its Monthly Report on the US Deficit

August 12th, 2008 10:00 PM
Last month, it was the Associated Press's Jeannine Aversa's turn to mishandle the reporting on Uncle Sam's Monthly Treasury Statement on the government's receipts, spending, and deficit. Aversa's usual specialty is hallucinating over "blizzards of pink slips" and "jobs vanishing into thin air" when she does her "report," aka her downbeat propaganda piece, on the government's monthly jobs release…

The NYT on Convicted Terror-Helper Hamdan's 'Impish Sense of Humor

August 11th, 2008 8:24 PM
Editor's Note: This post originated on our sister publication TimesWatch.org.New York Times terror-trial reporter William Glaberson filed a "news analysis" Sunday on the war crimes conviction of Salim Hamdan, the Guantanamo Bay detainee recently convicted of providing material support to terror by serving as driver and bodyguard to Osama bin Laden. But "A Conviction, but a System Still on Trial…

NYT Can't Wait: 'Deadly U.S. Milestone' of 500 Deaths in Afghanistan

August 7th, 2008 3:16 PM
Editor's Note: This originally appeared on our sister publication TimesWatch.org.The New York Times's front-page report Thursday marking the 500th death in Afghanistan (most but not all in combat) tracks through the same muddy ruts as the paper's previous four stories marking each 1,000 fatality mark in Iraq. It's taken almost seven years of combat in Afghanistan to reach the plateau of 500, …

How Does Politico Justify This Photo Choice

July 28th, 2008 9:41 PM
Update: An NB reader contacted Mike Allen, author of the article, to complain about the photo choice. Allen indicated he was unaware of, and not involved in, the photo selection. The accompaning photo was subsequently changed to one of the condemned solider.Of all the millions of photos of George W. Bush, that displayed here is the one Politico.com chose to accompany its story, Bush Approves…

'He Has a Little Bit of an Arrogant Streak in Him. He Does

July 28th, 2008 5:58 PM
Between now and Election Day, we're sure to see—and chronicle at NB—plenty of MSM sycophancy for Barack Obama.  But between the thrills going up assorted media legs, evidence is emerging that some in the media are beginning to assess the Dem candidate in a clearer light.  Take for example, Gabriel Sherman's piece at the New Republic which as its title—End of the Affair—suggests, has as its thesis…