USO and Budweiser Say Thank You to the Troops

July 6th, 2008 5:11 PM
Try watching the following wonderful tribute to our troops without crying:

Peace Activist Hayden: Iraq Flip-flop Puts Obama at Risk

July 5th, 2008 9:58 AM

ISM Manufacturing Goes into Expansion Mode; AP Changes Subject

July 5th, 2008 1:28 AM
Earlier this week, to avoid "undue" emphasis on how much the situation has been improving in Iraq, the press, in search of bad news, switched its focus to Afghanistan (examples here, here, and here). Kyle Drennen and Warner Todd Huston at NewsBusters noted this on Tuesday. Similarly, Associated Press writer Ellen Simon, confronted with a key report showing economic improvement, decided that it…

NY Times Huffs at 'Entirely False Rumors' About Obama in 'Small-Town A

July 1st, 2008 6:33 PM
Tuesday's New York Times report by Jeff Zeleny, "Campaign Flashpoints: Patriotism and Service" covered the back and forth between the McCain and Obama camps over a controversial comment by retired general and Obama adviser Wesley Clark about McCain's lack of qualifications to be president.In response to a question by Bob Schieffer on the CBS Sunday talk show "Face the Nation," Clark said of John…

CBS’s Logan: U.S. ‘Facing Strategic Defeat’ in Afghanistan

July 1st, 2008 1:15 PM
On Tuesday’s CBS "Early Show," co-host Harry Smith talked to foreign correspondent Lara Logan about the situation in Afghanistan and she declared: "So seven years later we have more troops in the country than we have ever had. And yet no one is admitting the fact that we are facing strategic defeat in a country that wanted us there. Unlike Iraq, they actually wanted us there."Smith introduced the…

Networks Ignore Successful Missile Test

June 30th, 2008 4:01 PM
Update/Correction: Cross-referencing my results with that of the MRC's internal database, I found a news mention on the June 26 "Today" of the previous day's missile test, which aired at the 9:00 a.m. news brief. I know that missile defense is hardly a major political issue right now, but successes in the program are worth at least passing mention in broadcast media, particularly given tensions…

MSM Obsesses with Republican 'Attack Machine,' While Lefties Smear McC

June 30th, 2008 12:46 PM

Can Andrea Mitchell Really Believe Clark Was Freelancing on McCain

June 30th, 2008 9:01 AM
Andrea Mitchell depicts Wesley Clark's cracks about John McCain's heroism as a gaffe.  Bloopers that will cost him any chance of being picked for the Obama veep slot.  But surely the seasoned MSM hand knows better than to imagine that Clark was freelancing.  Clark's were anything but impromptu remarks, made, say, late at night to a foreign reporter in a hotel cocktail lounge in some far-flung…

Mitchell: Powell & Nunn 'Shoved Down [Clinton's] Throat' 'Don't Ask Do

June 22nd, 2008 3:45 PM

WaPo Buried Haditha Dismissal, Gave One Paragraph to Acquittal

June 18th, 2008 12:14 PM

Olbermann Hypocritically Linked McCain to Bin Laden, But Decried Anti

June 18th, 2008 1:05 AM
When Georgia Republicans ran an ad against former Senator Max Cleland, which included a photograph of Osama bin Laden, attacking the Democratic Senator's numerous votes to apply labor union rules to the Homeland Security Department, liberals were outraged as they claimed the ad was an attack on the "patriotism" of war hero Cleland. MSNBC host Keith Olbermann expressed outrage by mentioning the…

Media Snoozing Through Another Haditha Development

June 17th, 2008 5:47 PM
Lt. Col. Jeffrey Chessani is the latest Marine to turn out not to be a "cold-blooded killer" that the media and Democratic politicians painted Marines charged with the Haditha "massacre" to be. This two weeks after another Marine was acquitted in a Haditha court martial. has the AP story about the dismissal of charges against him here.:CAMP PENDLETON, Calif. - A military judge…

CBS ‘Evening News’ Highlights Ranting of Afghan Terrorist

June 17th, 2008 3:59 PM
On Monday’s CBS "Evening News," correspondent Lara Logan touted what was essentially a press release from a key terrorist leader in Afghanistan: "Afghan warlord Gulbeddin Hekmatyar spoke exclusively to CBS News about the state of the insurgency in Afghanistan in this interview smuggled out of his secret hiding place." Logan went on to offer a translation of the video: "‘The resistance is…

Levin on Reaction to Gitmo Ruling: Reporters Spewing Enemy Talking Poi

June 12th, 2008 11:47 PM
In case you missed it, the Supreme Court Thursday bestowed Constitutional rights to terrorists currently held at Guantanamo Bay.As my colleague Brent Baker reported hours ago, the broadcast evening news programs predictably saw this decision as a stinging defeat for the Bush administration that could prove tremendously embarrassing to the president.Almost prophetically, conservative radio talk…