Where’s Memorial Day Coverage of Our Soldiers' Achievements

May 23rd, 2008 10:23 AM
On Friday’s Fox & Friends, Fox News military analyst Colonel David Hunt rattled off a series of U.S. and Iraqi achievements, then blasted the liberal media for failing to report them. “If you talk about success in Iraq, then you’re somehow giving credit to McCain,” Hunt surmised, “and I think it’s wrong, because it does not give credit to the soldiers who have earned this, and we need to stop…

Olbermann: 'Awol' McCain 'Supporting Himself Instead of the Troops

May 23rd, 2008 2:01 AM

Olbermann Demanded B*****d O'Reilly Apologize to Troops, Refuses Himse

May 22nd, 2008 8:53 AM

Lt. General Sanchez Slams Media's Iraq Coverage on FNC

May 21st, 2008 7:45 PM

MRC/NB's Noyes On Fox News Discussing Engel Interview of President Bus

May 20th, 2008 6:47 PM
Media Research Center Director of Research and NewsBusters Senior Editor Rich Noyes appeared on Fox News's "America's Election HQ" program shortly before 6 p.m. EDT today. The topic: The Bush White House's complaint about NBC's misleading editing of President Bush's interview with correspondent Richard Engel. You can find an excerpt of the transcript below the page break, or the full segment by…

NYT Mag: As Isolated POW, McCain Didn't Learn Correct Liberal Lessons

May 20th, 2008 2:38 PM

White House Hits NBC for Misleading Editing in Bush/Engel Interview

May 19th, 2008 6:20 PM

Pentagon Rebuts AFP Claim Military Recruiters Prey on Poor, Uneducated

May 17th, 2008 9:10 PM
Hasn't the MSM learned anything from the unfortunate episodes of John "stuck in Iraq" Kerry and Stephen "if you don't read you've got the Army" King? Apparently not. Once again, the liberal media, this time in the form of the AFP, has perpetrated the canard that the our military is the last resort of the poor and uneducated. An AFP article of May 16 reported the story of Army sergeant Matthis…

More Military Doom and Gloom from AP

May 13th, 2008 12:08 PM
Amid talk among the mainstream media of a sinking economy in which the elderly must live in vans and others cannot afford to drive 35 miles to church on Sundays, the Associated Press did note a drop in unemployment from 2006 to 2007. But even that news was buried in a story about the military and was used to explain trouble had in meeting recruiting goals. On May 13, an AP story by writer Anne…

SacBee: Anti-War Bias Hidden in Tale of Iraqi Girl Getting New Legs fr

May 12th, 2008 10:30 PM
Here is a sad example of the subtle anti-war bias that the MSM constantly hides in stories even when they are heartwarming tales of the great things our soldiers do for the people of Iraq. In this case, it is the Sacramento Bee putting in some almost subliminal anti-war sentiments in the mouth of Staff Sgt. Luis Falcon who worked his heart out to get some prosthetic legs for an 11-year-old Iraqi…

AP: Military Hits Recruiting Goals Despite 'Slow Economy,' and 'Unpopu

May 12th, 2008 9:13 PM
Don't you just love the MSM? They can't even report good news without interjecting their doom and gloom, agenda driven verbiage into any report. This time it is the Associated Press with the good news that the Marines and the rest of America's armed forces have reached their recruiting goals. In fact, many branches of the service exceeded them. All good news, right? Well, naturally the AP had to…

Columnist Rips Obama and Media Over FDR, Truman 'Talked to Enemies' Cl

May 10th, 2008 10:33 AM
Though more easily comprehensible, the comical error (or is it what he truly thought?) in Barack Obama's "57 states" statement (HT Newsbusters' John Stephenson) is nothing compared to the dangerously wrong "history" he recited in his North Carolina Primary victory speech Tuesday night. Friday, at Real Clear Politics, Jack Kelly recounted the Illinois Senator's egregious error, and its…

CNN.com Needs to Brush Up on Its Military Hardware

May 8th, 2008 12:46 PM
CNN has an article posted this AM about the on-going misery in Myanmar resulting from the recent cyclone that devastated the Irrawaddy delta and has left as many as 100,000 dead. The country's paranoid military dictatorship is hampering aid efforts, and as a result, is no doubt adding to the number of dead and injured. In writing about the U.S. forces in the area poised to help if the…

Only NBC Reports Navy to Name Ship for Medal of Honor Recipient

May 7th, 2008 9:15 PM
Last October the NBC Nightly News was the first broadcast network evening newscast to highlight the first Medal of Honor award since Vietnam for a member of the Navy, Lieutenant Michael Murphy, a SEAL killed in combat in Afghanistan in June of 2005, and on Wednesday the newscast stood alone in highlighting the Navy's announcement that a guided-missile destroyer will be named the “USS Michael…