CBS’s Smith Wonders if Tape of U.S.- Iran Naval Conflict Was Fake

January 10th, 2008 1:23 PM
At the top of Thursday’s CBS "Early Show," co-host Harry Smith questioned the authenticity of an audio tape of the confrontation between U.S. and Iranian ships on January 6: We're going to try to re -- to deconstruct the Pentagon tapes just released of that hostile incident in the Strait of Hormuz. Iranian speedboats taunting a U.S. ship. A tape the Iranians are calling a hoax. There's something…

HufPo Effrontery: U.S. Fabricated Iranian Boat Incident

January 10th, 2008 10:37 AM

Will Old Media Learn a Lesson from Lancet? Doubtful

January 4th, 2008 10:05 AM has news (HT Instapundit) about the reality of the October 2006 Lancet report on civilian deaths in Iraq -- a report that was breathlessly and gullibly cited at the time by Old Media outlets and reporters (including David Brown here at the Washington Post). Here is background for those unfamiliar with the original story: Published by The Lancet, a venerable British medical…

Judge Torpedoes Navy with Sonar Reg, Seattle P-I Doesn't Note Clinton

January 4th, 2008 9:59 AM
It's bound to be overlooked by the media at-large in large part due to the Iowa caucuses, but a court ruling that burdens the U.S. Navy with yet another environmentally-driven restriction was handed down from a federal district court judge yesterday. That judge, the Hon. Florence-Marie Cooper, is a Clinton appointee, a fact unreported by the Seattle Post-Intelligencer's Robert McClure (emphasis…

The (Rewriting) History Channel

December 30th, 2007 5:14 PM
On a lazy December 30th Sunday afternoon, I flipped on the television, on which the previous evening I had left the History Channel (they were then doing a military analysis of the Bible, which was at once interesting and uninfuriating).This time the tubes warmed to display a replay of Clear and Present Danger, the film based upon the Tom Clancy novel.  Co-hosting the rerun were the Channel's in-…

Olbermann Features Favorite Special Comments of

December 24th, 2007 3:37 PM

Fox Focuses on MRC Study of Declining MSM Iraq Coverage

December 23rd, 2007 10:13 AM
A recent study, "Good News = Less News on Iraq War," by Rich Noyes, the Research Director of Media Research Center, NB's parent organization, revealed that coverage of Iraq by the big three evening newscasts has declined as the news from Iraq has improved. Fox News Sunday host Chris Wallace highlighted the MRC study during his interview of General David Petraeus, Commanding General, Multi-…

The NYT's Dogs Aren't As Cute As You Thought

December 21st, 2007 2:11 PM

Jim Moran's 'Ethnically Cleansed' House Floor Comment Ignored by Media

December 21st, 2007 9:00 AM
The improving situation in Iraq is driving certain congressmen and congresswomen to rhetorical depths I don't recall ever seeing. Though there have almost surely been other instances of offensive excess on the House Floor over the Iraq War, we've recently been treated to at least the following: Pete Stark (D-CA), October -- "You don't have money to fund the war or children,'' Stark said. "But you…

'A-Team' Movie Will Involve 'Oil Tycoons' and Iraq Vets

December 17th, 2007 3:01 PM
What is it with Hollywood liberals and their penchant for messing with my childhood heroes by making them shills for liberal storylines. First "GI Joe." Then "Knight Rider." What's next, "The A-Team"? Maybe. (h/t Perez Hilton)Variety reported yesterday that John Singleton is on board to direct a silver screen adaptation of the 1980s TV action drama "The A-Team." This time it sounds like oil…

CBS Relieved It Has a Juicy Bad News Story

December 12th, 2007 12:22 PM
After months of declining violence in Iraq as a result of the troop surge, Wednesday’s CBS "Early Show" jumped on news of a car bombing in the Iraqi city of Amarah as co-host Russ Mitchell declared: "There's breaking news out of Iraq this morning. Three car bombs exploded today in one of the deadliest attacks in months." CBS Correspondent Jeff Glor reported from Baghdad and tried to frame the…

Did Chicago Sun-Times Endanger a U.S. Soldier's Life Just for a 'Scoop

December 12th, 2007 11:12 AM
Long-time gossip columnist for the Chicago Sun-Times, Michael Sneed, was one of the first to announce that the son of Chicago's Mayor Daley volunteered as a private in the U.S. Army in 2004 after successfully attaining his MBA from the University of Chicago. That was interesting reporting, that such a big city mayor's son would join the Army like a regular guy, of course, but has Sneed now taken…

RINO Chuck Hagel Brings Balance to CBS’s ‘Face the Nation

December 11th, 2007 4:35 PM
In an effort to have a fair and balanced debate on the issue of the destruction of CIA interrogation tapes, "Face the Nation" host Bob Schieffer invited Democratic Chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee, Jay Rockefeller, and liberal Republican, Senator Chuck Hagel, on to Sunday’s broadcast. Hagel proved to be left of Rockefeller: We are saying what to the world? That the Army Field Manual…

MSNBC's Shuster: Waterboarding Equivalent to Shooting Legs Off

December 11th, 2007 1:20 PM
MSNBC hosts Joe Scarborough and David Shuster squared off in a heated battle on Tuesday over whether waterboarding constitutes torture. Scarborough appeared exasperated with his left-leaning guest and, at one point, derided, "Are you an expert? When did you decide and when did the liberal media decide and when did all of us in Manhattan, Georgetown and West Hollywood decide that waterboarding was…