Once a Terrorist Always a Terrorist

May 28th, 2019 3:23 PM
Secretary of State Mike Pompeo called the release of self-admitted “American Taliban” member John Walker Lindh “unexplainable and unconscionable.” Lindh, who was paroled last Thursday from a federal prison in Terre Haute, Indiana, served 17 years of a 20-year sentence for illegally aiding Taliban forces. Lindh had joined the terrorist organization before September 11, 2001. He was in Afghanistan…

Mika Tries, Fails to Get Guests to Use Memorial Day to Attack Trump

May 27th, 2019 6:32 PM
On the Memorial Day edition of MSNBC's Morning Joe, co-host Mika Brzezinski tried to bait liberal commentators Mike Barnicle and Paul Rieckhoff to use the national day of remembrance to attack President Trump. Fortunately. the two Trump critics, likely recognizing there is a time and a place for everything and that today is not that time, refused to go along.

Faux Republican Dowd Uses Memorial Day to Bash President Trump

May 26th, 2019 12:14 PM
Memorial Day is a sacred day for all Americans were we honor and remember the soldiers who died defending us and our freedom. But for ABC’s faux Republican Matthew Dowd, the day was just another political cudgel to use against the target of his ire: President Trump.

CBS Passes Along Threat of Violence Against U.S. from Iraqi Politician

May 23rd, 2019 8:47 PM

On Monday, CBS correspondent Roxana Saberi used Iraqi President Barham Salih to shame the United States for the military response to threats posed by Iran against U.S. forces and interests in the region. Then, on Thursday’s CBS Evening News, she appeared to up the ante by passing along a threat of violence against the U.S. made by an Iraqi politician who was part of an Iranian-backed “militia…


CBS Used Iraqi President to Shame U.S. Response to Iranian Threats

May 20th, 2019 11:27 PM

Despite the fact a rocket landed in the Baghdad green zone close to the U.S. Embassy over the weekend, the CBS Evening News was more interested in wagging its finger at the U.S.’s response to intelligence reports suggesting possible Iranian backed attacks were coming. To back up their position, CBS relied on Iraqi President Barham Salih.


Gen. Petraeus DESTROYS ABC Fear Mongering, Trump Not for War With Iran

May 19th, 2019 1:33 PM
Despite warnings from the Trump administration about an imminent attack by Iran or its proxies against American allies and forces, and the attack against oil tankers that followed, the liberal media has been claiming the threat from Iran was being overblown by an administration itching for a war. But, during an interview with ABC’s chief global affairs correspondent Martha Raddatz for This Week,…

ABC/NBC: Iran Warnings a ‘Real Test’ of Trust in Trump, 'Faulty' Intel

May 15th, 2019 11:56 PM
The USS Abraham Lincoln was speeding to the Persian Gulf, U.S. military bases in the Middle East were on high alert, then on Wednesday nonemergency staff for the U.S. Embassy in Iraq were ordered to leave because the U.S. had intelligence of an “imminent” Iranian-backed attack. But the liberal media, which often carries water for the regime, was skeptical. ABC News suggested it was “faulty” intel…

Iran-Friendly NBC Skeptical Their Buddies Behind 'So-Called Sabotage'

May 13th, 2019 9:23 PM
It seems that in the eyes of NBC News, the evil Iranian regime can do no wrong even as all the evidence points to their involvement in the sabotage (via explosives) of four oil tankers in the Persian Gulf. Despite U.S. warnings over a week ago about such attacks from Iran or its proxies, Monday's NBC Nightly News projected skepticism with anchor Lester Holt calling the explosions “a mysterious so…

NBC Drama Pushes 'Socialized Medicine,' Military a 'Socialist Program'

May 8th, 2019 12:25 AM
Tuesday night, New Amsterdam on NBC returned with another episode and more liberal propaganda. It’s no secret that New Amsterdam shamelessly promotes socialized medicine, especially with Max Goodwin (Ryan Eggold) as the medical director. Time and time again the show has tried to promote even more liberal policies in an already publicly funded hospital despite the setbacks they may cause.

NBC Bemoans Trump Pardoning Soldier, Cheered Obama Releasing Manning

May 7th, 2019 10:51 PM
Despite admitting the move had the support of “three dozen generals and admirals”, NBC Nightly News seemed peeved that President Trump pardoned Michael Behenna, a former U.S. soldier convicted of unlawfully killing a terrorist in a combat zone. But back in 2017, NBC cheered when President Obama released Chelsea Manning, who damaged U.S. intelligence by leaking secrets to WikiLeaks (before the…

Matthews Suggests Trump Is Pressuring Maduro Regime to Win FL in 2020

May 7th, 2019 5:40 PM
MSNBC’s Hardball host Chris Matthews continued on Monday to allow his legitimate concerns about foreign interventionism to cloud his judgment, whining without evidence that President Trump has taken such a firm stand against the failed Venezuelan socialist dictator Nicolás Maduro to curry favor with Floridians (presumably Hispanic voters) and Republicans to secure reelection.

NBC Sides With Iran, Suggests Trump Provoking War on Behalf of Israel

May 6th, 2019 8:40 PM
After first claiming the United States was trying to “provoke” an all-out war with Iran Monday morning on MSNBC, NBC’s chief foreign correspondent Richard Engel brought his tinfoil hat conspiracy to NBC Nightly News later that evening. NBC kicked off the broadcast with Engel’s suspicion about U.S. intelligence claims that Iran was planning some sort of attack against troops in the region.

CBS's 'SEAL Team' Says VA 'Might as Well Be the DMV'

May 4th, 2019 5:40 PM
CBS’s SEAL Team must not be listening to Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. The series has now aired not one but two episodes criticizing the Department of Veterans Affairs. Even this show about the best special operators in the world realizes that the government isn’t the best solution for everything.

SEAL Team Exposes VA: ‘A Health Cre That Runs Like Post Office'

April 25th, 2019 1:26 AM
CBS’s SEAL Team has been mostly quiet this season regarding social issues. In its place, recent episodes have taken a deeper perspective into the lives of soldiers during and after deadly missions. This week's episode offers the latest example with a critical look at Veterans Affairs.